Can a "felon" get a break?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by paradimethyl, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. dynosaur

    dynosaur Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    Open your first checking account and then immediately after apply for a loan. It will be denied! Why? NO CREDIT HISTORY!!! Credit history is a demonstrated ability to make timely payments over an extended period of time. Opening a checking account means absolutely NOTHING to a loan officer.

    Likewise, one job is NOT a work history. It is a demonstrated LACK of history, unless the one job was held over an extended period of time. Go to any trucking company and apply for a job as a driver with a single job flipping burgers at McDonalds on your resume and see if you get a job

    Webster's Dictionary: History; a systematic account, usually in chronological order; all recorded events of the past.

    Obama was elected president. Is that a history of the United States. No, it's an "Historical Event".
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2009
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  3. dynosaur

    dynosaur Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    San Francisco, CA

    What we are doing is called 'Hijacking' a thread. It needs to end, so I'm done with it. It's clear that you really have a thing about bar fights. I believe I know why; you're the guy that get's his clock cleaned on a regular basis. In school, it was you're lunch money. You're a VICTIM! You can't understand that every once in awhile you run up on a guy like you that is in need of an attitude adjustment. You need a hobby, or something. How about collecting Barbie Dolls. Just leave us alone---get a life!
  4. BoDarville01

    BoDarville01 Light Load Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Atlanta, GA

    i have a thing about people who cry about not getting a fair shake because they made a mistake, and then blame it on the company who dont hire them based upon a criminal record.

    obama being elected has no bearing on this argument, and is irrelevant. time to buy a clue......
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2009
  5. Mastertech

    Mastertech Staff Leader / Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Dec 28, 2007
    3rd Rock From The Sun.
    I have cleaned up posts, and removed some insults.....PLEASE talk to each other with respect. Insults and inflammatory statements are not acceptable here.
    7mouths2feed Thanks this.
  6. shredfit1

    shredfit1 Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Man, you said it.

    Just this week I absolutely NEEDED(not by choice) to park in an area for 15 min. got my truck in and several 'drivers' started berating me on the CB.

    After listening for a while, I finally keyed up... (I'm NOT lookin' for trouble, but if any driver wants to come up to my truck and start something with me.... I'll FINISH it.) The chatter immeadiately ceased(perhaps because I'm 6'1 and 225?). I suspect, BoDarville likely was one of the beraters. Classic small man syndrome.
    IUFAN87 Thanks this.
  7. dynosaur

    dynosaur Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    I know what you mean. It's the nature of this job. As anyone who has driven for a while knows; trucking is a very confrontational, in-your-face, job. The long hours, the frustration of dealing with rude and inconsiderate 4-wheelers, ditto for shipping and receiving clerks, dispatchers, and DOT, makes for some pretty cranky drivers. I have heard it said (and I agree, totally) that today's OTR drivers are modern day cowboys/girls. It doesn't take a lot of imagination so see the similarities: nomadic, working long hard hours, traveling all over the country. When we're on the road, we have no foremen, or supervisors, to rectify problems. We are all familiar with the underhanded crap some drivers pull like trying to grab a door you have been assigned after a three hours wait. YOU have to handle it; there's nobody else that's going to stand up for you if you're not going to stand up for yourself. Some times it means rolling in the dirt; sometimes it means standing up to a 6'1', 225 lb. driver and hoping nobody notices your knees shaking. (No offense intended). This guy BoDarville01 is going to have a rough go of it if he genuinely believes that a call to the local yokels is the solution to encounters such as those mentioned. But, we live and learn. Good luck to ya'!
  8. BoDarville01

    BoDarville01 Light Load Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Atlanta, GA

    Yeah, i'm sure it just stopped all of a sudden. Typical "CB Cowboy" story
  9. dynosaur

    dynosaur Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    It has as much bearing on the argument as "opening a checking account."
    IUFAN87 Thanks this.
  10. IUFAN87

    IUFAN87 Light Load Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    All Over
    Amen brother! Put up or shut up! My Daddy always told me, dont ever start a fight, but if someone else does you finish it! My Daddy was a VERY wise man!
  11. PharmPhail

    PharmPhail Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    Your dad lived in a very different time. Tune-ups are illegal now. Should it go back? I don't know, how far? Used to be legal to challenge a barmate to a duel with pistols.

    I do think it is silly for copmanies to take on the added responsibility of dealing with criminals by not hiring them. It is the state's job to deal with that. Once it's over it should be over, IMO. I know it's not my job to punish people above and beyond. But, HR offices seem to enjoy the extra work and responsibility. Guess it breaks up a dull day.
    BoDarville01 Thanks this.
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