Complaint about Maverick Transportation LLC hiring Practices, opinions please

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Gary7, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. TJC

    TJC Bobtail Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Does only the trainer trucks have refrigerators, or do all the trucks have them?
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  3. TJC

    TJC Bobtail Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Can anyone tell me if they allow smoking in the trucks. I know they have designated areas to smoke in NLR.
  4. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    If you are talking about while you are out with the trainer, it depends on him. They will try to match you with a smoker if you smoke and vise versa.

    Not all the trainer trucks have refrigerators in them. It depends on the trainer. I lucked out.
  5. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    When you have your own truck you can smoke in it. I am sure you would be responsible for any burn holes though!:yes2557:
  6. TJC

    TJC Bobtail Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Ok Thanks Jim. Im heading to NLR in 2 weeks. Just trying to get all the info I can possibly get. Thanks again.
  7. dollylama

    dollylama Light Load Member

    Mar 7, 2008
    Marshfield WI
    I spent the week before last in N Little Rock in training, & was with the orientation group for the better part of each day. You are NOT hired until you are offered employment, which I believe was Thursday of the week, which starts on Sunday. The entire time you are in orientation, you are being observed and evaluated, not just in the classroom, but how you interact with others while you're on break or lunch. Your participation in class is important, and your attention to details when the instructor speaks is also key. This is also your 4 day "interview" time to determine if this job is for you--it's tough, demanding, & rewarding.
    Ops85, notarps4me and Ridgerunner665 Thank this.
  8. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    You are 100% correct, but to make it perfectly clear, until you eval out and they hand you the keys to your own truck, you really have not been hired on. Yes you are drawing a paycheck, but you are not a Maverick Driver!
    Ops85 and dollylama Thank this.
  9. Kansas

    Kansas Road Train Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    aircap, Ks.
    Gary7, I tend to believe your story. I can see you're a decent person by the way you write. You have actually thought out and eliminated many of the reasons to let somebody go. Noticing stuff like tattoos, weight, body piercings, drug use. All those things that a personnel rep is looking for as they cull the heard.

    My feelings from what you've said. One of the recruiters screwed up with you, and its actually had nothing you did. They over-shot their quota on new hires, and being you don't have any recent experience, you got the boot. Also, they may have found something on your driving record they couldn't explain, a blip, a missing fact. Anything that helped them cut 1 head from their list. Something with no real subsistence, but reason enough to choose you as the fall guy.

    Although it may be a shot to your ego, don't sweat it. Keep working on it, you'll find another company. Maverick isn't any big deal. Just another big box company that's dragging down rates. Keep looking somebody will give you a chance.
  10. Ridgerunner665

    Ridgerunner665 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    The recruiters didn't screw with him...if they had they would be fired, or at least re-educated (same goes for fleet managers)

    Like notarps said...the have zero tolerance for BS...from anybody, no matter if they are in a truck or in the office.

    Over shot their quota...LMAO, thats funny.
    notarps4me and dollylama Thank this.
  11. 75th Rangers

    75th Rangers Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Tri-Cities, East Tennessee
    Zero tolerance for BS, be professional, their way or the highway, do your job, etc... sounds like what any reputable company would want (not just trucking); when the time comes Maverick will definitely be on my short list....though in reality, the ? is will I make it on their short list?

    As far as the aforementioned I have no problem with those things or what they will expect from a potential employee/driver; though could anyone let me know what they think of or how they look at tattoos? I have several "upper arms, military type, non-offensive" and not very visable with a short sleeve shirt; I also have a small tattoo on my left hand "non-offensive"...could or would this be a problem?

    Thanks and God Bless.
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