Perkins Specialized Transportation, Inc. - Indianapolis, In.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by bandit, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. bandit

    bandit Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2006
    blairsville ga
    :x This is about a so called lease-purchase deal from a co. named SPECIALIZED PERKINS TRANSPORTATION in INDY. They pawn themselves off as a true owner/op orientated co. But what they don't tell you is all the double charging off fuel cards,running two log books to get the job done,but most off all is how it is your truck but yet your name is nowhere to be found on the title,insurance or on the permits that they charge you for. I got into this so called deal last march 26 until march 13 this year. when I got this "new truck" it had 14000 on it,when Igave it back to them it had 157799 on it. between march and dec. the trk made 109000 dOLLARS, i MADE 3000 AFTER ALL THE PAYMENTS AND ETC. I've been in this bus. 37yrs. and have had my own tks before until my ex screwed my credit.Their line hall only pays the tk 56% and if is by the mile you may get 1.00. The highest fuel sur charge is only .28. I have had brokers in the past and with them that oyed much more but because it is their #### I got .75 per mile. The only one making money is Andy Card ,Owner of Perkins. I have contacted OOIDA which I am a member but they tell me they can't help but yet they have gone after similar co for the same thind. WHAT IN THE HELL GIVES? Seems like big brother and the industry is out to get rid of the independents altogether so they can control the trucking industry and its new breed of so called drivers who can't find their way out of a parking lot without a road map.
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  3. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    I am assuming that you mean Perkins Specialized Transportation, Inc.

    ISS-2 - 100

    Driver OOS - 14.8% (National average - 6.78%)

    I wasn't aware that they were in the lease/purchase scam business.
  4. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    I gotta admit, this is the first time I think I have ever heard anything against Perkins, and the first word I have ever heard of them running lease purchase scams. Not a good thing if they are doing that, but it's a new one on me to hear this. Not doubting your story, but I'd like to see this confirmed a little bit more. Anyone else have problems with them?
  5. bandit

    bandit Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2006
    blairsville ga
    :x There are a lot of guys that have had trouble with perkins but unlike them I complain. They only have about 4 or 5 company drivers but all the rest are either owner op. or lease purchase. The owner op. get a different deal than lease purchase does. If you get into a debit they are more than willing to give you a side note and by doing that they take out the regular payments then your fuel plus the side note so when it,s done you have no pay at all for yourself. As my D.M. told me just before I gave the truck back all that matters is to move their freight. Iwas not in business to go broke while Perkins makes the profit. All you have to do is call thaem and tell them you have a tk to lease on and hear the story then call back and ask about the lease purchase.
  6. Roadtoad

    Roadtoad Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2006
    As martha would say, not a good thing, what a nightmare, I'm sure glad someone can share their stories on here and warn people about this crap"
  7. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    Just a note here. I looked through some magazines in the truck yesterday, and found three different ads for Perkins. Not one of them said a word about any form of lease purchase program, so whatever they have they are keeping pretty close to the vest. Most advertise that as a come-on, so it's kind of surprising they don't say anything.
  8. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    Most Lease or lease-Purchase deals are scams that get drivers to pay for THEIR truck & fuel! :x YOU'LL NEVER own it.NEVER! :x
  9. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    In the latest issue of "Trucker's News", their ad did offer a lease purchase. You had to look real close, because it was buried in the middle of the listing of things that the company offered.

    But, as the poster has offered, and as a general word of advice, I have checked into SEVERAL of these lease/purchase deals, and not ONE of them is worth trying. They are all skewed in the favor of the motor carrier, and the driver will be screwed in every way that he or she possibly could, and you can rest assured there will be no kiss on the cheek afterward in appreciation.

    Just say....NO!!!
  10. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    Okay, I didn't have a copy of Truckers News with me. And I wholeheartedly agre, I have never seen a single lease purchase deal that I would recommend anyone go into. Well, maybe there are a few people that I don't really like much, and it would be fine for them, but not for folks in general.....
  11. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    That's just...well... mean....

    Remind me not to make YOU mad at me... :smt067
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