Mini-Pilot, Cambridge, Ohio. I-70.

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by Triad, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Triad

    Triad Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    Columbus, OH
    Okay. Sometimes I just need to rant. If you've ever tried to stop at this ###### poor excuse for a truck stop, you'll likely have a few reasons to hate it, too!

    It's small and cramped. I have to put my tandems all the way up to hit half the pumps when there aren't people parked at weird angles in them. And when the pumps are full, it's because there are 5 idiots there taking naps IN THE FUEL ISLANDS. I don't know what it is about this truck stop in particular, but nobody ever pulls forward after fueling. Even when they do, they still sit there for 20-30 minutes before moving their #####. I know you'll run in to plenty of people and places where someone won't pull forward so other people can fuel, but it's a nightly occurrence at all pumps here. And this is at 2:30 am!

    I'd never ever ever stop there if it weren't so convenient on my route. But it's the easiest place to get to every might and really saves time when I don't have to wait 20 minutes for some guy to finish eating his sub at a table inside and get out of the ******* fuel lane.

    The best is when a driver cut me off pulling across the road to the dirt lot cluster - something across the street. Here I am a quarter mile away doing 45 and he decides to creep across the road. After I got my load out of the shipper down the road, I came back through 30 minutes later and there were cops in the dirt lot. This special guy had cut a turn too short and ran the tail end of his truck in to another truck. Some people.

    This place really does attract some of the most inconsiderate, stupid drivers on the road at 3am. But to its credit, it's quick and easy if I can get in and the ladies that work nights there always recognize me and are nice to talk to. It wouldn't be a bad place to fuel if people would just... pull... forward! If I drive by and see full lanes, I just skip it these days and go to the Loves down the road. So much easier to get in and out of.

    Okay, done with my rant. Whew. Anyone else have anything to say about this stupid place?
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  3. HousTank

    HousTank Medium Load Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Houston, TX
    No...but I can think of a dozen more just like it.

    That kind of behavior and inconsideration has become rampant all over the country just in the few years I've been driving.
  4. skibum_63

    skibum_63 Road Train Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    somewhere, USA
    Kansas city is a freaking dump
  5. Triad

    Triad Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    Columbus, OH
    Oh, man. I pulled in there one time. Said HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO and kept right on truckin'.
    askbob Thanks this.
  6. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    Well it is small.......BUT if it so convenient on your run in betting the 186 would be just as convenient and you can always get in/out of the GoMart...and the new speedway cross the street.......unless you must use a peelot?
  7. Triad

    Triad Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    Columbus, OH
    I actually come out from Columbus, then head right back, so I don't get as far as the 186. I don't HAVE to use a pilot, I just come off of I-70 right there and head right past it on the way to Colgate-Polmolive down there. Like I said, I've gotten to where I'll go to the Loves right before Zanesville if I don't like the look of the pumps as I go past the Pilot. I'm mostly just complaining about people who don't pull up in general. As small as that lot is, the one thing they do have plenty of room for is pulling forward!
    'olhand and tsavory Thank this.
  8. trucker3205

    trucker3205 Light Load Member

    Feb 2, 2013
    harrisonburg, va
    I'm familiar with that pilot. Its even worse when someone is trying to back into a spot and blocks all the trucks from moving forward. That place is a traffic accident of a truckstop. Like someone got a map out blindfolded and pointed to where to build the pilot . the traffic light right there makes it tough getting out as well.
  9. askbob

    askbob Light Load Member

    Aug 16, 2010
    While this behavior is way too commonplace, the Pilot at exit 126 is much better.
  10. buzzarddriver

    buzzarddriver Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    That's an old Speedway. Only made that mistake once.
  11. Kindle

    Kindle Medium Load Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    Charlotte, NC
    Sounds like the Pilot in Charlotte
    ncmickey, Interplanet Janet and hawkjr Thank this.
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