Help with speeding ticket!

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by texasclassA, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. rich_t

    rich_t Road Train Member

    May 28, 2009
    United States

    Have you talked to your lawyer yet?

    Radar goes through glass BTW. You've never seen a dash mounted unit in a cop car?
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  3. texasclassA

    texasclassA Bobtail Member

    Aug 11, 2010
    No, just talked on the phone to the secretary I guess a few times. She said they have notified the court I am fighting the ticket and that I will get a letter in the mail as to when I am to appear in court. I cant figure out how can a cop use the radar inside the cruiser with the window up facing the direction of traffic?
  4. rich_t

    rich_t Road Train Member

    May 28, 2009
    United States

    Radar goes through glass.
  5. tesla4all

    tesla4all Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Southeastern US
    Not gonna multiply words with you mr. far as being a truckstop lawyer,...I don't waste my time. If you had taken your time to read my post, you would see that I clearly stated that this is not for everyone...I'll go one step further, would be for the RARE individual as you have to be confident in what your doing...and educated.... By educated, I do not mean attending law school, I don't mean listening to any truckstop lawyer. I don't get into personal attacks...but you......sir...are the type of person that encourage others to stay beat down with your "you can't win rhetoric"....I've been representing myself in court for well over 25 years, and I've pissed-off a lot of azzhole cops..judges...and court officials along the way. I've also gained a great deal of respect in jurisdictions that I've had extensive dealings in. I've had rulings overturned by higher courts...I've had charges rescinded. Is representing yourself in court the right choice for the average person.....hellno.....Is education yourself to handle your own affairs beyond the reach of a lot of folks....I don't think so. So, I think I've stated enough here to let you know that intimidation doesn't fly here......neighbor.........I got over my fear of cops and the courts long ago and unlike yourself, I like to compel my brothers to liberate themselves rather than remain in bondage as you and your kind would have bear.....
  6. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    First off, theres no reason to be personlly disrespectful toward anyone on this board regardless of whom they are, except for you. I have found MR. Bear's post always to be accurate.

    I have been through the I'm going to represent myself crap, and what you become is the laughing stock of the court room that day. Even a lawyer will tell you that it takes a fool to represent themselves, even lawyer use a lawyer.

    You are right about one thing that being an attorney is a member of the court , and so is the officer for that matter. If you go into court and disrespect the officer in the court room the judge will see it as disrespecting the court it self as the officer is a sworn member of the court.
    You will not be taken serious trying to represent yourself.

    I had a ticket in Moorpark, CA I was actually not guilty and the city was wrong, and tried to represent myself then won on appeal with an attorney representing me. The only difference was I was legally represented in the appeal, he even used al my notes and pictures that had previously been admitted and reviewed by the court.

    Only a fool would walk into a gun fight with a knife. If you want to win use a local attorney. And in this case they will offer you a plea bargain 9 out of 10 times of being a seatbelt or coasting. You still pay the fine, the court cost and the lawyer but it shows as a no point tickets.

    The only tickets I can speak of are issued by CA or TX, and in both case they have been pleaded down, and TX held the ticket in the court file and never posted it. The TX judge said if I got another speeding ticket in his area he would post them both, if not it would go away in 90 days. Thats was 3 years ago never heard or seen it so I guess he was as good as his word.

    Anybody that would recommend walking into a court room with being legally represented is a fool.
  7. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    The old style fixed mounts do, When I had my radio shop we used to build Police Cars and mounter them in the front and rear windows of the patrol cars. CHP had some that mounted in the grill. The new LIDAR can not be shot thru glass, but it is because it is very low power and narrow band to decrease false readings.
  8. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    Most crusier have dual transceivers 1 mounted in the rear window, and 1 in the front.
  9. tesla4all

    tesla4all Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Southeastern US
    My response was strong...because the comments this individual came with were in my opinion disrespectful....I generally don't debate politics,religion, ect because they become highly inflammatory matters. In the future I will keep my opinions to myself because for the just can't help people. I make no apologies that I was gifted with a good mind...I should probably be shot for wasting my talents making a career driving truck. I am not a condescending individual but I really don't fit in with your average group of drivers. I think dieselbear is perfectly capable of defending his own position, I don't really think he needs your help. You sir are a perfect example of one who allows himself to be misguided by others that want to keep you out of their wallet. Sure the officers of the court are going to mock...sure they are going to tell you that only a fool represents themselves. I just happen to have close ties to the legal system and have an inside perspective that most folks don't. I've been subject or sneers and snickers in court...but guess what...they don't snicker any longer. How many times do I have to repeat that this isn't something the average individual, THAT HAS NOT BOTHERED TO PROPERLY RESEARCH PROCEDURE AND LAW PERTAINING TO THE PARTICULAR SITUATION AT HAND, should take on. Is handling your own affairs in court beyond the scope of the average individual....again I say no. Would I defend myself in a murder case unrepresented.....probably not.....Fool,...I don't think so. "Even a lawyer will tell you that it takes a fool to represent themselves"...sure they do....I guess you think they are some kind of gods or something,...I don't. Judging from the scenario you related concerning your case, your right, YOU definitely don't need to be representing yourself, were clearly not properly prepared.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
  10. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    If you really believe its about truth, justice and the american way. Then more power to you. It is not, depends on the court. But your odds are greatly improved by being represented.

    I 've no need to comment past that your own post speak for themselves.
  11. tesla4all

    tesla4all Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Southeastern US
    Look friend,....I'm really not looking to be at odds with you or anyone else here on this forum. I feel that I as well as the next person should feel the freedom to express themselves and share their experiences with others. I'm not looking to win some kind of whose right and whose wrong match. I have a real issue with the system of LACK of justice in this country. Law and law enforcement is not about justice...its about money, politics and power...end of story. There is a better way...but the path is riddled with nay-sayers and those that have a desire to keep the masses oppressed. I'm just trying to carry a torch and light a path...that's all. Don't know you or dieselbear...but people tend to reveal a lot about themselves through the words that pass their lips. I like being on the team that is part of a solution..not the problem....and the solution team is always the smaller of the is always an uphill battle....but I'm a freaking fighter!....I take great pride in legal battles that I and my wife have prevailed in. but believe you me...these wins didn't come without scars from the battle. We have paid personally, professionally, and it has cost us at times our family and freedom.....But, we have gained a world of experience in a couple of areas of law in particular, and have become downright experts in our field. WE KICK ###!! I didn't choose the deck of cards life chose to use...but I've darn-well played the hand I was delt!....And we don't fold!:biggrin_25513:
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