Seatbelt Tickets in Texas

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by stylicho, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. stylicho

    stylicho Light Load Member

    Jan 20, 2007
    Ive heard from two people (US Express and JB Hunt drivers) that the cops in Texas wrote them a seatbelt ticket even though they had one on. Another driver also told me he went to court to fight it and the cop didnt show up to defend himself so the judge delayed the trial to another date :sad1:. I figured that would be illegal? Anybody else have trouble in Texas with this sort of thing.
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  3. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    I know they are strict about there seatbelt law. And the tickets are not cheap like some states. Plus they can pull you over soley because you were not wearing one. SOme states you can only get the ticket if you get pulled over for something else.
  4. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    This is because in TX not wearing a seatbelt is called a primary offense. MD is the same way. Like most things, seatbelt laws were created under coercion from the Feds, or the states faced loss of federal highway funding.

    In those states it is a secondary offense.
  5. LogsRus

    LogsRus Log it Legal

    Nov 23, 2006
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Are you sure the friend maybe put the seat belt on while the cop was pulling him over?
    I don't see how a cop can give a ticket if the driver did have his seat belt on?? Unless the officer caught him putting it on as he was getting pulled over?
    I thought if the cop didn't show it was automatically thrown out? I am not sure about Texas law, but I do know Texas is writting up & warning drivers for false information regarding logs. I guess you get that any where but seems to happen more so in Texas. Like if you was over your hours and you had a 2 hour break they will only shut you down for 8 (Instead of 10) or vice versa, but the fact is you are over your hours so they should shut you down for 10; unless a split break is possible- the 2 cases so far that was not the case. But u would not want to argue that one with him.
  6. stylicho

    stylicho Light Load Member

    Jan 20, 2007
    They both said the cop was on the other side of the interstate or hwy and the cop turned around pulled them over and said they werent wearing their seatbelts. How a cop can see that from across an interstate is beyond me. But there is definately something crooked in the lonestar state. Im looking to buy into a videocamera and installing it near the top bunk to keep an eye on me and if they give me a seatbelt ticket then Ill have something to sue about.
  7. LogsRus

    LogsRus Log it Legal

    Nov 23, 2006
    Indianapolis, Indiana

    Hey that is a very good idea about the camera on you! I wouldn't want everyone seeing me pick me nose but I guess it might save ya money! l.o.l.:happy7: I don't do that:thumbleft:
  8. Dr Demented

    Dr Demented Light Load Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Delphi, IN
    It's a bummer there for sure...I've never had any trouble outside of a weigh station. I got a $150 ticket for not wearing my seatbelt when the DOT dick opened my door when I pulled in...saw I wasn't wearing the seatbelt and worked me and the truck over...

    I've worn my seatbelt whenever I go through the scalehouse just to be safe and always lock my door when I'm driving so some ####### can't sneak up on me again like that...
  9. OceansideHog

    OceansideHog Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    That's Texas for ya!!!

    Mind you I have not lived there in 20 some years but as a young buck struggling to make ends meet it was always the darn anual state inspection sticker that got me. A little business card size sticker that had to be displayed on the left front windshild with the month and year of issue on it. Driving old klunkers cause I was cash poor with bad credit at the time it was a challenge to pass the inspection in a timely manner. And I gahrun darn tee you the DPS can spot that little sticker from a mile away going the other way doin 90! Also keep in mind that back then it was also still okay to drink and drive in Texas, you just couldn't be drunk. But heaven forbid your vehicle inspection was expired by a day. Ticket for sure.

    Shortly after I got to California my Texas plates had expired. Still poor and hadn't converted to Cali tags yet and one day I was at a red light in front of a fire station not 3 blocks from the DMV and a police cruiser pulls up right behind me. I knew I was going to get a ticket for sure but I made my right turn and he went left and merrily on his way! I thought to myself I must have died and gone to the promised land cause in Texas it would have been... "step out of the car and put your hands on the hood boy."
    It's been at least ten years since I have been pulled over here in California (knock on wood) and it was for a burned out brake light. Fix it ticket and I can handle that but in Texas since they don't have income tax (may have since changed) I think they fund the state gubberment by writing tickets.

    There used to be a tourism commercial for Texas when I moved to Cali that said "Come visit Texas, it's like a whole nother country!" I used to just laugh and say to myself, or whoever would listen, no #### you aint a kiddin!
  10. Caveman Charlie

    Caveman Charlie Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    If the cop doesn't show up for court you have to "make a motion" and ask the judge to have it thrown out. He then is suppose to do it.
  11. Truckerjo

    Truckerjo Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    It wasn't in Texas but I also got a seat belt ticket. I pulled into a scale and got the light to pull around back. I parked and released the seat belt to get my log book from the passenger side dash, At the same time A DOT officer opened my driver door and told me to get my paperwork (um? I was doing that anyways) Well just to make a long story short the officer gave me a seat belt ticket, I tried to tell him I had it on but you know there is no wining with those guys. Paid it (something like $175) and never showed up on my MVR.
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