FFE bought by KLLM

Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by dv8ter25, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    the mighty fell a long time ago.
    ask any lisa motor lines or american eagle driver who held out until now. Not that I am one of either.

    FFE has been setting itself up to be bought for nearly a year now.
    That oilfield operation kept them afloat last summer after they lost several vital players in their LTL division (the main cash cow of this place.) I'd put money on the Duff's chucking that tanker division off, and I'd put my next years salary on limited growth in the TL division, if not a complete freeze on hiring until they (Duff's) figure out that the TL division is a dead horse that was beat to a pulp about 9 months ago.

    Facts to facts;
    Tanker is a half assed pipe dream that is run poorly and is becoming less and less profitable for these folks.
    TL cant survive with the sort of management that FFE has/had to offer in the past year.
    LTL is the only thing that's remained profitable because FFE provides a minimum weekly paycheck, and they keep good managers in all their terminals that aren't named Lancaster.

    Those LTL managers are getting fed up with the constant flow of BS that comes down from Dallas. Everything from fuel route restrictions that border on down right retardation, to scheduling arguments with our main terminal managers.

    Let me ask you something on a personal level. If you were a terminal LTL driver manager, and had 10-20 drivers whom you had to orchestrate between 3-7 pickups/drops a day for each one, each pickup at a different company, managed to get all that done, alert the driver, print out manifests and figure out the logistics and timing of getting the load back to a terminal and processed then when your driver calls in for fuel you have to say "gee, sorry. you need to call Dallas for fuel because I dont have the authority to get your any" or another for instance, Dallas calls the ltl shippers and recievers and switches times and dates around without even alerting the ltl driver manager or even the driver- would you stick around for that?

    Because that's what a lot of the LTL DM's are dealing with. Every day.
    Lose the LTL DM's- you lose the LTL division. their job is complicated enough without Dallas sticking it's fat nose where it doesnt belong playing with scheduling, fuel routing, equipment management ect ect ect.

    That's why this company is hemoraging drivers.
    That's why this company is fit, only to be bought out and become the first company of many to allow KLLM to become the new swift.
    dv8ter25 and mje Thank this.
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  3. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    The new company will be known as FKEM
  4. dv8ter25

    dv8ter25 Bobtail Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Somewhere, TN.

    If that isn't truth, than I don't know what is....
    mje Thanks this.
  5. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Would their trailers look like this ?
    AZS, sazook, DirtyBob and 1 other person Thank this.
  6. trips74

    trips74 Medium Load Member

    Nov 7, 2007
    chicagoland, il
    Its getting interesting. I hope this makes things better.
    mje Thanks this.
  7. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    trip, I hear tell that the whole Dallas admin team was laid off.
    Any truth to that?
    mje Thanks this.
  8. trips74

    trips74 Medium Load Member

    Nov 7, 2007
    chicagoland, il
    Right now business is as normal I have no other answers.
    first this was suppose to be a stock buyout , if anyone loss there
    jobs it was the board members. Rumors are just that right now nothing has been answered.
    mje Thanks this.
  9. Lhallowell

    Lhallowell Bobtail Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Arlington, TX
    Yep...everybody thts upstairs..ALL of them except for 12 ppl got they walking papers on wednesday...nobody knows wen the final day is...kllm is shutting down the TL operations staff and the lancaster safety dept. All tht will be ran from there headquarters in mississippi....ffe jus is not sure wen tht will happen. As an FFE driver I'm concerned as to wat changes the drivers will be required to make...
    mje Thanks this.
  10. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    You're either gonna be regional LtL or out of a job.
    mje Thanks this.
  11. foxy

    foxy Bobtail Member

    Aug 24, 2013
    I work for Kllm we know that your pay will be lowered. We haven't had a raise in 5 years.
    mje Thanks this.
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