How come truckers don't stick together???

Discussion in 'Truckers Strike Forum' started by BAYOU, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. BAYOU

    BAYOU Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Just seen on the news in Houston,tx protests protesters angered by the acquittal of George Zimmerman managed to shut down a freeway in Los Angeles for almost half an hour until police were able to take control of the scene by firing non-lethal projectiles. That scene repeated itself today on State Route 288 in Houston, Texas, as hundreds chose to play in traffic in honor of Trayvon Martinjust to get there point across......moves like this changes things. Just like what truckers did in the early 70s it changed things. Can't wait to see more of this in the weeks to come!!
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  3. volvodriver01

    volvodriver01 Road Train Member

    Traffic should have kept on driving. Let em committ suicide if they choose to do so.

    SHO-TYME Road Train Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    Dahlonega, GA
    If we stop for these protests, is it considered "Off Duty," or "On Duty, Not Driving?" And if they protest over 30 minutes, can we run over them?
  5. yearziro

    yearziro Light Load Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    As a blackman I seriously don't understand why these people are freaking out the case against the guy was weak from the beginning....Well i guess if you get your news from CNN your a moron anyways
  6. Beethoven

    Beethoven Light Load Member

    May 3, 2010
    Cincinnati, OH
    If only half of the truckers out here would "Man up" maybe we would not have deal with EOBR's and CSA. So many guys out here want to tell everyone that they stand up for their rights and believe in their rights, but they just roll over and accept all this crap.

    #### spineless radio rambo's!!
    mamamullins and BAYOU Thank this.
  7. Olympian

    Olympian Medium Load Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    What truckers have to protest about?
  8. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    Glad to hear your point, yearziro. I also thought the case against Zimmerman was less than stellar. There was a lot of pressure to bring charges, I can understand that, but trying to make the death of a youngster thatended up on top of Zimmerman, pointing his skull on the pavement, into a cause celeb doesn't seem to be the best choice of rallying cries. It does seem that the case does highlight the overarching issue regarding perceptions of safety for young people of color.

    Regarding whether truckers could ever find a "rallying point", like the fuel price protests decades ago, is an interesting one. Maybe if they started mandating I take a 30 minute break in the middle of the day... oh... wait, they already did that...

    ... we're getting killed by Chinese water torture, drop by drop.

    We would need a defining "thing" or moment to rally around.
  9. Olympian

    Olympian Medium Load Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Stop voting for big government loons. You used to could say stop voting for Democrats, but the last Republican President grew government like a Democrat on steroids and today both parties are big government tax and spend liberals.
  10. Beethoven

    Beethoven Light Load Member

    May 3, 2010
    Cincinnati, OH
    Cheap freight rates, rising fuel cost (I don't really think we can do anything about this one), inadequate fuel surcharge, endless unfunded federal mandates, lack of adequate parking, just to name a few issues.
    mamamullins Thanks this.
  11. yearziro

    yearziro Light Load Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    Reps and Dems are both going to give it to us but the question is......... Who is going to kiss you after they give you the shaft?
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