Cell Phone mounts and the law

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Brucesmith, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Brucesmith

    Brucesmith Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    Don't know if I am in the correct forum? Can you use a cell phone that is mounted to the dash? Switch it to speaker phone and it would not be in your hands??
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  3. tow614

    tow614 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Hands free means no touch... as long as you dont touch the phone to accept or make calls...however you cannot do this on speaker phone only.

    just break down and buy a bluetooth and be done with it.
  4. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    Use of mobile phones is restricted for CMV drivers

    This rule restricts a CMV driver from reaching for or holding a mobile phone to conduct a voice communication, as well as dialing by pressing more than a single button. CMV drivers who use a mobile phone while driving can only operate a hands-free phone located in close proximity. In short,the rule prohibits unsafely reaching for a device, holding a mobile phone, or pressing multiple buttons.

    How can drivers use a mobile phone and still obey the rules?

    • Locate the mobile phone so it is operable by the driver while restrained by properly adjusted safety belts.
    • Utilize an earpiece or the speaker phone function.
    • Use voice-activated or one-button touch features to initiate, answer, or terminate a call.
    lagbrosdetmi, tow614 and turnanburn Thank this.
  5. turnanburn

    turnanburn Medium Load Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    central Vermont
    I had some fun last summer by making 3 calls to people at our state DOT, and asking them if it was permissible/legal to use a mounted smart phone as a GPS. I got 2 no answers and one yes answer. I called the FMCSA VT line, The state DOT enforcement line, and the cell phone of an officer, given by the enforcement person who just didn't no. I think this is one of those gray areas as far as roadside interpretations/problems.
  6. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    so you can have a mounted gps unit, but not a cell phone gps unit?????

    as condo pointed out. one button touch.

    sounds to me like you have a phone mounted in close prosimity. it only takes one button to answer calls. and that's the answer button.

    before the rule took effect. that's exactly what i was doing. phone tied into radio. everyone could hear me loud and clear with the phone being 3 feet away. mounted on the dash. and i could hear them through the radio speakers,
  7. buzzarddriver

    buzzarddriver Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    And yet, as i am properly seated and belted in my seat, i have to reach for the Jake Brake selector switch and/or AM/FM radio controls. Further than the location of my phone mount.
    What is wrong with this picture?
    Should all truck makers be forced to put all controls on the steering wheel?
    I am all for no texting while driving and holding a cell phone to the ear while driving, but they have gone way too far in regulating what you can reach for while driving.
  8. turnanburn

    turnanburn Medium Load Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    central Vermont
    It's just ridiculous that in so many cases lately, these rule are so complex and many layered you can't get a straight answer, and worse, you can't count on uniform enforcement. Way too much is left up in the air.
  9. Rooster1291979

    Rooster1291979 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    What about voice activated texting? I have always wondered about this. In order for me to text I have to press 1 button on my headset and I can dictate a message. For replies I press the same button on my headset and the message is read to me. At no point do I even have to touch or look at my phone.
  10. tow614

    tow614 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Perfectly legal...

    remember : it is only against the law if you get caught
  11. Rat

    Rat Road Train Member

    Just do not hold your phone to your ear when driving down the road. Perfer you not use it at all when sharing the same roads as myself. I have been dang near pushed off the road many times just this month by people jabbering away in their headsets. Medical fact from mulitiple studies, the human brain can not multi task. It HAS to switch back and forth. Simply test, get a puzzle ment for preschoolers, assemble the puzzle while being timed then do it again while counting to ten. Bet money it takes you longer to assemble it while counting. This is how much your reaction time is effected while chatting away on your headset.
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