Carrying firearms in a truck

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by GasHauler, Mar 27, 2007.

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  1. GasHauler

    GasHauler Master FMCSA Interpreter

    Oct 23, 2005
    Awhile back I briefly got into a discussion about carring guns in the truck. This subject has been toss around on other groups for some time now and I'd like to bring forward what I've found.

    There is no one permit that will allow you to carry a concealed weapon in all of the states. Some states will honor another states permit but they are few. Some states say you must live in that state to carry. Just about all of them require that you take a course in that state. Most all of the requirements state you must check every town, city, and county that you travel through. Some states have a different definition for concealed weapons. Just having the weapon in the truck can meet the concealed weapon definition in some places.

    I know there are large fines and possible jail time if you don't have the proper permit. Just because someone says it's ok you're asking for big trouble. If you decide that you need a gun I would highly suggust that you look up every state you'll be traveling through to find the requirements. At least call the state and ask. Then go to the city, town, and county level. There is just too big of a risk to do something like this blind. Just because your state makes it easy to carry a weapon doesn't mean you can do it in other states. California will nail you big time and you'll do some jail time too.

    My point here is please check (and if were me I'd call too) every place your truck is going to travel through. Be prepared to clear yourself if you're involved in an accident and they find the weapon.

    Personally I think it's stupid to carry a gun in the first place. I'm sure most companies will say they don't allow it for insurance reasons. I just haven't seen a need for one and I've been driving since 1978. Sure there's times I'd like to shoot some tires out but I never would. Then if you do shoot someone you better be sure when you used deadly force it was used properly. Which I doubt the general gun owner knows anything about.

    Addition from Admin:
    This is an informational thread for those with questions about carrying firearms in a commercial motor vehicle. It is not for political proselytizing. If you want to talk politics, use the politics forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
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  3. fredthebob

    fredthebob Bobtail Member

    Mar 22, 2007
    If it's all about protection, I just assumed that's what God gave us tire irons for. It's not like we're using those things to change tires.
  4. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, the fire extinguisher, the triangle box, and even the truck itself. A tractor is a warehouse of bludgeoning objects. It's a small wonder a lot of drivers actually do wind up getting mugged.

    At any rate, I imagine a lot of carriers have policies against having weapons of any kind short of possessing a really mean dog.
  5. Carolina_Beaver_Teaser

    Carolina_Beaver_Teaser Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Mooresville , NC
    I thought that there was a FMCSA reg against carrying firearms in commercial vehicles?
  6. earthbrown

    earthbrown Medium Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    you will never see the need to carry need one and dont have one.

    If you are an owner operator, and do not EVER run into NYC, put a 12ga shotgun in the truck.

  7. Roadhound

    Roadhound Light Load Member

    Jan 31, 2007

    The last time I checked, I couldn't throw anything or my truck is not as fast as a speeding bullet. If someone comes at me with a gun, throwing something at them or trying to run them over are not the first things that come to mind. "I hope I don't have to use this but I will if I have to" is what would probably come to mind. I will just have to take my chances with state laws when it comes to safety.
  8. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007

    I reckon next question would be whose bullet would be quicker at finding the target and I hope ya'll don't have this shootout at the pilot where I am parked at. My luck each of you will be parked on each side of me hollerin on the CB "missed me; take this," bang, bang ,bang.:biggrin_2556:
  9. Carolina_Beaver_Teaser

    Carolina_Beaver_Teaser Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Mooresville , NC
    I never said I was against it, or that I personally do not, Just there are laws against us protecting ourselves. ( yeah, now that sh#$ makes sense????)

    Just do what you gotta do, and some day, this country will thank you ( maybe?!?!?!):biggrin_25519:
  10. Cerberus101

    Cerberus101 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2006

    bwahahahahaha.....that was so funny , it actually brought a tear to my eye...........
    pinballwizard and larry_minn Thank this.
  11. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007
    For those who need a gun....:biggrin_2554:

    A simple "legal" method of carrying a gun on your truck. Flare guns. In itself, it can cause major damage.

    Current models, are availible in a variety of "calibers" and frames. The most popular, the flourescent orange metal frame in 12 gauge bore.

    The flare itself, has little recoil. However, a 2 4/3 inch load of buckshot can rip your hand off. So aim straight the first time. You most likely will not get a second shot.

    WARNING!!! It is not legal, to carry it around with a "live load" of regular ammo (buckshot). But you can always carry that in your pocket for the second shot. And you are not going to make it through customs if you run north and they find it, along with your "live" round.
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