do you think cutting mph saves fuel?

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by truckermark, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. truckermark

    truckermark Bobtail Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    was wondering how you all feel about about like 60 mph verses 65mph ? saving fuel?
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  3. rank

    rank Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    50 miles north of Rochester, NY
    Depends on many things, not the least of which being what speed the truck is geared to run at, but yes unless the truck is spec'd with very tall gears you'll get better fuel mileage running slower because...among other things.... you're pushing less air. Rule of thumb is 1/10th mpg for every mph.
    truckermark Thanks this.
  4. truckermark

    truckermark Bobtail Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    thanks for your thought....
  5. JBT

    JBT Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
    truckermark Thanks this.
  6. lmcclure1220

    lmcclure1220 Light Load Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    Walnut, Ms
    Feeling about it means nothing! I sure liked to make those wheel go around in the old days. But these companies wouldn't be doing it unless it works. Between fuel and insurance they save enough to pay for any lost loads.

    I was trucking when a "good" mpg was 4.0-4.5!! Something works these days. They tell me Schneider is going to automatics in all their new trucks looking for 11 MPG.
    truckermark Thanks this.
  7. sailboatjim

    sailboatjim Light Load Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Boston, Mass
    I think speed does hurt fuel mileage normally but I had a truck that was kind of different from the norm once.
    It had all the bells and whistles for fuel mileage and a data computer /cabover with a N14 electronic. I think it was a 94 or 95 model.
    Anyway, it had a 4.33 rear and was always wound up tight and for whatever reason the electronics showed that it got better fuel millage higher up say 65 to 70 than it did down low.
    It was a 375hp from the factory that had been turned up to 425 or 35. When I was going 55 with heavy load it did not get as good of fuel economy as it would going 65 or even 70.
    I've never run across anything like it since.
    I think it was more of a momentum thing.
    In fact, that truck always needed to be loaded because it got terrible mileage dead heading. It wasn't much better than loaded.
    It sure did run sweet though. I loved that little n14.
    truckermark Thanks this.
  8. rank

    rank Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    50 miles north of Rochester, NY
    I used to run a '95 N14. 15 direct, 3.90 rear and tall rubber. It would pull.

    Now I run a '98 370/400 M11 with a 4.33 rear. Are you sure your old COE wasn't an M11 or an L? 4.33 seems like a lot of gear for a N14.

    Must have had a 10 speed OD and tall rubber to be geared that tall?
    truckermark Thanks this.
  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    Spokane, WA
    The less horse power you use, the better the fuel mileage, but also, the more turbo the more bang for buck. If being frugal gets you stuck behind a bunch of stop and go traffic then so much for fuel mileage!
    I get my best mileage just staying out of the clusters, and going with the flow. Also I never use the Jake or touch the brakes unless I have to, or a governed MT truck needs to get around me on the downhill. ;)

    ETA: in other words I dont think there is any set speed thats going to save you x amount of fuel unless your the only one on the road.
    truckermark and x#1 Thank this.
  10. blr300

    blr300 Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    St. Thomas Ont. Canada
    I agree with Rank..... 1/10th for every mph. I usually run 58mph. So 65mph for me is a lot of fuel. Well over a half mpg at that point. Cuumins isx with 13 speed and 3.58 rears. My rpm is 1250rpm at 58 mph.
    truckermark and rank Thank this.
  11. sailboatjim

    sailboatjim Light Load Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Boston, Mass
    It was an N14 and it would run 2100 for hours at a time.
    It never used oil and I never hurt it running it like that. 2100 or so was about 75 mph.
    It was a #### good motor. It came with 24.5 but someone had put 22.5 on it when I bought it and I ran it like that.
    truckermark Thanks this.
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