Anything Good About Western Express?

Discussion in 'Western Express' started by Brett08, May 1, 2009.

  1. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    When Orientation was done, there were about 5 people that quit because they couldnt stand to sit on their tails not making money for 2 weeks waiting for a trainer. Granted I only had to wait 5 days.

    So there is a wait after the quick orientation. I had a better orientation at CR England (more in depth). At western it was a mere refresher, yet others were asking me about the stuff I had learned elsewhere. Grumpy is a heck of a driver, grin but that is all I can say about his teaching skills.

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  3. Brett08

    Brett08 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Red Bluff CA.
    My husbands orientation was in Ontario CA. very detailed and alot of paperwork, they have his truck ready for him, and he's gonna give it a shot. With the economy the way it is, many companies where we live do not hire out of this area, so we shall see.
  4. ibcalm1

    ibcalm1 Bobtail Member

    May 19, 2009
    I worked for western for a year there were good to me i had the best dispatcher ran hard but i was in flatbed out of emporia,va. I can say i never had a problem just with safety about running hard. They were great to work for me.
  5. steelersfan

    steelersfan Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2009
    #### you had 4 accidents in the 35 days that you worked there, i bet their opinion of you is as bad as your's is of them!lovesthedriveLittle over 4 weeks (35 days to be exact). At the end of this time and only having seen $400 for pay I was doubting the companies honesty about 600 a week. Took them an extra 2 weeks to get me paid in full. Even then it was like yanking teeth.
  6. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Uhh not 4 accidents. The truck was parked with out me in it. It was durring the time that I was not driving it they said I had the accidents.

    What I did have during the time I drove for them was numerous tires go bad that were balding or what not. When the tire went flat or was not supposed to be driven my manager said to pull it down the road anyways. Total of 3 tires went bad. All on the trailers, never on the truck. One was in Pennsylvania ( a recap that exploded), another was a tire that went flat over night while parked at a pilots, the third the tire scuffed the tread off to bare wire. Only reason I can think a tire would scuff that way is that the trailer needed a alignment.
  7. simpsonized

    simpsonized Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    ive been with western for almost 2mths ,next week,plus 3 weeks with a trainer,for e-valve,(i think i had grumpy)in 7 weeks ive put 20,000 on the truck,paid for 90% of the ,meaning the dont pay practical miles,they pay the sourtest route(thats what matches the gps)no problem with pay,as long as you do your paper work right and transflows turned in on time,pay could be better,but i could also be sitting doing nothing,not makin any money,some people there just suck,but ive learned that if your polite to people there you'll get more. most truckers ive meet there think there the sh&%! people get tired of it,i be polite and courtious,and get what i want,try it!
    Also im a flat bed driver,based in Birmingham,AL,may i get lucky,this how i do things,and they do me ok,also ive been home 5 out of 8 weekends,or close of nufe to goto a long as i do my job no one calls.
    Baack Thanks this.
  8. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Flat bed division seems to take better care of their people.
  9. simpsonized

    simpsonized Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    some people will argue that,like my trainer he quit 2 weeks after i got out his truck,but he allways complained about not wanting to go west cause it was his week to go home ,everytime i go west i get a load home,pick up a load in Nashville go to elpaso,then down to some place in the desert 60 miles from the nearest town,then across tx to deliver then south dallas to pickup,then to mississippi,then to new orleans then back home buy friday nigth dont have to del to monday,easy 3000 mls,dont what he was coplaining about,he tryed to get a job at other companys,no luck,just got hired back drivin vans out of nash..But that guy winned about they didnt go out of there way for him,you know what im saying.
    I see,( loves the drive) you must be based out of virginia,heard nothing good about them yards,nothing but complants,GOOD LUCK
  10. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Yep looks like I get to deliver lumber instead for a local lumber yard. Pay is better, but at least I will get paid . BWahahahahhahahah! :biggrin_25525:

    Never complained when they did hand me what ever. Agreed and took it along with the rest. Only had one time near end when on weekend they had me go to Conn, dropped the trailer, they sent me to Mass, changed their minds, sent me to Conn, Changed their minds sent me to Mass, changed their minds and sent me to final load. Drove extra 200 miles for changing minds. How nice of them you know?
  11. truckerswife817

    truckerswife817 Bobtail Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    youngstown, ohio
    I work for Western Exp now that they bought out SMX. I wish your husband the best of luck. THEY SUCK!!!!
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