Truck driving can prove rewarding for those who can handle long periods away from home. On top of working extraneous hours, truckers have to meet tight deadlines exasperated with pressure by their superiors. In addition, they must meet strict regulations outlined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), including the accurate recording of hours worked in a designated DOT log book. A DOT log book contains records jotted down by truckers who detail their activities over the course of 24 hours. According to the log book rules, truckers must keep track of their location and time spent on and off duty. Each trucker must fill out these forms thoroughly and accurately or else they face harsh consequences. Falsifying any information in the DOT log book can make the driver liable of prosecution. The federal regulations required in the Hours of Service (HOS) forms guarantee that drivers will acquire the rest they need before hitting the road again.
How To Fill Out the Truck Drivers Log Book
Truckers may find it fairly easy to fill a drivers log book once they know the basics. The contents of a truck driver log book include the date, name of carrier, truck number, and the total number of miles driven within a 24-hour period. If the driver used more than one vehicle, then it must also be reported in the trucking log book. After filing the basic contents of the drivers log book, truckers can move beyond the skeleton of the form. Drivers should report the starting time of the 24-hour period, the names of all co-drivers, and the shipping document that specifies the carrier and commodity being transported. State the point of origination in the “from” line. In addition, write the destination in the “to” line.
During the drive, truckers must track their activities by inputting their progress on the graph grid. The graph grid contains a box for each hour of the day. It also has marked areas divided into fifteen minute intervals. The graph grid also provides four lines to help drivers indicate their activities. For instance, a driver may indicate that they are off-duty, sleeping, driving, or on duty and not driving. Truckers should record their duties using a straight line passing through the center of the activity line. It should start from the beginning time to the end of the duty being executed. The Hours of Service (HOS) log book rules vary according to the type of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and objects or subjects being transported. For instance, drivers transporting property may drive a maximum of 11 hours after taking 10 consecutive hours off. Drivers who transport passengers may drive a maximum of 10 hours after taking 8 consecutive hours off.
Drivers should draw a vertical line from the first mark of the previous duty to the next line. Continue to draw the horizontal line for the current duty until it becomes necessary to draw the next vertical line. Be sure to leave comments in the remarks section after completing each duty, especially the time, date, and location. Specify the city, town, village, and state. In fact, record the nearest milepost and highway for pinpoint accuracy. All drivers should fill out their truck driver log book in this fashion. Count the number of hours and re-check to see if it equals 24. Correct all mathematical and grammatical errors to make it as accurate as possible. Be sure to write legibly when recording information in a trucking log book.
Take the Log Book Rules and Regulations Seriously
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) enforces their rules and regulations. Drivers should record their activities in their truckers log book to avoid penalties. Under section 395.8, drivers must preserve a record of their activities in their trucking log book. Drivers who make false reports may face liable prosecution for their actions. A signature confirmation certifies the accurate reporting of activities, making the driver responsible for updating their status as it happens. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will not hold carriers responsible if the driver decides to sign the trucking log book, even if they were “forced” to do so.
Many Hate and Love the Log Book Rules and Regulations
Drivers tend to crack jokes about keeping accurate records in their truckers log book. Many feel that they can handle the road without having silly rules and regulations interfering with their progress. In fact, many feel pressured into arriving early enough to make more money. Others want to avoid getting docked for arriving late. Contrary to popular opinion, the truckers log book protects the driver against runners fatigue. Studies suggest that drivers become less alert to crisis situations when they exceed their driving limits. This may lead to dangers of falling asleep behind the wheel or reacting slowly when it matters the most.
When the Pressure is On
Drivers who feel pressured to break the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations to appease the shipping carrier should consider the priority at hand. Drivers sign their truckers log book, making them liable for breaking the rules. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) holds the signer responsible for the contents within the truck driver log book. This makes it imperative for the driver to speak up when a carrier demands that they meet their deadline in an unreasonable amount of time. Drivers who encounter carriers who hassle them to break their Hours of Service (HOS) should tell the carrier that they will not break the rules and regulations. Drivers who dissent against the demands of the shipping carrier fall under the protections of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA).
marlon says
A good learning tool for new comers to use
Gary. Ross says
I have a ? When running local with in 100 miles you supposed to fill out a time sheet correct?where do you get these time sheets?
Sandra says
Do you have an electronic log book to enter my driving.
Mike says
There is an excellent logbook free for apple Iphones but you still have to print it out every day since you must have previous 8 days on paper. If you are home every night, this works great. Printing is done from your computer after syncing. If you are gone multiple days like me its not so helpful. I wish the feds would accept electronic logbooks that are not wired to the vehicle.
Jim says
if you are a local driver and operate within 100 miles of your base you
do not need a log book at least in CA…I’ve done 18 hour runs with no problems.
Jim says
and Highway 1 at sun set is massively wonderful! I always tried to be there then when I could!…Short wheel base with a donkey the don’t ever go there with anything larger!
Luna says
I need verification. On the from and to section at the bottom of grid, my home terminal is vaiden, pick up a load in kosciusko and go to birmingham and back to kosciusko and then back to home terminal. should it just read kosciusko to birmingham?
mike says
“From” is your start place and “to” is the furthest point you travel out. So another words, your turn around town.
kirk says
“From” and “To” are not required by the FMSCA to be filled in. As always, give them as little info as possible, so they have less info to hang you with. Just sayin’.
peter falcon says
Address A Address B Calculate up Calculate back total miles.
Stephanie Lynn Arnold says
What exactly does DOT go by when checking log books?
Mayo says
They check your bills for times, and compare them to your logs. Fuel receipts, but now, more than often the fuel receipts do not have time stamps. They also check traveling times from point to point. You don’t want to be the driver who logged 150 miles between stops in a 45 minute period.
Monty Darkis says
Can a driver log “into the future”? For example; at the end of your shift, you finish your shift at 6:00 PM and go ahead and finish out the rest of the day showing sleeper birth.
Mayo says
No. You are required to update your log as the events occur. you “should” not update your at the end of the day showing your duty status changes. If you’re stopped, you may be cited for log not current. The same thing goes for predicting your log. If something were to happen and your status changed, you will be held accountable and may face false log violations.
Kris says
I would advise against it.. never know what will come up between those times..
jerry mcneil says
Who is responsible for supply of log sheets for a company hired driver?
Mayo says
It would be nice if the employer supplied the log pages, but the responsibility is not assigned to anyone.
Lindy says
I shuttle RV’S. I don’t go over 137 miles loaded and I’m at home every night. Do I still need to fill out a log sheet?
Mayo says
Shuttling RV’s is your job? The requirements for the short haul exemption are
1. work less than 12 hours a day
2. return to the home base every day
3. travel within the 100 (CDL required vehicle)or 150 (non CDL required vehicle) air mile radius.
The 100 air miles is equivalent to 115 statute miles.
If you do not meet all 3 requirements, you are required to maintain a log.
Jim says
Prevaricate if you are running out of a fixed base…no one ever checks. If you go a little over or drive long hours it’s no big deal…unless you do something stupid.
Steve says
1. Drive over hrs, 1/2 hr breaks before your 8 hrs is up
2. Your not driving over 11 hrs a day
3. And your time and place is correct
4. That your doing post- trips.
5. No log books if you don’t need CDL lic to drive it
Mike says
Do you have to drive the full 8 or is that just in you 8 hr day?
Kris says
I believe there is a 150 mile rule. But I would carry one just to be safe. too many DOT officers have different versions of 150 miles.
Tim says
The major rule for your kind of shuttle work is, is if you work within 100 AIR MILES, not ground miles, all you have to do is keep a time sheet and copies of your fuel. Look it up, I am correct on this one due to the fact I used to run mail.
lennie says
how many hours do i need off nightly before i can drive again?
Mayo says
You will need a minimum of 10 consecutive hours off before you can drive again, but don’t forget your 34 hour restart.
Joe says
You can only do a 34 hour reset every 7 days, correct?
Kris says
10 hours
randy bates says
I’ve been on sick leave for 6 weeks. I know I have to log off duty not driving. My question is I use a loose leaf log book, so do I need to log every 24 hrs off duty for the whole time or can I combine the hrs off duty on less log sheets?
Donna says
You can combine days on one log as long as you don’t combine months….
Bill Bradford says
When you log off duty 2 or more days on one log sheet,,where you add the total hours,,,,,do you need to put 24 for the top line or add all the hours total,,,,,
Carol Conor says
Who owns the yellow copy (driver copy) in a log book in Canada? Once employment has ended, can the employer ask for the drivers copy of the log book? It is my understanding that the yellow copy is the employee record of hours and belongs to the employee. Please advise.
Hollie Rivera says
That is my understanding yellow is yours you have to have your records white is companies.
glen handwerk says
I have a question pertaining to recording my time bobtailing to pick up my load, i have to drive 23 miles to get my trailer load,do i have to log this,
Tru says
Yes you do..anytime your moving a cmv, it has to be logged. Unless your off duty and in personal conveyance situation, then those very limited miles not need to be logged. But on the other hand, protect yourself and in remarks section at least make a note on log book stating why trk was moved. Then your covering your butt.
Sharon Hy says
My husband drives 9 miles from our house to A Walmart DC to get his load after his breaks. His boss wants him to start his time when he gets his load there not start logging when he leaves home. He says its legal. We don’t think so. Who is correect?
Paul kleinsasser says
How often do I update log book is it every 2 hours
David Rothenberger says
I need a sample log book entry. My company is requiring information be put on daily driver logs in the remarks section that’s not required. They claim it is required. Such as starting city, turnaround city and starting city again (from, to, them from again) instead of what is required “From” is your start place and “to” is the furthest point you travel out. So another words, your turn around town. Just an example. Is there a good sample page that indicates only what is required?
bart says
I need clarification on 2 issues.
1. On the far right “RECAP” is it necessary / required to fill out everything, or it simply filling out the top entry ok. I’ve been told that not every block needs to be filled out for normal use (traditionally I log less than 60 hour in a week using 70 rule)
2. If I am at a shipper/receiver and my only responsibility is to sign the bills and check security of the load what is the actual log requirement? Normally I’m either in my truck or in a break room until load/unloading is done.
thomas mackean says
will I be able to get any legal help to challenge a fine in court?
andrew driver says
thank you for the advice I’m getting ready to start a new job over the road and I do not want to get fined from dot at the scales
Mike says
Do I need to have an 8 day back log if I only go out of town once or twice a year? The rest of the time I am local…
Wayne wright says
If your company is in Chicago and you live in Texas do you use your home address on the line home terminal address?
Bill Higdon says
I am “On Call” in rotation and on those particular nights, I am to drive the truck home, OFF THE CLOCK. Should the drive time from work to home(and then back again in the AM, also OFF the clock) be logged as “DRIVING” or “OFF DUTY”? I am OFF DUTY, but I am still DRIVING… confused. Please clarify.
Hammer lane dave says
Hey I was wondering can I log a drop and hook and a pre trip in a 15 min on duty not driving after my 30 min break I do a drop and hook meet and it doesn’t take a half hour to drop and hook and do a pre trip
Gloria sockness says
Do I need to run a log book when I am empty? I haul RVs . if I take the placards off the truck when I dropped?
david says
Can you use standard abbreviations maple heights Hts for heights
jake says
is there a website that shows how to fill out the log for local driving, i work for a company that requires to fill out a log every day, even if just driving a pickup, when you get your CDL.
Mark says
Where is the log book kept while driving? In the glove compartment, or side of the door, or on person?
Joshua says
In quick reach if pulled over at pulled into weigh station. I keep mine in my door with the truck information. This is a personal preference
KMo says
Can sitting waiting on a load to be loaded count as down time from driving?
Heath says
If I am driving a commercial 26′ box truck (no berthing quarters) with someone else, can we co drive our 11 hours by each of us keeping a log? If so, would I show my non driving time as On Duty, Not Driving?
Andrew says
From what I know in your situation Heath, is that one can drive the 11hrs, while the other is marked Either off duty or Sleeper. However, you to not have a sleeper. So in your case it would be best to mark as Off-Duty and the co-driver would sleep in the front seat. Hopefully the seats recline.
Juan says
Is it legal to log on duty not driving and not get paid for it but I ride in a company van to were the company truck is.
Jackson says
If I make a mistake in mu blog? Can I remove the page and move to the next one?
John says
When you cross state lines do you flag it on your log ? Time it as you go?
Kevin says
I have a question I drive a semi but i have been in a roll off truck how do I log this
Jose says
Every how many miles do I have to do a pre trip inspection?
James says
Once in the morning unless u change trk/trlr
Tania says
The links above to the PDFs are not available. Do you have new links or could you e-mail them to me.
How to Fill-In a Daily Log Book (PDF)
Section 6: Driver’s Daily Log (PDF)
Lcannon says
Is there are rule about changing styles of logbooks mid month!
dave says
On a graph log, in the commit section, do you have to tag your eight hour break, or can you just show you took one on the graph?
nancy saucier says
i move mobile homes. what kind of log should i keep?
John says
Hi. I got a couple questions.I’m a driver dispatch is telling me that I can take the eighth day and Bring it forward if I need extra hours in the week is that true or false. Next question Can a officer give you a citation for 15 minutes over your log. For instants if you’re in the sleeper and your logbook say your driving.?
Tughral says
In the team, the starting odometer and ending should be the same for thd both drivers or every driver would have his own starting and closing meter based on his driving. Plz explain
Eddie says
I need to know how’s time do I drive on my home state time or the company state time ???
Eddie Ivey says
Do I drive on my home state time or the company state time???
James says
City,state then pti under it. Check with see if it’s a rule for post trip
Joe says
Bill of lading question
Do I carry the last bill of lading over to the day I start driving again after not moving truck for a day? What about if I’m off a couple days do I use my last bill of lading on my log sheet?
Wesley. Boechat Coelho says
Do i have to write the odometer of the truck on my daily logbook?
Dan says
Please, help me understand some rules.
1.What time should I use when making records in the log book? Let`s say I have left the company`s truck yard which located in New Jersey (eastern time), but currently I am at California (pacific time). So, to make correct records in the log book do I have to use Eastern time or Pacific time because I am at CA?
2. Can I be on duty as many hrs as I need after 14 hour driving window?
Thanks in advance for your help.
ANDY says
So the bottom vehicle inspection section in the log … is that to verify pre trip inspection or post trip inspection?
Rachel says
How do I log in 15 min 30 min 45 min
Anita Stodghill says
My employer is trying to save money. Can I just print off some loose leaf logs on my office computer instead of buying them? Then have the driver fill them out as usual. They don’t like paying the shipping to order in bulk and the driver does not want the added expense either.
James Raguindin says
I could not find a FAQ regarding writing on the time lines. I find it helpful to write the number of hours on the line (start to stop) as it makes it easier for me to do the math.
Is it allowable to write on the time line?
Thank you.
Rick Sabourin says
What do u put as home terminal when working away. ??