There are approximately 8.9 million people employed as truckers or in the trucking industry. Many truckers are owner operators while others simply drive for trucking companies. Both men and women are employed in the trucking industry, although the industry still has more male drivers than female. Depending on the type of trucking done, drivers can spend a couple weeks on the road at a time, but then have a couple weeks off from driving. Online resources for truckers continues to grow as more people turn to trucking as steady source of income.
Trucker Slang
- Angels of Truckers: has a trucker slang list that has more names for U.S. cities.
- Dictionary of Road Terms: covers trucker slang and everyday jargon used by drivers.
- A Truckers Wife: breaks down the basics of trucker lingo.
Women in Trucking
- Women in Trucking Association: has a plethora of information for women truckers.
- offers driving tips, articles, and job information aimed specifically at women truck drivers.
- National and International Women’s Trucking Association: is the first organization existing to improve the professionalism of women truckers.
- Salute to Women: is having a rally for all women truck drivers.
- Lady Truck Drivers – Women in Trucking: gives a little history about the first lady truck driver.
10 Codes
- Official Ten-Code List: the official list offered by the University of Illinois.
- Dispatch Magazine: offers history and insight into the use of the 10 code.
- CB World: breaks down the codes into the most used, all the codes, and Q codes.
- 13 Codes: definitions of 13-codes, popular on CB radio.
National Road Conditions
- Trucker to Trucker: gives ideas for finding out the road conditions while driving by using a variety of resources.
- AccuTraffic: provides weather reports and traffic conditions for the entire nation.
- National Traffic and Road Closure Information: from the Federal Highway Administration offers a clickable map that provides road condition information.
- Rand McNally: lets drivers know about road construction along usual routes.
- Midnight Trucking Radio Network: a station dedicated to truckers that offers an hourly update on weather and road conditions across the nation.
- Truckers’ Resources – The Port Authority of NY & NJ: offers up to date information about this busy trucker route.
Height, Weight, and Length Regulation
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is the number one stop for all things motor safety and regulation compliance.
- Fleet Owner covers laws and regulations that affect truckers.
- BCEO – Truck Weight Limit Enforcement is a great explanation of why it’s important for truckers to know their truck weight and follow truck limitation signs on bridges.
History of Trucking and Trucking Resources
- Trucking Industry Overview – History of Trucking provides a detailed timeline about the trucking industry.
- American Truck Historical Society offers a historical look at all things truck.
- The Trucker: popular trucking newspaper that reports up-to-date information to truckers.
- Fuel Prices: shows current fuel prices at TravelCenters of America truck stops.