The now infamous staged accident scam in New Orleans has seen dozens of indictments. Its seen about a third of those indicted plead guilty. Its even seen a person thought to have been a primary FBI informant murdered. Now, federal investigators have finally indicted the first of at least three lawyers involved in the case.
According to the FBI, New Orleans Attorney Daniel Patrick Keating was indicted on Thursday on one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud. The Department of Justice claims that Keating paid people $1,000 upfront to stage accidents with large trucks. Keating would then sue the trucking companies involved. At least 31 accidents are thought to have been staged in this manner.
At times, Keating even told his clients to get unnecessary surgeries to inflate the amount of money they could get in a settlement. Investigators say that Keating’s clients underwent “totally unnecessary” medical treatment seventeen times.
Keating is only the first of at least three personal injury attorneys who are mentioned in the indictment as subjects of a federal racketeering case. The other two attorneys remain unnamed and unindicted for now.
Source: freightwaves, nola, fox8live
Who would of ever thought that an accident attorney would even think about doing something like this. Maybe with one person I could see that but doing it with multiple people dramatically increases the chances of someone putting the finger on him. What people will do for money is flat out unbelievable. Oh well???
Contrary to popular belief (at least among attorneys), attorneys aren’t any smarter than the rest of us. They have been educated if the forms, manner, and history of the courts – but education is not the same thing as intelligence, and honestly… the forms, manner, and history of the courts are only meaningful to anyone because attorneys say so. I doubt very much that they will be relevant on Judgement Day… It’s a little like getting a doctorate in the mating habits of the dung beetle. Disgusting, unimportant outside of it’s own context, and seemingly parasitic.
I’m not having any trouble believing what attorneys will do for money. I’m more surprised that we keep paying them to do it, instead of jailing them for it.
That’s how they pay for Billboard Advertising
Attorneys aren’t above the law
The just think there smarter then everybody
Who would have thought they’re capable of this? How about every truck driver that’s ever driven more than a year? Not trying to flame you but that is as naive as any statement I’ve ever seen.. any attorney out there that’s ever seen a crime drama dreams of making more money.. legal means only what is enforced. Or even perhaps not caught doing..
Who would of ever thought that an accident attorney would even think about doing something like this. Maybe with one person I could see that, but doing it with multiple people dramatically increases the chances of someone putting the finger on him. What people will do for money is flat out unbelievable. Oh well???
Well, I have a friend that is a attorney and has a surgeon and a chiropractor on wire. This is why we pay so much for insurance
State Farm has a doctors office that they use for all car accidents. Anyone even mentions surgery, this particular doctor will never say any car crash caused the injuries in question. Turn out 90% of his practice is given to him by State Farm. So these doctors aren’t all honest either. This doctor took care of a patient from a car crash, told him it was related to the car crash and then a year of so later, when deposed, lied and said it wasn’t related.
Yes and this kind of thing has cost drivers their lively hood hope these indictments are the first step to stop these so called ambulance chasing lawyers
Not to mention what it does to insurance rates to the rest of us that are working on making a living. Just plain greed. Also if you will remember insurance companies and lawyers were trying to raise the minimum.
Hanging in there.
The only people I dislike more than car salespeople are……..wait fo.r it…….ATTORNEYS.
Tele-marketers rank up there too.
This is Why our Legal and Health Systems have been going to the basement in the last 20 or even 30 years, GREED AND RACISM is Destroying the Best Country in the World, The Great U.S.A.
This country sucks.
The principles it was founded on are what makes most of us proud to call it home, but dont pretend this pro-corporate, hyper-regulated, police-state slave factory is a great place to live. It’s certainly not the best and even when you’re a successful “winner” with the big house, pretty wife, nice cars, boat, toys, and lots of money… it still isnt that great.
Like it is some kind of surprise to anyone. An “honest” lawyer is like a submarine with mesh windows to keep mosquitos out. Irrelevant to either the mesh or the mosquito once the submarine is underwater. The system that propels these types of cases and the individual who needs a quick buck. They are both side effects of a system that fails to punish the individuals for their misdeeds. smh
Your grandfather hit the nail on the head. This situation is what Congress needs to think about if they consider raising the insurance minimums. If they’re doing this now, imagine what they’ll do if the minimums are raised. Leave them right where they are.
There’s a small town with only one Attorney in it. He is poor as hell. Another Attorney moves in and after a short time they are both rich AF.
Until they get the doctors it will never stop. We forget that the doctors are the ones that make this racket work. Otherwise it’s just fixing dents and scratches. Fusing vertebrae that don’t need it makes this work. Doctors and Pain Management. Get them next. Please.
If insurance companies treated people fairly, they wouldn’t need to go to an attorney. Why do you think companies like Progressive has adjusters in cars that go to accident scenes to try and settle cases for nothing before someone even knows how severe the injury is.
Remember, Progressive is owned by that SOB George Soros.
Shame, shame, shame!Everyoone ise trying to take money from truck drivers and trucking companies.I hope they catch them all and put them in jail for long time.