Trucking’s largest inspection and enforcement blitz of the year has been announced. And this year, it’s coming a month early!
According to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), International Roadcheck is the largest commercial motor vehicle enforcement program in the world. The blitz will take place between May 5th and May 7th, 2020.
Every year, enforcement officers conduct tens of thousands of inspections on commercial trucks and drivers, placing thousands out of service. Last year, 67,072 inspections were performed. Of those, 45,568 were 37-step Level I Inspections. A total of 12,019 vehicles and 2,784 drivers were placed out of service. On average, 17 trucks and busses are inspected every minute of the 72-hour enforcement period.
While inspections are comprehensive, every year CVSA sets a special emphasis on one category of violations. This year, the focus has been set on the “Driver requirements” category.
“With last year’s federal electronic logging device full-compliance mandate in the U.S., the Alliance decided that this year’s International Roadcheck would be the perfect opportunity to revisit all aspects of roadside inspection driver requirements,” said CVSA President Sgt. John Samis with the Delaware State Police.
Up until this year, Roadcheck has taken place during the first week of June. This year, the date has been moved up to May. According to the CVSA, enforcement officers hope that the weather in many areas may be “more favorable” in May than June.
If you’re thinking of staying off the roads for the 72-hours of the inspection blitz however, CVSA has a few words for you.
“We’re aware that some drivers opt to stay off roadways during the three days of International Roadcheck,” said Sgt. Samis. “Although there is certainly an increase in the number of inspections conducted during International Roadcheck, it’s important to remember that inspections are conducted every day of the year. Inspectors will be inspecting commercial motor vehicles the day before International Roadcheck starts, the day after it ends, as well as any other day of the year.”
Source: fleetowner, CVSA, trucker, truckinginfo, cvsa
ArTee says
With last year’s federal electronic logging device full-compliance mandate in the U.S., the Alliance decided that this year’s International Roadcheck would be the perfect opportunity to revisit all aspects of roadside inspection driver requirements,”
What does that mean? I read it as, “since log books are no longer an issue, we’re going to find other reasons to harass drivers”.
Dale R Dockery says
Yea, what exactly are these “driver’s requirements”? Since they’re including the ELD, I guess they mean us changing duty exactly how they say to huh…
Charles says
Daniel Craig says
That’s why we call it The Department Of Aggravation.
Jughead says
Money grabbing time is here again
Robert Williams says
This is a joke. I’m a retired Long haul trucker with 32 years over the road. Their just making it a month early so they can have 3 inspections per year instead of the 2 they have now.
john a brewer says
I’m always ready for them crapheads and their witch hunt
Luman says
Yeah if they didnt do their job…the roads would be less safe craphead
Lady DOE says
What rock are you living under, this whole ELD thing is all about money. Nothing about safety. Any fool with keep their truck in good shape.
Chauncey Wyant says
Emmett Shea says
That’s a for sure most people will conform to anything
ChuckD says
That’s not true. They are doing their jobs to keep the public safe and us Truckers. People pull your head out of your butts. Stop being rebellious and do your part to make it safer out here. Just two weeks ago there were a 100 vehicle pile up in Wyoming. I’m glad they are doing their jobs. So do yours.
Trucker Tim says
The 100 car pile up was from weather on the worst wind and blizzard conditions in the us it had nothing to do with the government helping screw the everyday hard working driver nim wit also sat for two days while the government moved at that government pace to get the roads back open
I Z says
That pileup had NOTHING to do with DOT inspections, just a bunch of MORONS driving to fast for conditions, YES, INCLUDING trucks with speed limiters & Elogs
Robert says
Soooo, why wasn’t the pile-up prevented?
Jeff says
You are probably one of those drivers that talk on the cellphone while they’re driving, tailgating always in a big hurry to go nowhere. You are probably one of those Millennial snowflakes complaining about everything if there’s a little snow on the road you won’t drive if you have to drive more in 500 miles a day you complain too many sissy drivers out there today. Man up
Joseph Fischer says
Yeah buddy Taaan fooo!!
Eskimo says
what does that have to do with inspections?
Gary says
A roadside inspection is not safe. Furthermore, during times of emergencies, a lot of us are exempt from hos and sometimes weight regulations. It’s not about safety, it’s about control.
Charles says
That pileup was lack off driver skills and 4 wheelers probably
Lee says
They need to check the four wheeler. They’re the ones causing the major pileups. Merging & Exiting freeway throughfares, hitting brakes suddenly for no apparent reason driving to slow in the fast lane. All these things should be addressed as Safety concerns. TRUCKER SAVE LIVES; EVERYDAY…
Big Booblyboo says
I’ll believe that crap when they start treating all vehicles and drivers the same.
Deadkey says
My company lost 2 drivers and a passenger in that wreck. We drive brand new VNL860s, ya know the “safe” trucks that are supposed to have a good crash test rating. Two folks up front got cut in half by slamming into a trailer and the rider in the back was thrown into the back of the trailer. Truck had a camera too so you can guess what that looked like. We know for a fact it was caused by a 4 wheeler who stopped in the middle of the road.
Gregs says
Adjustable speed limit signs helped in other areas in Wy prone to pile ups …. driving 50+ on glazed roads and limited visibility is nuts ( old school is drive like you don’t have any brakes , because you don’t) and the stupid mooroons driving continuously with 4ways on leaves little warning if there is an emergency..
Harley D. says
Spoken by someone who doesn’t know their Butt from a hole in the ground! These things are NEVER ABOUT Safety, ONLY MONEY !!!!!
waynesworld says
I was brought up in a cops household, very few cops are true to their job so yes I agree it’s about revenue not safety and yes we as truckers should already know keeping up our equipment is part of our job, all I gotta say is take off during that time or watch ya back when ya deal with cops cause like the saying it is what it is lol
Ronald Spader says
If there so worried about safety then why do the allow 18 year old girls drive 28 foot uhauls towing a vehicle on the back after loading the truck all day and drinking beer with there friends.or large RVs pulling racecars and no CDL.all on the roadways and no medical card either.
TJ says
If you think it is really all about safety, you’re very gullible. We are seeing a surge in socialism in all areas of society and trucking is not immune to that.
Dale says
You are clueless, these inspection and DOT does little if nothing to make roads safer. Doe real resaerch on the topic.
Edward B. Mauri says
OK, I’ll (sic) “Doe real resaerch on the topic.” Doe? research? Will you work on basic spelling?
If you can’t spell “do” and “research”, or at least spell check, what would make me think you do a pre & post trip, follow any rules, and are safe?
Brent Racobs says
Wow at any given time they could visit any terminal and have many people help them inspect.
Money Grap Trump loves his money.
Where did your perdium go
Rawdog says
Just the fact that you said witch hunt tells me all I need to know about how stupid you are
Jack says
@rawdog: Wow, and I bet you’re a super genius. Judging someone off one post and calling them names? Grow up!
Travis Gasper says
No doubt
dave bean says
amen. if they want to write a ticket they will. severity depending on their mood. legality ( actually enforceable) depending on their integrity. or just some bull#*%@ 100 dollar, not worth the time paper.
Richard says
Everyone should just take a week off. Let me starve. And boycott the states that are using us to pay for there new cars. This country needs to be reminded who brings 99.9 percent of everything they need to survive in this world.
Rocket says
All our trucks are late models. So unless you’re a dip ship (and we have a few). We’ll be fine.
Azzitude says
This year, the focus has been set on the “Driver requirements” category
has nothing to do with “late models”
Chauncey Wyant says
Sum Tuk Diver Dood says
What’s the point of that last part of article?
That’s like saying,
“Although there is certainly an increase in the number of beers consumed during Memorial Day weekend, it’s important to remember that beers are consumed every day of the year. Americans will be drinking beers the day before Memorial Day weekend starts, the day after it ends, as well as any other day of the year.”
Charles says
Jamie L. Sides says
Law Enforcement officials are only doing their job and making sure that all commercial vehicles are in safe, working order and making sure that all commercial Moter Vehicle drivers are completely following the safety regulations and laws that are set for any and all commercial Moter Vehicles. I see to many mistakes made by both bus drivers and Truck drivers that causes to many accidents (1 accident is 1 to many).
If we all fallow the Commercial vehicle laws, safety regulations, and hours of service allowed, then we would not worry about any law enforcement agencies and state or federal department of transportation issuing citations and shutting down any of the commercial vehicles down. Both State And Federal Laws, Rules, and regulations are set in place for everybody’s Safety.
Eskimo says
More accidents involving trucks are caused by 4 wheelers, why don’t they get DOT inspections? Why don’t those drivers have to follow the same rules and regulations? That 4 wheeler can kill just as quick as any truck. So what’s the difference?
Brent Racobs says
Go to the terminals and do it there.
Lee says
Officer DESCRESSION. Is a term that dose not mean Safety or competence in the OFFICER. Sometimes the officer don’t understand or refuse to realize things happen beyond our control. A headlight or tail lightout a cut in a tire caused by a road hazard just before a inspection. These O/S things causes negative Safety Ratings & increased insurance premiums. Which could put us out of business. Due to the letter of the LAW. DESCRESSION is UNDERSTANDING we are trying to earn a living “LEGALLY” and “SAFELY”. No one wants to be redtagged or involved in accidents deliberately. Safety should mean UNDERSTANDING not just punishment. We are not the enemie.
Kelly D says
Ideology is a noble belief, yet in reality unattainable. There’s no complete enforcement of anything, because morality isn’t enforceable, legiislatable, or regulatable. Your statement, “One accident is one accident too many.” It sounds good to some and may actually have one feeling good temporarily. It’s not rooted in logic, rational perception.
If one accident were really one too many then none would exist, would they? We as humans are fallible, prone to mistakes, accidents, etc., intentional or unintentional.
The truck and bus drivers while certainly making mistakes, aren’t the only ones. Perhaps looking through a larger lens would grant more sight.
I do agree that if we do our best to maintain integrity. That when do their part, having done ours will have no need concern
We may take precautions and actions to minimize risk. There is no elimination unless humanity becomes eliminated. Then something could exist in a Nirvana like bubble, it wouldn’t be us.
Bigc says
Logic. Finally. Amen
Big Booblyboo says
Read my earlier response.
Jimmie Edmonson says
Can they DOT 4 wheelers and campers to make the roads safer for Truckers ?
Pamela says
Amen on that.
Sedrick Wells says
It’s a necessary evil. Yes they keep unsafe drivers off the roads but they also punish safe drivers for any minor infraction they can find. It’s amazing how many drivers I personally see driving down the road on their phone but cops will put you out of service cause you have a minor oil leak coming from a factory defect that cant be remedied.
Jeff says
If you are the professional you are supposed to be then you dont have to worry about being inspected.If you look like a beach bum like wearing flip flops and sweat pants and look like u havent taken a shower in 6 months you have raised a red flag with the dot.Also need to read,speak,understand english
Samuel says
Amen truck drivers take less pride in their appearance than any other occupation.
Doug Segraves says
I use to hear this all the time. I never had a problem because I kept my shit wired tight. Your a professional drive act like one. My last 14 years I pulled a flatbed and never looked like a slob. Clean up and drive.
Charles says
LMAO. Then explain why the average American, doesnt know how to merge correctly (yield), stop at a stop sign, slow down in construction and school zones, move over when they should, signal to merge or exit a highway, etc. Can they read or just dont obey the law? Either way, people with such poor judgment, selfishment and “disregard of the law”, most likely kill and injure more people on the roads than people “who cant read. You want people to “read and understand English”? Start with telling “Americans” to function like they “know” how and set the example”.
Brent Racobs says
Just watch how cops drive
Lee says
I like “THAT”
GEO says
why you need to know english?
this country have NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.
Jughead says
I belief I belief but do you BELIEVE me
Big Booblyboo says
Majority rules. Learn English or keep your mouth shut and no one will know you’re stupid.
MW says
At one point in time it was a requirement to hold a commercial drivers license.
Very few states enforce it
Unless you cannot understand what an officer is saying to you.
But there is the odd bigot that wears a badge.
That hates anyone speaking farsi, or Espanol.
Lady DOE says
Nothing about safety. I decide if I want to go home or not. With this virus 😷 stuff l don’t want anyone in my face spitting when they talk. They should wait until they get a handle on it. But the way it’s going now we might all need to go home
tanner weston says
I told my wife just that last week.
When DOT start COVID -19 inspections EVERYWHERE. I’m headed home.
dave bean says
you’re just as safe in your truck as anywhere. 4′ across a fuel desk or convienience counter. i feel sorry for the already hurting truck stop restaurants, i hope they can get some small biz relief. just be aware of people who are NOT self-isolating and maybe make a note of it; you know, in case you die in your truck and someone eventually wonders what happened to that rotting carcass.
TJ says
Much false information has been released and the majority has not been told the truth; No time for details right now, but FYI , the virus Is able to remain airborne and active for up to three hours.
Neal Smith says
I’m trying to get my boss to let me drive my truck from home. Not sure if this will work. Wish me luck
K says
Why announce when your having them,surprise bits should be implimented.
Keith says
This is unconstitutional. Its just the same as not announcing a dui checkpoint.
tanner weston says
Translation…….COVID-19 Inspection
Bobbie says
Vote for less government and less taxes
Chauncey Wyant says
SuperTrucker says
Vote for pie in the sky while you’re at it. Less government and taxes, as if!
tanner weston says
Don M says
If this worries you, then maybe your crap shouldn’t be on the road. If they find something on my stuff, then I’m not doing my job right. I take pride in my ride.if you don’t then your no professional and shouldn’t be out there risking public safety. They are doing these inspections to weed out the junk as well as generate money for their state
John says
What would really be nice is if the officer actually knew all the rules and regulations they were enforcing. I luckily don’t come in contact with them often, but in my over 50 years of trucking I’ve been told some good ones by some. I don’t argue because they weren’t going to ticket me. Good thing cause I’d beat it. Example just a couple of months ago I had a permitted heavy load on and a lady officer in Illinois told me I had provisions sheets for overwidth only and I should have sheets for overweight. Illinois provisions at the top has OSOW which means oversize overweight with all the rules for overweight included. But she didn’t give me a ticket. Good thing huh.
John says
You are the COOLEST!
Jack says
The annual revenue round up. If it was about safety, they would stop allowing CDL mills and go after the megas who put anybody with a pulse in a truck.
Don says
With these inspection there needs to be.a little common sense. They are going to focus on driver’s. Well then then they need to focus on all driver’s not just the one’s that can speak and read English.
Isabella Kirby says
Amen to that, but quite a few understand and speak American when it’s convenient for them.
GEO says
that no such a think like AMERICAN LINGO….LOL.
Mac says
I respect the fact that the.DOT has a job to do and it certainly is an important job however I just find the timing altogether being somewhat off-centered because right now due to the fact that things are so slow and that drivers are scrambling trying to get enough of change not money to make a living this may have been moved to July instead of bring it back a month just some food for thought that’s all
Kelly D says
Why does it really matter when it is? One month either way makes no significant difference. Also one week, one month or even a year, should have no material impact on your business. Being a prudent, responsible person or business owner, affords us the ability to make it through less favorable conditions.
Having the best year of my life so far this year. If it changes, there are multiple ways to adjust. It just takes education, preparation and a willingness to do so. Like the Marines, adapt, improvise, and overcome.
R.J. says
Shouldnt be a big deal to keep GOOD tires and brakes on a vehicle.
Travis Gasper says
If ya dont like what is done change occupations . I dont mind what they do, I chose this so I deal with it.
Kelly D says
Excellent attitude and response. We choose this and can choose something different.
Me says
Unfortunately the last part of your comment about the English language isn’t true anymore, unfortunately the cvsa has told officers not to enforce that out of service portion. quite frankly because there are so many that can’t speak English, pathetic as that may sound.
Blndnblu says
I have a few words for the CVSA, I will stay home those days and continue to pick and choose where, how and what time of day I drive to lessen my chances you’ll catch me.
Rocky D Maloch says
Why don’t the do anything about the driver’s who can not speak, or read English? Or the vehicles who do not use head lights, or tail lights in the rain, and fog.
Dot is not out in the rain and fog.😜😂🤣 you should know that.
Chris says
Dan says
I’m curious. Is there a mandate on the
Age of entry level drivers. With all the name calling here In these comments
I’m going to assume…. ages 21-75??
Scott says
As long as your truck is safe and legal then you don’t have any thing to worry about. Pretrips and post trips and staying vigilant about your truck, permits, logs, and condition of the truck and trailer over all are the key to keeping yourself out of trouble.
Yes obviously. And yes, nobody likes to be inspected by DOT. It wastes your time and clocks and and feels like an invasion of privacy. But it is what it is. The Banning Ca scale on
I-10 is the worst, hate that one.
Don B says
Yup, many yrs ago the way not to a ticket in banning,ca. Was too buy a t-shirt or the schools funding raising candy or girl scout cookies from the countertop. Officers insist that you buy while he/she review your report. Buy it not fines / don’t buy it OOS & fines.
David says
While I appreciate the efforts of the DOT officers, I am paranoid about coming across a DOT officer with a chip on his or her shoulder that would rather just break or damage something on my brand new truck just so they can write a violation. And while most of them are doing their jobs correctly and not causing unnecessary headache for the driver, some DOT Officers are just flat out buttholes and don’t care.
Lee says
This is soooo true….
Scott says
We get a nice bonus for a clean inspection so bring it on!
dave bean says
best incentive idea ever. they use to give 90 day free pass stickers out, that was nice.
Brian says
Elogs were pushed by the nta who are they? All the mega carriers who believe that the road isn’t big enough for the independent owner operator and their trucks.
They know that you can’t make a living on elogs if your a one man operation.
Now they are pushing for that damn 65 mph rule mainly maverick transportation. They want to put us out of business its that simple.
I keeo my truck in pristine condition, ive been driving for over 20 years and never had an accident or ticket. If i feel tired i pull over take a nap and then continue when i feel safe.elogs take that option away from me.
You are forced to drive no matter if you feel tired or sick cause of that damn 14 hour.what gets me is the fact that since the elog mandate there has been an 86% increase in fatigue related accidents and when we try to point that out the nta and some of the unions throw a tantrum.
But what really proves my point is that a rule requiring at least 6 months of mandatory classroom training for new drivers and making it illegal to run a trainer truck as a team was shot down by the fmcsa on behalf of the nta.
My opinion on how to make the roads safer is make it where if a company is going to get you ypur cdl or put you through training the driver must go through 6 months of classroom training. That means learning how to drive and back up in a training field not on the big road or in a truck stop.
Then the new driver must go out for at least three months with a certified driver trainer with a minimum of 5 years behind the wheel.
But when in training the driver trainer isn’t a team driver, when the trainee is done for the day then so is the trainer. The trainers job is to observe,correct and educate not lay his ass in the bunk.
To me that would make the roads safer but that would cost mega carriers their cheap team drivers so can’t have that, safety my ass.
Red light says
Woke up people..
TRUCKS THEY MOVE WHAT THEY NEED . Ask your price over $3.80/Mile
You think I’m crazy??? Try and you see the reaction they have .
Everyone have bills /payments but if you say yes you don’t make a deal AT ALL they are going to give you 45-80% less in the next year and then what you are going to do???
Ohhh you are going to take them this loads too.
Dot is not out in the rain and fog.😜😂🤣 you should know that.
Robert Benoit says
If they are out in the rain and fog 24/7 I’ll eat my boots.
Some states don’t open scales until the blitz. Others are always open but the fact is they hate bad weather.
Deere hunter says
It is what it is and nothing you say will change it! Get a paddle and do the best you can ! Happy trails dear comrades, and let’s stick together!
Joe says
Troopers have families and take vacations. Does that clear the need to move it up one month for most folks. They want to take a June vacation so er go.
Money makes the world go around, and that is why every law enforcement agency DOT trains a few officers in every department. So be careful and do shoot yourself in the foot.
Tyler says
It is so easy to keep the truck and trailer in great condition, and as for hours, driving 11, and on duty 14 is already too long, so that is not a problem. I’m parked every night before I run out of hours, and I also really appreciate the inspectors who are out there doing their job!
waynesworld says
I keep my truck and my wagon up like I’m supposed to do cause it’s part of my job lol but…I always stay home during these inspections just to stay away from the cops that have shit to prove, I feel this way plus cause of other reasons, when u get brought up in a cops household u learn their evil ways very quick like lol, yall guys n chicks please be safe
Kelly says
The day before and the day after! And every other day!!! OOOOOOO! Aren’t we all scared now???
Truckerstevejr says
I can’t wait. I hope we all get good inspection reports.
Kratos S says
Pennsylvania DOT on 80 at the 57mm is out day and night, rain or shine, snow or fog. They will have generators with lights to inspect 24/7 that entire week. Chase cars too… can always go around… but dont jump on 80 right after the scale. I drive hotshot, my truck n trlr are brand new and under warranty. My credentials are in order. Been a semi truck driver for 15 yrs. I know what I’m doing. Been doing it for a while. Kinda hard for DOT to find something with new equipment that has been PA and DOT inspected recently. I’m always on top of my equipment. I own it all, you respect your own equipment cuz it’s your money, not company provided and it’s not your dime so you dont take care of it. Some of the state cops are idiots n bad attitudes even if you treat them well. The dot officers are always friendly if you’re friendly to them. You get what you make out of it.
Robert Benoit says
Im going to say good on you for keeping your equipment tip, top shape.
I don’t have to worry about that. I work for a company that gets rid of trucks every 3 years and trailers between 3 and 6 years. DOT has never bothered me because they know that its a waste of time. Total the company has 8100 trucks.
Weekly we get 140 to 180 inspections and during the blits its more like 100 to 130
Bilbo baggins says
Old dominion driver?
Bruce Coleman says
They’re here to protect us from their unsafe pothole infested roads.
Glenn says
True blue extortionist at work, it’s still amazing to me how many companies run their trucks with abs light on trailers, faulty brakes, check engine light on, missing bumpers and fenders, you name it I’ve seen it all out here…. Trucking is one big scam
Robert Benoit says
Hate to tell you a secret about the ABS light on trailers. There seems to be a bad batch of sensors at the factory that builds them. I work for a large company that uses Utility trailers exclusively. Picked up a brand new trailer and it was not working right on that trailer. It’s a problem with almost every trailer I haul. Fortunately when I go to the terminal they fix it.
Peter N says
People just doing their job isn’t it?
Chris says
They can take a lot of illegally credentialed drivers off the road. Especially on both coasts.
kc says
If this Covid nonsense is not cleared up by then. Need not be concerned there will be nothing to haul.
Robert Benoit says
If you maintain your truck and keep proper logs you have nothing to worry about except the time it takes away from driving that they inspect the truck and trailer.
Do a pretrip inspection everyday. Check them lights, do an air brake test. You know the 3 stage test that is required to get a CDL, if you weren’t grandfathered in the CDL program you know what I’m talking about.
It doesn’t take long to check the truck. I see too many driving with burned headlights. This might be minor but it attracts the DOT.
As for logs, simple log legal and make it believable. Your log tells a story. The story you want to tell is up to you.
Mike Marc Dave says
C Mac says
Cough cough cough….coronavirus cough cough what did u say officer?? O…move along? Ok cough cough have a nice day!!!
Royce says
Wow, the DOT shows off their skill at doing…..absolutely nothing, once again. You would think that after 32 years of not catching doing anything I would finally get a pass or an award or something, but nope, same standard screwing year in and year out. If I get corona virus I’m gonna lick the doorknobs at the scale house.
Cody Rock says
If you’re doing what your supposed to be… you won’t have any trouble. Simple as that. Some officers are more high strung than others but generally 2/3’s of the 2 or 3 officers conducting the inspection will reason with you. You’re attitude makes all the difference. If your miserable prepare to pull out your wallet. Your calm and reasonable it’s quite negotiable. In fact as an owner operator I’m very comfortable with having them go through my unit. If there is a deficiency that I have missed I’d prefer to find out then vs part of an accident investigation where I could be held responsible possibly for someone’s life. Life is precious. Don’t be in such a hurry the extra 5 minutes a day to make sure your in compliance is worth it. If it’s not worth it to you your the reason the trucking industry is a struggle! Again just do what your required to do as a professional carrier or driver and you won’t have any issues.
Brent Racobs says
Very simple hand them the key say have at it. No where it says you must help them inspect.
You have rights. Complying means hand them the key.
Mario rodriguez says
With this virus ,WELL they might but again they MIGTH postpone it until further notice.i mean the way things are going who knows.
Craphead says
All of these post that are pro dot inspection are just trolls flipping everyone’s emotional switch, they should all be ran over by an airplane
razorslam says
I got a violation because I didn’t have ELD instruction booklet in the cab.
Peter D. Ohmart says
Hey Y’all,
You have between now and 5 May to have your things all up to date. If you have many things, prioritize them and accomplish them slowly.
If you do not know what you will need to have accomplished to meet this goal, talk to consultants or to trucking specialists who can come and help you.
Owner – Operators: Be aware that you need to have a complete Driver Qualification file on yourself!!!
You need to have yourself signed up in a Consortium for Drug & Alcohol.
If you get audited by the DOT and they find out that you are not signed up in the consortium, then you will be charged in fines 2 times: Once as the company owner and once as the driver.
Tim says
With this National Emergency that will likely be ongoing in may I wish we all would shut down, how long are we gonna keep allowing them to continue this money grab? I’ll be home for this as I always am. I’m tired of being their piggy bank, you can have a truck fresh off the lot and they’ll find something.
David Marsh says
Right, under present conditions,, it makes a lot of sense for these power hungry assholes to stop the much needed supplies throughout the country.
Hours of service has been suspended for the carriers hauling these supplies, and these idiots will put them out of service.
Hopefully their local vendors will be affected.
Warmest regards!