Until recently, it was thought that somewhere around 6.4% of truck driver have sleep apnea. A new study found that the real number could be closer to 30%. And the majority of them may not even know it.
It’s not just snoring. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can have a dramatic impact on those who suffer from it – and on those close to them. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can cause numerous health problems. Truckers with untreated OSA are a significantly greater risk to themselves and those around them.
The new study comes from researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. This study used the so-called STOP-BANG method of screening. Patients are given a questionnaire where they fill out information on Snoring, Tiredness during the day, Obstructive apnea, Blood pressure, Body mass index, Age, Neck circumference, and Gender (STOP-BANG).
Patients are given a STOP-BANG score based on their answers. Those who score above a certain threshold would be referred for sleep apnea testing.
Currently, the only sleep apnea screening required is a single question on trucker medical exams. But many drivers may not know if they have symptoms. Others may be aware, but know that an OSA diagnosis can lead to requiring a CPAP machine or other equipment that some see as burdensome.
According to the Virginia Tech researchers, 49% of truck drivers on the road right now would be flagged for further sleep apnea testing if they filled out a STOP-BANG questionnaire. Their research suggests that a significant portion of them would be diagnosed with OSA. As many as 30% of truck drivers could have OSA.
Keep this stuff up and see how short the driver pool is
Continued process of eliminating the american truck driver and bringing in the foreigners eager to pull cheap loads. Corporate America is in control of everything through its brother the government.
25% to 38% of drivers were supposed to be tested for sleep apnea under Obama but Trump withdrew the rule. Get ready guys. Rough times ahead with Biden administration. Im sure his administration will re-implement this garbage. One things for sure with me. I can’t sleep on my back without pain so I can’t wear one of these God-awful masks.
I’ve been using one of these machines for over three years and haven’t slept on my back yet. My CPAP has a 6 foot hose (standard size) so I can roll around all night, sleep on my side, even sit up in bed if I want. I only use it until I wake up the first time and it records I used it the minimum time then I take it off and shut it off.
I have a cpap Ava sleep on my side and yes I’m 100% compliant for my dot
no reason to sleep on your back. As the other poster said, the hoses can be 6′ long. I think mine is. I always sleep on my side.
Thats the whole point of all this. If you force a driver shortage by means of unconstitutional acts, then autonomous trucks suddenly are necessary, despite hypothetical results and unproven technology.
I think thats the plan… any reason to get inside the cab and micro-manage everything including your life.
How much and WHAT you get to eat…etc.
Maybe they should take over the Truck Stop business so there is something beside hot dogs and sweet shyt to eat 24/7/365…. for the last 35 years.
They would just ruin truck stops if they intervened. Hell, the “healthy” section of truck stops has nothing but cheese, ranch, bacon and turkey mixed in with a few veggies. Gotta to buy the bad stuff to get healthy food. I try to eat healthy, but it’s damned near impossible. I would bring my own food, but I can’t afford an apu or to idle my truck to keep the fridge running.
I don’t get why people complaining about trucking smh.
It’s not like trucking walked in to your life, you the one brought your crap situation in to trucking and expecting it to go your way. It’s governments job to do research and implement new laws. We been adjusting to new laws all this years it’s bothering new, if you don’t want to adjust then just change profession. Why blame others smh
So a 1/3 of the driver population may be affected but not the regular population? Me? I’m thinking this is BS of the type promoted by those with a financial interest in selling the machines to drivers like turned out to be the case with those at the FAA doing the same thing. This is nothing but bull.
You said exactly what I was thinking. I’m a retired driver, and I’m sure I have sleep apnea per my wife. Never effected my driving, perfect record for 36 years.
The difference is most, not all, people without a cdl don’t drive for a living. The general population probably has roughly the same percentage, but we aren’t driving 80,000lb of death down the road. If being diagnosed and wearing a CPap would make you a safer and more alert driver then why wouldn’t you do it? If you have severe sleep apnea then you aren’t properly rested no matter how good you think you feel. It’s not just a matter of being able to say “i didn’t get enough sleep…you NEVER get enough sleep.”
Sleep apnea is a serious condition, you literally stop breathing in your sleep.
I’m an experienced trucker and fairly healthy (although I can lose a good thirty pounds), but sleep apnea is no joke.
You ever hear of those horror stories about how a truck was sitting in a lot for a few days and then the troopers open the door and smell something foul?
That’s gonna be you if you don’t put your CPAP mask on. You wear masks whenever you load and unload, you may as well wear one to bed you fat bastards.
What mask do you wear to load and unload? Do you mean a Covid mask? I wear one when I go see my doctor at the hospital (not at his office, neither does he) because of all the sick people there. I haul for the Post Office and haven’t worn one at work yet, you skinny bastard.
Just another way of costing the driver and the company a lot more money I had a quack tell me I had it after a heart attack took me 6 years to get another test just to find out that the only reason they said I had it was because of the heart attack so for 6 years it was costing me $600 a year on top of a stress test that was another 2500 and the medical card is only good for a year all it is is a scam !
It’s just these politics the government agencies and industry folks play to pad their pockets, at the expense of the drivers.
Lovely, another way the medical world can get into everyone’s pocket.
I remember when a bunch of big name places would give you a dot physical and tell you that you needed a sleep apnea study, the chart they used was basically a checklist and it was so that almost everyone had to take it.
-Are you a male
-Are you over 30
-is your BMI over this
If they checked over two you had to get tested and they flat out lied to you and said it was a new dot rule.
Needless to say I go to small place for a dot and the doctor told me it’s flat out unethical and medical fraud
A solution in search of a problem.
More fake news
It’s called data mining, to get the results they want.
Now they have corrupted science.
I call bull! Always scamming us drivers.
Obviously the first question is, why is that? And why just truckers and not other jobs?
I’ve been researching sleep apnea related to trucking for a long time and the conclusion that I came up with is that it’s mainly for the insurance companies.
Now I’m not saying that treatment doesn’t help if it’s really needed but here’s the part that bothers me.
#1 as a driver you may not have a choice to not get treatment
#2 there are currently three FDA approved treatment methods, the CPAP is the only choice that you have and the reason is because it can be monitored for compliance.
#3 you can lose your job for noncompliance. Go on vacation for three weeks and don’t use it, you don’t have a job when you get back.
So in other words, you’re stuck with this thing for the rest of your driving career.
#4 if the CPAP is not properly cleaned it can create lung infections.
#5 say goodbye to your love life
And finally, I told the company that I was driving for that if I was forced to use a CPAP machine, I would turn in my notice.
I wouldn’t turn my notice I quit on spot.
The company I used to drive for was giving away “free” sleep apnea tests. I know a handful of drivers that were more than willing and excited to take the test, bragging it was free. Turns out, they ALL had sleep apnea. They were forced to get the apnea machine . It was monitored by their doctors through a phone line that sent info daily. If the doctors office didn’t receive info, drivers weren’t fit for duty. Careful for “free” offers of apnea tests
This is a total SCAM !!!
I’ve always slept really well. I don’t get drowsy during the day unless I get less than 4 hours of sleep. Other than that, I’m good. I recently fell prey to this sleep apnea scam and am now forced to wear a mask for a minimum of fours hours 5 out of 7 days per week. That means I now get 4 hours LESS sleep per day! What a racket they have going on! Oh well, my exit from the trucking industry will be sooner rather than later.
@David, try to get retested, it’s the only way to get rid of that god awful machine
I’m going to do just that!
You should of never agreed to the test, and just went somewhere else to get your card.
A person will never stay healthy, when they are forced to work so long, that they have no time for themselves. Pay has not kept up with increases in productivity. Forty hour weeks for truck drivers, higher pay.
This is such a load of crap…a moneymaking scheme between the DOT certified docs and the companies peddling these machines. I’d bet a week’s pay the docs and labs get a cut for referring/requiring drivers to these labs. I am soooo glad I have only 5 years to go until I get to tell the DOT/FMSCA to go eff themselves.
Total BS,money grab! More proof that they want total control if u dont conform then starve,will do as we say,
These numbers are as spiked as the RONA numbers! Their numbers justify their jobs ,of course its totally out of control,they’ll keep adding numbers to tell u so
It’s total corruption !!
If they make me go to a damned sleep test, I’m done. I am sick and tired of the complete and utter Nanny State garbage!
100 Thumbs Up ! ! !
Totally agree!!
This sleep apnea is a scam especially with Schneider National they buy this equipment and tell the driver’s that they have sleep apnea than make money off the drivers! They been doing this for years!
This just in 10/10 companies selling c pap machines would like to sell 24% more machines
SLEEP APNEA Lobby is at it again. Nothing here but try to make more money.
Yeah that’s all it is a money making scam when you get a physical now they measure your nick and say you have sleep apnea with out testing you I asked the doctor so if a ung buck that’s in his 20 all buff up you measure his nick you going to tell him he’s got sleep apnea he told me we take your age in consideration so I told him that is discrimination.
Just another push for autonomous trucks. Let’s blow something so far out of proportion that a new crappy technology with hypothetical results must be implemented bc apparently we’re all too tired too drive. This world has gone insane.
That’s so true, could not get in compliance had to resign from my job. Get the same amount of sleep that i was getting before nothing changed. Just being monitor now.
My sleep doctor said our inconsistent sleep habits contribute to our sleep issues.not having a regular sleeping pattern is a problem.
Sleep apnea is serious and although you may not think it matters, your heart will.
Sleep apnea and sleep deprivation can lead to high blood pressure which leads to anxiety. If you care about your life after you step out of a truck then getting good sleep should matter.
Especially if you haul food and work 14 hour shifts delivering to fast food stores. With all the physical labor hand trucking 35-41k every two days you need your rest. If you can’t suck enough good air in while your snoring it will slowly over time kill your heart.
Once your blood pressure is up high you will feel like garbage and there is not real way to lower it again unless you step away from the truck or take medication. The medication makes you feel even worse and has horrible side effects.
I think they need to change the hours of service for over night truck drivers who unload there own freight via hand truck. Maximum 12 hours on with 8 hours off. Better for the long term health of the truck driver and will possibly end large turnover rates at companies.
No link to the “study”?
If you need to get tested,find a sleep study lab of your own choosing.The at home test is not reliable.The test I had done kept having monitor leads coming undone,and the technician had to keep reattaching them,otherwise test results would be not legitimate.I’ve had central sleep apnea for at least 50 years and never knew.I got tested after haven driven for 35 years,I also never had an accident.My test results showed me stopping breathing about 15/20 times per hour,which means I would be waking up a lot throughout the night.I’m glad I didn’t have any accidents.I do know people who had legitimate testing done after B.S. at home test,and were found to be not needing a CPAP machine.I hope you guys and gals don’t need this treatment.I can’t sleep without mine.I actually had to get a second sleep study done,because doctor couldn’t find a cpap machine that would work for me.I ended up with an ASV machine.Took six hours out of 8 hour study to get positive results,at which time I went out like a turned off light.After 2 hours of sleep,I woke up feeling completely energized.I use my machine in the bunk about 7 hours daily.As for the comment about sex life,I’m thinking your partner would be happy to not hearing you snore or gasp for air all night long.
Total Witch hunt BS line of medicine. Doctors insist that I have sleep apnea and I don’t have any symptoms of it. The doctors are only trying to make a buck. Maybe some people have it but not all according to the guidelines.
Just a bunch of children in here. “I don’t like this info so its fake news!”
Sure, just put everyone around you in danger.
Whatever. As long as you know you’re just selfish. I hope you don’t judge anyone else by their actions, ever. And I pray you never doze off behind the wheel.
If we can’t be responsible for ourselves without government intervention, we are doomed. Government is not the solution to anything. They are the problem. As an independent owner operator, if I have a problem, I fix it, not the government. People who go against government intervention have always been labeled as selfish bc it works in theory, but never when enacted.
Put on your face diaper and go away.
25% to 38% of drivers were supposed to be tested for sleep apnea under Obama but Trump withdrew the rule. Get ready guys. Rough times ahead with Biden administration. Im sure his administration will re-implement this garbage. One things for sure with me. I can’t sleep on my back without pain so I can’t wear one of these God-awful masks.
Don’t be in denial fellas!! I cant help but sympathize with the majority, that it certainly feels like a witch hunt for more $$, I can reassure you I was the perfect example of a hard working driver feeling “hunted” simply bc OSA is in their spreadsheet.
I rarely felt tired when I shouldn’t be, whether driving, or home on the couch!! I never checked any boxes for OSA,, at clinic or other Doctors….other than being a big guy!!
So 3-4yrs ago the NP at my clinic I go to for MedCard renewal, you guessed it, sent me for a sleep study, my arguing and educated rhetoric did little to sway her!!
Once I got there, the very simple take home test was light weight and barely noticeable, the clinic/sleep study place they recommend you to will set it all up at no charge! Well here you go if you’re still with me, it’s usually only 1 or 2 nights but I had it over a holiday so I did 3 night….a normal person= no OSA has 0-5 “Apnea’s” per hour
Under 15 you don’t have to do cpap per DOT, while 15-20 is gray area most docs are going to say yes you need it!! But that didn’t matter for me bc I scored a high of 48 with a low of 35!! Yes folks I was stopping breathing for at least {10seconds in turn making my oxygen drop to at least 70%} 35-50 times per hour!! Sit on that for a minute while I remind you I was showing 0 signs of this “very high to extreme” level OSA!! This shit was taking years off my life right in front of my nose and I didn’t even know it!! Not to mention some other minor annoyances that almost instantly vanished!! Be honest with your Respiratory Therapist at your Cpap place and with the ppl at you sleep institute! I hope this helps I., If you want to message me about anything on here
The is ridiculous. I bet if you study most Americans you find these same numbers. Focusing on the one profession that keeps America moving is dangerous. You wanna see the economy crash, try to diagnose 30% of drivers with OSA.
Many insurance providers don’t even cover the test needed to diagnose OSA then the expense related to the machine needed is ridiculous.
Apply this study to trucking and watch the economy take a tremendous hit!
They already lowered the standard a couple years ago. I suffered through the sleep study already. Every two years I bring the paper from the study with me to my physical. It says I don’t have it. I’m waiting for them to tell me I need a newer one.
If I go to bed at 10pm, I wake around 6am. If I go to bed at 1:30am I wake around 6am. I sleep soundly, I spring out of bed when I wake. I don’t take naps. I seem to only feel like taking a nap after sitting still for a half hour for the required DOT break. These desk jockeys can go straight to hell.
By the way, used to haul propane. In the winter, in bad weather, when DOT lifts ALL HOS rules, I’d work/drive 24hours straight and that was fine with them. Get off my back, or is that the side! It feels like they’re coming at us from every angle!
Totally agree!! 100%
I am with you. I only require about 5 to 5 1/2 hours of sleep a night. Some times less to do a long days work either labor or driving or both..I can function quite well the way my body lets me. I also do not have an issue taking short naps when I can. drivers are not in control any more.
I’m done trucking
I didn’t think I needed it until I’ve started using it and be because of better sleep through the night I’m more alert driving through out the day.
Thats the attitude I thought I would see on here. Oh look what you’re doing you’re going to create a shortage of drivers.Oh they’re trying to take my license away from me……. Its a serious health issue and If diagnosed you wear a mask in your truck and keep your DOT medical, its surprising how much more energy you have during the day.And you’re not to to kill anyone while you fall asleep at the wheel.
More BS to pump the corrupt medical system with money from the trucking industry. Go away you PARASITES !!
They tried this crap 10 years ago. Companies invested in sleep equipment and companies then claim drivers had SA and would not allow other doctors to prove they did not have SA. Testing by companies often were not done by board certified doctors. Tech were used. Great way to lose drivers but that is how they slim the driver pool down.
Same old shit it’s all about the Benjamin’s and Control this government is total FUBAR and SNAFU and has been for many many years and will never change until all seats in government have only 8 year term limits, federal, state, and local governments.
I went for a sleep study. I couldnt sleep(at all) with all the wires and cameras on me. Yet,i was presribed a 1200.00 machine. Its a load of crap. All started with me snoring more and waking myself up. My grandfather snored for as long as could remember.Died at 98. Some people say they do sleep people with a cpap. well,if you are 60 to 100lbs overweight. Of course extra air pushed in your lungs will help. I ended up having a chronic sinus problem. So, 1200 gone.Bullshit and lost time at work.
I call B.S.
I have Sleep Apnea and found out years ago when my girlfriend noticed I was not sleeping well, so I got tested and glad I did!
That was 10 years AGO. Sure, I have to disclose on my medical, get regular testing and use my CPAP every day.
I’m an owner op; I carry the machine in the truck and use it; not just for myself, but for the safety of others on the road as well.
I have a Perfect record; no tickets or accidents.
I comply because it’s the right thing to do and I don’t bitch about it.
In my opinion if this government really wanted to make these highways in this country safer then drug test all people with a driver’s license and put them all in a random drug testing program
I will simply claim I can’t take this test as I am protesting against police on george floyd’s behalf because orange man bad…….or something like that as that’s how you’re allowed to brake rules/laws now….stand with me now….no peace no mask, no peace no mask
A CPAP machine improved my life 100%! It’s no big deal to wear it while you sleep.
Is every truckdriver now a conspiracy theorist? Get out of the business if it’s not working for you. God knows you won’t do anything except whine and whine and whine. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves hearing all you whiny do-nothing sissies.
Sure glad I’m retired when I see what many drivers are now all about.
Sounds like you’re whining. Glad your off the road. You’re dangerous.
You’re the kind of guy to call in on their neighbor for not wearing a mask. Just a drone advocating for total government control.
Stick your machine up yer nose, John. There isn’t a single reason for you to be critical of anybody who disagrees….except for the fact they don’t agree with your nonsense.
You people advocating for this bogus study which will lead to an overreach of power need to educate yourself on the affects of government intervention. So you did a sleep study and got a c-pap machine? Good for you. If I have problems sleeping and snoring, which I don’t, I’ll do the same. See how that works? Big brother doesn’t have to intervene. I can be responsible on my own? Who would of thought?
Big Brother is the only entity that would make the job better, with laws that help the driver. God knows the companies won’t and the drivers won’t lift a finger to fight/organize.
In any event the end is near due to automation. Better polish up your “resumes” for McDonalds Taco Bell and Subway. Maybe even a receiver job at the Dollar General by you.
Require these same test for 4 wheelers and watch them come to an end overnight. Same with speed limiters built into the trucks at the factory and all of the “collision avoidance” garbage.
This sleep apnea is so full of what ifs and could b’s , If it is so bad as we are being told then a person should not be driving a truck if they have it. . Stay local and do your sleeping at home so you don’t take a chance on being the body they find after a few days. Or find other employment. What brings on this horrible breathing ordeal in the first place.? It seems to be mostly truckers that have it. If it is so bad aren’t the drivers of cars just as apt to have crash too. However when something gets some media it all of a sudden goes like wildfire.I have been a trucker for well over 50 years and the only trouble I have had sleeping when on the road is the idiots that don’t know where the switch is to turn off the Jake brake in or near a truck stop knowing drivers are trying to sleep. Why did we not know about this if it is so bad 30 or more years ago? Simple.No problem……When we got tired or sleepy we could park the truck and stop the clock and take our nap as needed. We could do this as many times a day as WE needed and no penalty. The FMCSA is the real enemy of trucking, . Dump the ELD and life will be better for drivers..We used to be the captain of our truck.I do have a question. suppose you have this apnea. The govt says your unsafe if you don’t test and have wear a mask when you sleep. WHY??? Do they think your to damn stupid to park and take a safety nap when you get a bit drowsy. We are not all alike. We each are different from the next person so this one size does not fit for me. This has to be a scam being pushed on the trucking industry. Why? Because a majority of drivers today do not stick together, they don’t know how and have no clue how to communicate by voice or interaction with others.The FMCSA knows this and takes advantage of it to its fullest. End of rant.
Couldn’t agree more. We are not all alike. We deal with things as they come.
Why was my comment scrubbed?Chicken shi-.
They do that a lot. Too much censorship and not enough honest conversation. I put up a pretty informative comment 4 hours ago thats still awaiting moderation apparently.
10 out of 10 drivers could be rich…..but they probably aren’t. Another dose of unwarranted panic….
Did they ever think maybe the wacky hours a dispatchers or a receiver puts them at hours they must wait to get the load but never seems to ready or sit at a dock to unload. Even tough they are on time the driver must wait hours. The drivers gets put threw hell but it always falls on them Yet never looked at the companies either way. So who really makes it dangerous out there YES LOSE OF SLEEP. Do what your told per company receiver’s or the Government. Does any of them look at the true pic No cause they dont care. BLAME IT ON THE DRIVERS
Big Brother is the only entity that would make the job better, with laws that help the driver. God knows the companies won’t and the drivers won’t lift a finger to fight/organize.
In any event the end is near due to automation. Better polish up your “resumes” for McDonalds Taco Bell and Subway. Maybe even a receiver job at the Dollar General by you.
Creepy Joe is not my president!
This safety-culture targeting of just one group of people has to stop. Let’s see the government start targeting little car drivers for aggressive and clueless habits that are a major causes of big rig accidents.
OSA over slept Attention. Over Serviced Amendment. Overly Sleeping Advice. Officer Standing at Attention. Offending Safety Administration. Obviously Satisfaction Agreement. Offering Secure Advise.
Creepy Joe and Satanic Pelosi don’t even come close to being my idea of Congress.
She probably couldn’t sleep if you didn’t snore. Or toss an arm over her face from time to time
Sleep apnea has always been my cat has it. I think. We wear masks everywhere and that’s not enough we may have to wear a head gear like the creature from the fog. We cant breath in a paper mask. I saw my sister in one of those hers looked like a fireman’s . Covered her whole face and head. Just not right. Looked uncomfortable and very unsafe. Her dog even bite her when she saw her wearing it.
Anytime I need expert advise on sleep,excercise and health I always turn to Trucker Report form to hear the latest xenophobia,paranoia,conspiracy nonsense
The exact reason so many Truckers are leaving the business because 9f the endless ludicrous studies and regulations. Let us not forget the inward facing nanny cameras. I’m so happy I hung up the keys and went into a factory setting. I DO NOT miss the big brother bullcrap one single bit! The trucking industry in modern times is a JOKE.