When a truck driver was pulled over by a police officer last week in Michigan, it could have been a traffic stop like any other. The man who pulled him over had a badge, a gun, and a uniform just as one might expect. The only problem was that he wasn’t actually a police officer.
At around 9:45am on Friday, November 8th, an unnamed trucker was pulled over in Handy Township, a small community in between Lansing and Detroit along I-96. The car that pulled him over was a Chevy Tahoe. It had spotlights and emergency lights on the grill and windshield, but no overhead lights or decals.
When the imposter officer walked up to the truck, he looked like a police officer. He was wearing a blue uniform, sunglasses, a duty belt with a radio and handcuffs, a silver badge, and a name tag.
It’s not clear what exactly happened during the stop, but at some point, the driver asked the man for identification. Instead, the man ran.
A description given by authorities says that the man is white, in his late 20s or early 30s, is about 5’10”-6’ tall, has no facial hair, and may have been wearing a name tag that said “Smith.”
Anyone with information about the man or the incident is being urged to call the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office at 517-564-2440.
Source: whmi, wxyz, clickondetroit
Well hell…as if there isnt a enough “wanna be” cops.
I kinda liked the one that pulled over a van full of cops headed home.
Ahahaha that’s a good one! Especially security guards huh
See! We have the right to ask questions too.
Not by pretending to be something you’re not
It hard to trust anyone these days, law enforcement, who ever I getting all types of scams called try getting your information, that what’s law enforcement are Trump need to BBC address this matter.
Say what?
That’s right. we have a RIGHT to question!
Not if you are Black.
Stop with the race card, Angie..
Black, white, purple, green, red, everyone has the right to ask questions….
That’s right, we have a RIGHT to question, and we should…
Exactly!! Too many I see think they just gotta “spill-the-beans” when a cop shows up! BS – I grew up with one! No Fear! Back when I was New driver I got pulled over for “only” a wrong lane by a state trooper. He had me pull over “on the side” of a busy highway & then knocked at my passenger door. I told ‘my passenger’ to only open the door a little so I could hear him. “He told me to get out so he could talk to me.” I told him “NO”! Many people have disagreed with me BUT – I WAS right & only get a ‘lane change’ ticket & NOTHING else was done or said. WHY??? Because of 2 reasons: I was told by the brilliant trainers at Werner – where is “our” seat of control? – – IT IS “”in”” the driver’s seat when WE are sitting there at the ‘controls’ of that Rig. 2nd: Was “who” was sitting IN my passenger seat? – – She was my “14 yr old” daughter. It could possibly be a Felony to step out of that truck, while running, & leave a child in the vehicle on a busy 3 lane! Got to “know” the facts & rules before speaking or just responding to a command.
I cant believe the idiot ran away why would you want to imatate a dot cop
The police cars need to be marked.
Well that’s what happens,when you sell old cop cars to the public, and you can go on any Chinese website like Wish .com and order lights and crap that looks like the police🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ahahahaha true!
I’m just glad nobody was hurt!! People are getting crazy and it’s only getting worse! Smh!
Yes – too many people under too much pressure these days from too many areas of life. Never really know ‘why’ a person cracks or when it will happen.
Some years ago, a paroled murderer did the SAME THING to a young girl driving at night. They found her body in a ghetto, a day later. The idiots on the parole board thought he changed & was
” rehabilitated”
This happened to me 21 yrs ago near Decatur,In. I ended up staring down the barrel of a pistol,though. The perp was making a career out of this. Cops were aware of him and issued public warnings. As I remember it,this guy went down in a blaze of bullets from a firefight with cops in Kentucky. Never pull over for plain wrappers. Keep going until you are intercepted by full grown’s.
Never pull over in an isolated area, and get 911 on the phone. They will send the real cops and hopefully get morons like this off the street
Actually that is not the way to do it. If in doubt call 911. let them know there is a unmarked police car behind you . Do you have any one in the area of—- in an unmarked car? They will contact the agencies and then let you know yes or no.Ask for the officers name they may give it to you. . They may give you some directions. You follow them..
Good answer.
Did the phony cop have a real gun, or a cap gun?????
“..has no facial hair”. haha.
“This is Papa Bear. Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a… car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili? Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless.”
hahahahaha – ROFLMFAO
WE HAVE RIGHTS TO ,we have families ,we can ask questions to
They are required by department policy to identify them self and give you the proper department they have jurisdiction in when they first make contact with the public. Some actually do this, do a YouTube search for “1st amendment audit” and you can see for yourself.
Maybe he had diarrhea.
In Wisconsin, if you aren’t sure that you’re being pulled over by a legitimate officer, you have the right to continue on at a reasonable speed to a public location such as a gas station, retail store, restaurant, etc. and you will not be charged with fleeing/eluding. The law was put into effect after quite a few women were attacked when they stopped for what they thought were police vehicles (red/blue lights in grille, uniform) on dark back roads.
So this cop pulled me over and 1st thing he did was pull on my door handle… now I’m not wanting to hear the “JUST COMPLY” crowd but I’m wondering what YOU would’ve done?!?!?
So I have a court date and a bad attitude and hate towards this cop so I’m gonna try and keep it cool when the judge “will decide against”…
L. Blake. Not knowing situation…
My suggestion. Legal council is a good idea. In any case calm yourself. Do not let anything get you mad. Judges don’t like that. Stating what the Officer did concerned you, was unsafe, you thought he might be fake, known freight thefts…(whatever was true at the time)
Write it down.
Had a Buddy, new truck he was paying on. Maybe 60 k total miles… Officer walks up and beats on the door with his nightstick because he thought it took too long to get all paperwork. 8 solid dents. He kept his calm, avoided jail responding.
Exactly why I don’t pull over for the police.