A group of people who stole a tractor, trailer, and the things inside of them somehow missed a valuable piece of electronics – a video camera. It’s too bad for the thieves because the camera was on and recorded the whole thing.
On July 28th, a semi and trailer were stolen from JP Logistics based out of Cleveland, OH. In the front of the rig was a GoPro which was recording. It filmed as the group of suspected thieves rifled through the cab. It filmed as it was driven away to the parking lot of a nearby grocery store where it was later recovered.
Somehow though, the thieves never took the camera.
All of their faces are fairly clearly captured, as shown by a Facebook post created by the Second District Community Relations department. Despite having had the video for over a month and a half, the police still have not identified the suspects. They are asking for help in identifying them from the general public.
If you have any information about the incident or any of the suspects, you are asked to call Detective Murphy at 216-623-5217 or Crime Stoppers at 216-252-7463.
Source: newsbreak, wkbn, msn, lawenforcementtoday, facebook
they shoulda been wearing their masks !
Maybe that’s what the naked kid was wearing for a diaper
Needed it for their “pride” parade float?
…except they had a confederate flag. Be funny if it was a rainbow confederate flag though!
Why the pride jab?? Why not to pull a meth lab ..
im curious as to how they broke the doors open and hotwired the ignition. It used to be easy but I thought it was harder now.
Very smart people upsssss
Looks as though these criminals were from out of town, because the police don’t have any clue who they are or any history, the police need to send their photos to surrounding police departments and communities, maybe someone will be able to identify them
No they were local pucks but the other locals said they were no saying anything cause that rich white company owner has more than them so he should be glad to give it to these poor people that didn’t work for it.
Why bring race into this???
This story surfaced on social media platforms weeks ago. It’s viral.
Thank goodness! Cops can’t figure out simple robberies like this but know exactly who killed Kennedy and did the Vegas shoot. I mean they have BOTH face & prints and have NOTHING? Got to love those detectives.
That’s why I’m against cities and towns that won’t allow their police departments to use facial recognition.
Thieves, Rapists, Pedophiles and Murderers ALL need the exact same fate.
Brutal, agonizing, cruel torture and slow death.
When criminals fear committing crimes, then and ONLY then will we be relatively safefrom these scumbags.
The rest we can just shoot in the face.
Well you know don’t you with all this technology that we have today you would think that the police department would have had these idiots behind bars the second or third day,but I guess they’re not all that good at their jobs that they want you to think they are,and secondly there’s no money in it for them,they get payed a salary and not by the arrest or conviction so why would they hurry at catching these idiots,they have photos of every person in this country on a database in the birth and death records,guaranteed that those idiots have face profile on the police files,
How did they get the truck started?
They have a way to open doors just get a master to fit that particular model. They have a small device that reprograms and opens the ignition. Who knew. We could get that device too. Your not safe in your bunk either.
They must live near by. The parking lot owner may have a camera set up too. In order to drive the truck they know how to operate it. Don’t tell me their get away is bicycles and their the local tricycle gang.
All kinds of finger prints there. Might be the next 18 year olds wanting a career as a truck driver. They hang around truck stops. Mama boy faces too bad rin tin tin wasn’t in the sleeper.
Flush the Turd November 3rd.
Go pro a great camera Everytime worth buying easy to charge uses a sd card. I am so surprised looking directly at it they didn’t take it. America’s dumbest criminals.
You have to wonder if he’s working on some sort of electronic by-pass or ignition start program on his phone in the photo. Must be a large memory card in that go-pro to keep it recording for hours & hours, (even if the power source is plugged in).
Go pro records for 10 hours or 14 with some. Takes photos too. Walmart sells them too. In some of their stores. Worth it. SD cards don’t cost much can get that at walmart too. Wall charge or car lighter charge uses a plug like a cell phone. Can buy a water proof case and go driving. Plug the card into laptop or phone to view.
The kid behind fluffy is not wearing a shirt. Maybe he’s in a diaper
I love these facial expressions, HA!!
Starting a truck without a key isn’t that difficult. It’s not like a car. My peterbilt has a simple plug on the back off the switch. Pop off one panel and it’s right there. There is no locking steering wheel or key transducer.
No wonder there’s been no arrests, they got Murphy on the case. LOL
In the good old classic Pete days under the hood was a starter you put a key in and started as well. It looked like an old key to a commercial drier or washer. I had one. Gave it to a friend for his memories of trucking when he was young. I’m pretty old myself, so ,ya.
Is that a residential house behind fluffy and diaper boy ? Perhaps they sit and watch driver’s come and go. Wonder if daddy is a trucker or truck mechanic since they know how to operate the truck. It doesn’t cost much for that gismo to program the ignition system it sure doesn’t look like he’s doing a engine check or phone call he’s too relaxed he’s aware of where the truck drivers are and how long they’ll be gone. Probably saw them carrying douffle bags to the shower .