As the world waits for the COVID-19 vaccines to become available to the general public, the nation is taking steps to make sure that our infrastructure is prepared to distribute it to the public.
Currently there are multiple vaccines which have come out of clinical trials reporting 90%+ effective rates. Some vaccines require basic refrigeration while others need to be kept at ultra-low temperatures. The vaccine developed by Pfizer for example needs to be kept below -70 Celsius (-94F).
In anticipation of this requirement, some government agencies and private companies have been preparing suitable storage and transport solutions. Now, companies like UPS Healthcare have announced that they are preparing “cold chain” solutions such as producing 1,200 pounds of dry ice per hour.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is adding vaccines to their list of HOS-exempt loads. Further, all HOS exemptions related to the Expanded Emergency Declaration have been extended through February 28th, 2021. The exemption could be ended if the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control before then. The indication from public health and infectious disease experts and policymakers however is that the pandemic won’t be brought under control before then.
The Pfizer vaccine is expected to be the first to begin rolling out in the United States. A target date of mid-December has been set for the first round of 6.4 million doses to be distributed. A week later, 12.5 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine is expected to hit the road.
UPDATE: A Pfizer spokesperson has told the Wall Street Journal that the company is having difficulty “scaling up the raw material supply chain.” This may mean a reduction in the number of vaccines available.
Production is expected to ramp up dramatically in the coming months, with 60 million doses expected in January and 100 million in February.
Source: freightwaves, truckinginfo, overdrive, ttnews, freightwaves, truckinginfo, npr, cbs, yahoo
Michael says
I have been denied unemployment benefits after having a mild heart attack in Michigan. When I got back to Atlanta I applied for benefits in September only to be denied just last month. I just can’t go back to driving because I feel better, I have to pass a stress test..I have another one next Friday.
DG says
Quit being lazy. Lots of people drive after heart attacks.
Kp says
The “90%+” is completely bogus, look it up. This is way too experimental and more individuals need to be aware
Your immune system is strong enough without any of this so much so that most ppl are “asymptomatic” and literally have nothing wrong with them at all. That’s like saying just last year when you were fine, you were ravished by a disease and need experimental injections now (!!!!)
daniel says
That’s highly inaccurate. Our immune systems had not been introduced to the virus before, so they are unable to recognize the virus when a person becomes infected, until it’s too late, for those who are most vulnerable. It’s the speed at which it detects the virus is the issue.
It’s like having a spy go unnoticed and by the time you realize there’s a spy, you’re already compromised. That is why we need vaccines – to teach our immune systems to recognize it straight away and prevent the threat from causing damage.
Even many of those who are asymptomatic have long-term damage to major organs, in addition to blood clots and strokes killing younger people. Your message is “90%+” ignorance. It’s a breeze through what you think is happening, based on other ignorance. It’s almost verbatim ignorance by other, unreliable sources, who are in denial.
Please read actual medical and science-based sources. Although many usual roadblocks in the path of creating medications and vaccines were removed, the actual multi-phase trials have still been sufficient to classify these vaccines as safe and effective. And by “safe”, they mean it has no more side effects or risk of side effects than any other that passes pre-COVID trials.
In fact, the flu vaccine that helps protect 100s of millions of people worldwide every year is only 40-60% effective in the overall population. For the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to come out of gates with trial success in the 90-95% range, although will be lower in the population, is a massive success.
Keith says
Even if vaccines are what the manufacturers say they are, a vaccine against “COVID-19” is a bad idea, for a few reasons. With a recovery rate from “COVID-19” of at least 99%, a vaccine is pointless.
All vaccines are toxic. They will use the vaccine to force more slave rules–if you don’t receive a vaccine, you won’t be allowed to work, buy things, etc.
If everyone would stop wearing the useless masks, this whole “COVID-19” thing would be done. For all we know, there is no “COVID-19” caused by “SARS-CoV-2”. The whole deal is based on fraud.
daniel says
Dogs and cats receive vaccines for coronavirus, which is CCoV and FCoV, respectively. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Vaccines against coronaviruses are not inherently “dangerous”. If you have a dog or cat and you go to the vet and get their vaccines, that’s what they get, Keith – vaccine against coronavirus, as well as many others.
What is happening to us in the human population is exactly what happens to dogs and cats – the unprotected pass coronavirus to others and then they to others, etc.
Cats, for example, who have not been vaccinated for FCoV, can develop FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) which is always, inevitably, fatal. There is a reason they developed a vaccine for COVID-19, because it can be fatal. It’s that simple. We need to protect the vulnerable, whether it be a cat, dog or person.
Coyote says
Covid-19 is a Coronavirus. That is the cold and flu virus. There is no cure. This is all about rounding up the sheep and bringing us all in to the New World Order AKA The Great reset
daniel says
Coronaviruses do cause common colds and cold-like symptoms, but there are not one blanket coronavirus. Common colds are also caused by rhinoviruses. Babies and children before the age of 2 almost all become infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
The point here is, not all “colds” are coronaviruses and “just make you feel bad and then you get over it”. Coronaviruses have many, many different mutations, including those found in many, many other mammals, not just humans.
It so happens this coronavirus – COVID-19 – is especially adept at exploiting our lungs.
The most simple explanation is that it invades, replicates, destroys; cytokines from our immune system attack the destroyed tissues; the virus invades more tissue, replicates, detroys and more fluid from our immune system builds up in the lungs.
If your immune system cannot identify the virus before it replicates and destroys too much lung tissue, you die in your own immune system’s fluids. You drown. And it’s slow. It’s not a pretty death, so wake up, please.
Jake says
They are not even sure how it works.
Joel says
When people didnt fight to go to church ,the people believed in their true god,the believed in the U S goverment ,that became their new god ,sad but true ,and still the people have lost what little so called faith they had ,now how many wont gather for Christmas and Celebrate i wonder about this and how sad it will be
Jeremy M says
60%-70%,if not more,of the adult general public will refuse the “prick”. Then what will the NWO eugenicists do? No more “niceties”,from anyone,I’m sure.
Jeff says
Well i can guarantee im not getting that flipping shot. I was a pincushion while i was in the Army and they were giving us supposed vaccines before we were deployed to Iraq during the gulf war and come to find out that we were the guinea pigs.They had not even tested these shots on animals and now i have nothing but health problems,lumps all over my body that come back lipomas or none cancerous tumors,intestinal problems,stomach problems and i was healthy before i got those shots. I even have people that were injection us back in 1990 before we left for Iraq now saying please tell me you did not get those injections. Well you don’t have a choice in the military.
So if anyone thinks im going to get this shot so what my arms fall off next or i go blind,screw that.
Also they interviewed people that got the vaccine and they said if you get it you better take off a few days from work because they got sick as hell. Migraines that would not go away for days,no energy like they could not even get out of bed felt like crap and then you have to go in for a second shot so you can feel like crap again for another few days lol no thank you.
Experienced Trucker says
I ain’t taking no vaccine for the Coronavirus aka FLU. I get sick, I see MY doctor. Really very simple when there’s a 99.99% survival rate. We’re going 2C those commercials “Did you take the CV19 vaccine & your eyes fell out & your ears bleed”? “You maybe entitled to compensation”…Let the politicians n Fauci take the 1st doses.
Randy says
I’m not sick and there is no pandemic.
Mike says
Not gonna get this vaccine or any other. I do my best to obey the “law of the land” but I’m already looking to get a forgery Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID). I have no moral objections to disobeying an unconstitutional and evasive medical procedure. I hear the fake certificates are going for about $300 including digital verification.
daniel says
It’s absolutely appalling to see this industry is so bloody ignorant. All major health organizations recognize this as a threat and it’s worldwide. Ignorance is a choice. It’s clear many of you have made that choice.
Shar says
I know right!
Deaconblues62 says
It’s all about making $500 TRILLION DOLLARS off the vaccines.
Together; we the people are STRONG; DIVIDED we are just guinea pigs for big Pharma. NUFF SAID!