The federal watchdog in charge of overseeing the United States Department of Transportation has been fired. DOT’s inspector general is a position meant to combat waste, fraud, and abuse within the department. The former acting inspector general was investigating DOT Secretary Elaine Chao for possible conflicts of interest.
Mitch Behm had been the deputy inspector general and acting inspector general of the DOT until May 15th when the White House issued a statement announcing that he had been replaced by Eric Soskin. Soskin was reportedly hand-picked by the White House Counsel’s Office, an unusual move since inspectors general are traditionally a non-partisan role.
Secretary Chao has been the subject of an investigation to determine whether she and her subordinates at the DOT have been giving preferential treatment to Kentucky with grants and infrastructure money. Chao’s husband is Senatory Mitch McConnell (R-KY). There have also been ethics complaints raising concerns about Chao’s possible conflicts of interest with her family business.
Soskin’s nomination brings up conflicts of interest concerns of his own. He is currently serving as the administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, a division of the DOT, and will continue to do so as acting inspector general. That puts him in the unusual position of serving underneath Elaine Chao while also being responsible for oversight of her, the DOT, and his own branch.
Behm is just one of five inspectors general who have been removed from their posts in the past six weeks. The others were in the intelligence community, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
The move has caused even fellow Republicans to raise an eyebrow. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) called the firings “unprecedented” and “a threat to accountable democracy.” Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to the White House asking for an explanation. Instead, the White House Council’s office responded that the President has authority to fire inspectors general without giving a reason.
“Though the Constitution gives the president the authority to manage executive branch personnel, Congress made clear that if the president is going to fire an inspector general, there ought to be a good reason for it. The White House Counsel’s response failed to address this requirement, which Congress clearly stated in statute and accompanying reports,” Grassley said in a statement according to CBS News.
“I don’t dispute the president’s authority under the Constitution, but without sufficient explanation, it’s fair to question the president’s rationale for removing an inspector general,” he continued. “If the president has a good reason to remove an inspector general, just tell Congress what it is. Otherwise, the American people will be left speculating whether political or self interests [sic] are to blame. That’s not good for the presidency or government accountability.”
“Nor is placing political appointees from the overseen agency into an acting leadership position within an inspector general office acceptable, especially when those individuals are keeping their appointments at the same time,” Grassley concluded. “The White House Counsel’s letter does not address this glaring conflict of interest.”
Source: ttnews, federalnewsnetwork, lawandcrime, cbsnews, washingtonpost, williamsrecord, vox, thegazette, kfyrtv
Howard Beal says
How’s that swamp drainy thing working out for you guys…
Lady DOE says
All of the are CROOKS and one day they all will stand before GOD and they won’t be able to lie out of it. Because GOD knows everything.
Mike says
Wow no comments on this! Yep let’s make America great again by draining the swamp of alligators and pythons then replacing them with crocodiles and anacondas. So much for change. Just a bunch of two faced people in government committing strong armed robbery on the citizens. When will the citizens wake up and realize neither party affiliation will help those not in the 8 digit financial range. Pride comes before the fall.
Mark Brunsen says
Amen to that!
Jim says
American citizens are interested in watching grown men who make a living/get rich running back-and-forth with a ball.
They care about nothing else —– no “waking up” will take place.
Kelly says
Could not agree more Mike!!! Neither party gives a S&$T about us!! This two sided division in our country is EXACTLY what ‘they’ want! American pledge……Baaaa! Baaaa!
Duh says
Exactly! So vote out the ones in power… every time. Until they get the message, no re-elections!
If you’re still caught up in partisanship, think of it as the Cola Wars.
Coke & Pepsi don’t give a **** about you, and neither do the 2 major parties. Don’t give them your loyalty.
This move requires no sacrifice, no monetary hardship, and can only help you and your country.
Joe says
If voting mattered it would already be illegal. There is no voting out of anything.
MKG says
Sad but true
Lou says
Can’t argue with you. You hit the nail on the head.
ww770 says
You are so right, It is total fraud and a scam and a con from most of those of both D + R parties. Few reputable ones, like Rand Paul for example, few others. It’s a den of vipers and theives and it likened to money changers in the temple, in this case the Fed Gov’s temple, the house and senate. Senate was originally to represent the States Government in DC. Now that is gone with popular election. Governors can’t have input now. US House is where the popular vote for reps comes in. Since Pres. Wilson, the USA is going downhill. WW I had a lot of demonstators and 1913- FED, 1917 WW I , 1918 Spanish Flu
MKG says
Well said. This is blatant back scratching for Mitch. Very disappointed in the president on this one
Joe says
Cocaine Mitch and his lovely *cough cough* bride bleeding the taxpayers is all well and good. No conflicts, move along. Get lost.
D O says
Republicans are the enemy of truckers.
Prior to 1980 frieght brokers listed brokers fee in BOL. Reagan change that law.
Dee says
Apples to Oranges = comparing professional athletes with truck drivers – they compete with eachother just as much as much as anyone – I am not a ball fan myself and I agree watching guys chase after a ball doesn’t entertain me for long either but I do admire success and they try a lot harder then pot belly old men and truck grads at succeeding in life. If you dont like truck driving then get off the your crying cloud and find something you enjoy
Scott says
It’s the shell game. Keep people on both party voters distracted fighting each other while they come in and rob you.
Gary F. Brown says
Ok then, im broke and want to make change. Vote for me. Vote for every little man and woman on the ballot. Stop buying things from the fortune 5’s, and totally disregard anything imported for sale in the USA. Deep thoughts folks deeeep thoughts.
Buy the way, IM STILL BROKE.
rob says
The simple answer is after 3 years, its still Obama’s fault.
Jeremy M says
Investigate Chao for conflict of interest? Ok,fine. While they’re at it,go ahead and investigate every US gov institution for conflict of interest. Nothing new here. Why centre her out.
As far as electing change,so to speak,keep your eye on what’s going on in Florida regarding Laura Loomer and her campaign for Senate. Regardless of what one thinks about this young woman,it will be interesting to see if such an advocate against the establishment Demorat/NeoCon function infesting the gov at all levels in America can actually be successful in her quest.She is defying all the hurdles set before her,so far. She is,most definitely,reigning queen of the most “de-personed” woman on earth being banned from all mainstream social media networks for her criticism of the status quo and the corruption within US gov institutions.She has been blackballed by Uber.She can’t even get a for hire ride.It appears she is outperforming her counterparts in her respected constituency in the State of Florida. She’s making all the swamp rats really nervous.
Jim Shew says
What? Another corrupt government official? Gee, who would of thunk. 🤔You can’t believe or trust anyone in government. All a bunch of lying, good for nothing thieves.
David says
All of the elective offices should have term limits, the President is limited, so should any and all other office down to the local government. I think, Once you get elected to an office and serve, one cannot hold that office again, even by appointment! But , one could run for another office. There is a petition on line that is trying to do just that, talk about DRAINING THE SWAMP!!!
Wayne says
Decades of stories like this………….