Hello, where are the Knight haters?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by tracyq144, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. GabeScott

    GabeScott Medium Load Member

    Feb 16, 2014

    All depends on the perspective. What if the drunk driver took out a school bus after it picked up a load of delinquents from Continuation? Could have save the tax payers a boat load on future prison costs.
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  3. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    You've obviously never driven for Knight. What was the point of that post?
    Scoots Thanks this.
  4. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    Looks like tracyq was a bit bored last week. . .:biggrin_25522:
    Dna Mach Thanks this.
  5. bigblue19

    bigblue19 Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Midland WA
    Funny how all these drivers Knight kicked to the curb, are all making twice as much at some anonymous other top secret outfit. LOL You would think they would be thanking them.

    Listening to them, everyone should go to Knight, wreck out,CSA out and wash out. Becuase the next co will pay them rwice as much. LOL of course they will have to keep this all top secret. Becuase thats what drivers do when they have to put on that paper hat and say, may I take your order.
  6. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    What is your fascination with this junk carrier? You should just log out and forget about these anti junk carrier discussions. You're obviously perturbed by opinions and observations that you don't agree with.
    Scoots, OverDrive and Joetro Thank this.
  7. JimDucan

    JimDucan Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2010
    bigblue19 claims never to have worked for Knight as well.

    Sure cares a lot about a company he never worked for.
    Scoots, OverDrive and Dna Mach Thank this.
  8. Joetro

    Joetro Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2008
    Post Falls, ID
    Never worked for them, but I rate them right there with the other bottom-feeder companies.
    average joe and Shaggy Thank this.
  9. Scoots

    Scoots Light Load Member

    Sep 29, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    I'll assume that comment was directed at me since I was the ONLY poster to mention getting paid more. I didn't even bash Knight... but you on the other hand deserve a nice little "reality check"...

    First off, here's a thread about where I work (they certainly aren't a "mystery company"). Here's their website. I love my job. Since I respect my company I do not bring them up in other non-pertinent threads. You may click the links... but I will not respond to anything about them in this thread... I encourage you to post in that thread if you have questions.

    Secondly, if you believe any of the crap you are selling (since you're a shill I doubt that you do) why not go sign a lease with C.R. England and put your money where your mouth is...

    Thirdly, aren't you the least bit disgusted with yourself? People come here seeking advice from people who have worked at these companies expecting honest and truthful answers and instead you lie to them and try to discredit others.

    Lastly, as far as why I left... I got tired of being stuck out on the road for 3 weeks at a time and bringing home $600/week so after a long conversation with a guy at a truck stop I did some research and found a place I liked (see above link). They promised a minimum $1,000/week and home almost every weekend... I said "gee, where do I sign up" and the rest is history. I did leave Knight rather abruptly because after I gave my two weeks one of the management staff decided to call me a "##### traitor" to my face and was very indignant when they did so. I replied by turning in my keys and stating that I'm not sticking around for that type of crap and kindly informed them that I was moving my resignation up to be effective immediately.

    FYI, I wouldn't bash people who wear paper hats if you work for Knight... they make more than you.

    I stand by my original statement... Knight is fine if you just want to do your time and get some experience. The pay is low, home-time is near non-existent, and the treatment is sub-human at times but at least the very small checks don't bounce.

    Obvious shill is obvious... Knight isn't the only company with shills, but Knight shills are some of the most aggressive... if you guys want to know more about the treatment of employees at Knight just look at BigBlue's post... it should tell you all you need to know. If for some reason it doesn't another good site to learn about Knight is www.ripoffreport.com
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  10. bigblue19

    bigblue19 Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Midland WA
    I believe anyone who does not comply with the Knight haters is a "shill" LOL I am past that. But I do know people who drive for knight and can easily fact check most statments made if they smell a little. None of these people are mentally ill or felons who make low pay and are just happy to have a job.

    I have been on this site long enough to know that "shill' and "dissatisfied former employee " goes with the territory when posting.

    Honest, truthful answers is all you are giving? In the biz how long? for this carrier for how long? out of 1 terminal at a co that runs site specific fleets and you know it? You know jack LOL P.S well maybe more then some of the others who worked their several yrs ago.

    Here is one for you. Dude went through Squire program transfered to Knight. 4yrs later makes .39-.48 avg .44 . He runs general frt south dedicated north 2800ml per week avg 2 locals per week $40 each. 10 on 2 off. Qrtly bonus .05 poss but avg 4k for yr . 2wks paid vacation $1000+ paid for 2 checks. 24hr pay, 46+4+2=52k=.464 avg total for yr.

    What? below avg OTR miles? {less then120k} 52k at .46 per ml avg? at a 'bottom feeder"? Not even running hard? Impossible says the 1yr $600wk wonder. LOL like I said you make general statments and know jack.
    Do you think knight would have 50% of the NW fleet around 5+yrs if they made 600 a week?
    Now why don't you tell everyone the "truth " why you made dung pay at knight. I made good pay at every bottom feeder KLLM,USX,IDC, even May Trucking and they suck. OTR just sucks but never pay issues unless you let it happen.
  11. Scoots

    Scoots Light Load Member

    Sep 29, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    $600 a week is pretty standard there. They called back (Knight tries to recruit ex-employees) and offered to match what I currently make but I had to wonder why they wouldn't offer it in the first place. I'm home every weekend now making $1200/wk avg. My personal experience tells me different but I will say Knight does some dedicated stuff that does pay more. I know trainers at Knight who make what I make and some people on the Atlanta tire accounts at Knight who make just a little less- some weeks, not every week (they also have to unload tires) but the fact remains the pay is what it is and those trainers are running 20 hour days with their trainees... Not exactly healthy... or sane.

    You pretty much said it yourself... You haven't worked for Knight... but to your point there are guys at England who make $1500 a week recovering abandoned trucks. Its not what the average driver makes but hey, they exist and its dangerous work. There are much better outfits than Knight that pay a lot more (England isn't one of them). That guy who stayed 4 years is pretty crazy. As far as being a one year wonder goes, I think one would have to be insane to stay longer than that. Even at $52k your buddy makes less than I do (60k) and he put up with garbage treatment for 4 years to make less, plus hes still out three weeks at a time. Sure showed me...

    Knight has been going downhill for the past five years... Most of the old employees left or got fired with a few sticking around for reasons they don't even fully understand. As far as "big accounts" go... Most of Knight's big accounts come from cheap freight no one wants to haul. Today I very rarely haul crap over 45,000 lbs., I don't touch alcohol loads or bottled water... I may get the occasional recycling plant or paper rolls but maybe one a month... Not twice a week. I just can't think of a single instance where I'm worse off...

    You can attack my lack of experience, that's fair game... but I'd be more concerned that all you've worked for is crap companies (your words not mine) and claim you were "successful" at each one... Which kind of begs the question... Why not stay where you're at if you liked it and were successful there... Unless of course you wrecked out, CSA'd out, or washed out (again... your words not mine).
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
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