Looking forward to Knight's Squire program

Discussion in 'Knight' started by aecarr, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    Makes me so glad I never signed up with them from the start
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  3. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    That's the idea. Nobody should turn a key for any less than $.40 cpm even under the 'guise of training.
  4. Tyroneharris

    Tyroneharris Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2014
    We all need to start somewhere. I went with Knight after looking into all the other companies that take new drivers. I will stay with Knight for another 2-3 years then will checkout other companies out there and see what they have to offer.
    Maybe you were with Knight a few years back or were never with Knight at all. Those that are just going by word of mouth and never have worked for Knight i wonder why yall would be here in the first place? Maybe trolling with nothing to do? As times change so must companies change and change is happening at Knight. The old Dispatch system is being fazed out and the new system is coming in. Will it be perfect from the start? don't think so. no more new prostars with the maxxforce engines either. Cummins from now on. At least now we get $.02 raise a year and that is a start. More regional now too which means more hometime. that is good so far.
  5. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    WOW is all I have to say. And yes SWIFT has better training as far as what I see.
  6. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    For one thing you should never work for a decreasing pay scale. They want you to believe that your worth less on a long load, hmmm.

    As far as who we are or why were here, we are the voice of reason, The people on this board would recognize a troll, well it wont be me. I have a know track record here.
  7. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    Look all i am say is it is 2 different worlds. Most driver I know I would want to back into a hangar let alone with a plane and a tug.\\

    Trucks are surely not more difficult, just different. Any how back to being called names by a new driver. Goud Day
    dennisroc Thanks this.
  8. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    What he means is: almost anybody can get a CDL if they train & test enuf....but...to be a successful professional driver (incident/accident free) requires not only good driving skills, but good judgment, common sense (which is rare these days!), self management skills, customer service tactics, time management skill, etc. etc. etc. There is much more to successful professional driving than just pointing a truck down the road!!

    Btw, I was a 25 yr engineer in aerospace b4 becoming a trucker later in life.....
    Joetro, dennisroc and Powder Joints Thank this.

    T_TRUCKER. Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    A city near you.
    Pretty soon nobody will ever use that word anymore "common sense" the more stupid #### I see on a daily basis confirms my fear that soon this world will be over populated with ####### oh... Wait.... It already is.
  10. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    The norm these days is 'uncommon sense.'

    You cant teach common sense in school........esp. in ivy league type schools...:biggrin_25523:
  11. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    Fairly soon Forest Gump will be on here telling us he drove his shrimp boat for Knight/
    Life is like a box of chocolates, just when you think you have it figured out, its all nuts and worms. And giving you the wrong kind of runs.
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