Looking to switch to LTL, couple questions....

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Buckeye91, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Buckeye91

    Buckeye91 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Midwest, USA
    Hey all, Ive been thinking about going to an LTL outfit. I dont think it will be for a couple of years, since I have 2 small preventables on my record (scratching a guys mirror, and bumping into a 1 foot tall pole at a TS).

    Ive been doing lots of research, and it seems like the top 3 out there are ABF, OD, and Estes. Does anyone know if any of them pay OT? Im interested in the P&D position more than I am linehaul. I like city driving, multiple stops, and dont mind manual labor. I actually am a Chicago Local where I am now. So im hoping that that experience will help when it comes to applying.

    Ive been thinking about moving either south or west, somewhere warm lol, but it seems like unless you live in the area its kind of hard to apply for LTL position, as you have to be there for the interview, road test, etc. before you would even move. So what Im wondering is, is it easy to transfer internally with LTL companies? Would you need to stick around at your first terminal for 1 year? 2? 5?

    Thats about all i can think of question wise for now. Doing a lot of reading on here pretty much answered most of my questions, so i wont waste anyones time by re asking them lol.
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  3. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    At ABF the only time you can transfer is if there is a change of operations for the road board. For the city I don't think you could unless a terminal closed and the jobs were transferred to a nearby terminal. I don't see how you could transfer from Chicago to Phoenix. What they tell you is if you want to do that you would need to resign and lose all of your seniority starting out all over at the new terminal including a new test drive and probation.
  4. 2BucTruck

    2BucTruck Medium Load Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Eastern USA - Go Bucs!
    You should definitely talk to some folks from the LTL companies and let them determine how long you might have to wait due to your preventables. Perhaps it's not as bad as you think, you won't know till you try. Point being, you could be missing out on an earlier start at a new career opportunity without asking.

    I work for OD. I'm a linehaul driver. Suffice it to say, I could've picked from a 1/2 dozen LTL companies in my area, and I chose OD. ABF is union, OD and Estes are not. Typically, union shops will pay OT more generously than non-union. That's a generalization. OD does pay overtime, but some folks like to joke that OD stands for "Overtime Denied." You don't get overtime till you hit 60 hours. Some drivers might not hit that mark. Don't let that dissuade you. Truth be told, the compensation between LTL companies for P&D drivers, union or non-union, is pretty comparable. Other factors could weigh in on your decision between companies, e.g. vacation time, how the extraboard is run (hog board or not?), local opportunities and positions being offered.

    You could do well at OD, ABF, or Estes. However, OD is doing very well as a company in regard to growth and market share. They are managed well. That's something to consider for the long-term. Plus, at OD you get a lot of other perks, like hitting 1 week of paid vacation after 1 year, 2 weeks of paid vacation at 2 years, and eventually topping out at 4 weeks of vacation with over 10 years of service. You get plenty of paid holidays after 90 days of employment, including your birthday, the benefits are decent, and the company matching for the 401k is good.

    I'm very happy at OD, and don't ever plan on leaving. Lots of happy folks at ABF and Estes too. Your decision among companies might come down to what local terminal is offering you the best opportunity when you're ready to roll. Best wishes to you!

    Oh, and transferring at OD is simple. I don't believe there is a time constraint. You lose your seniority, but not your pay scale.
    wanttotruck Thanks this.
  5. Buckeye91

    Buckeye91 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Midwest, USA
    Yeah that's another big factor to me is benefits benefits benefits. Right now I get a pretty good hourly pay but no paid holidays. No sick days. No personal days. No nothing. You take off the day. You lose pay. Simple as that. That and our vacation pay is a joke. 2-5 years you get a flat 1,000. 5 and more you top out at 1,800. A lot to take into consideration.
  6. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    If you are near Chicago, you should check out USF Holland. As for transfers, you can switch from P&D to line with no issues (assuming there are spots open). With some carriers (like FxF) you can transfer terminals... again, if a spot is open. Overtime is a hit and miss based on carriers and areas. I would still apply regardless of your preventables. You might get a job, depending how bad they need you.
  7. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    One of the big issues at ABF currently is Vacation time, 1 week after TWO years and 2 weeks after EIGHT years. This is a deal killer for so many drivers.
  8. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Fixed the above...

    Yes it is. One of the reasons left the first year ( had 8 months in ) the contract was voted in
    It's still nags at me the 2nd attempt. Just have to keep telling yourself it's worth it in the long run..... Still going to get screwed comes retirement....
  9. Buckeye91

    Buckeye91 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Midwest, USA
    Between the vacation time and not being able to transfer, ABF might be ruled out for me. I've always heard good things about OD, so I've done a lot of digging into their rep on here and elsewhere. TBH I've never really given Estes a thought until I started reading some threads on here. They seem to be either be improving or have always been good. Depending on who you talk to. Someone earlier said the transfer proccess for OD. Does anyone know the transfer process for Estes?

    Also. Both are non-Union shops right? I know one LTL outfit just voted in teamsters. That was Fedex if I remember correctly?
  10. Glp

    Glp Medium Load Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Oakland, CA
    start doing back strengthening exercises
  11. 2BucTruck

    2BucTruck Medium Load Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Eastern USA - Go Bucs!
    Conway-Freight just voted to unionize at one particular terminal - that's not every terminal. Perhaps that's what you're thinking of? I don't know anything about Fed Ex Freight unionizing. UPSF is union, but I've heard you don't have to join the union - don't quote me on that. Not quite sure how that would work.

    Both Estes and OD are not union.
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