10+ years exp looking to Jump to OD but have Qs

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by cherishangel, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. cherishangel

    cherishangel Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2014
    Dallas, TX
    I have seen that line haul pay is pretty good at OD. I have 10+ year exp OTR and regional as a driver, no tickets, accidents or write ups ever and always at the top of the leader board. I currently make $61k yr. If I jump to OD with my experience will they at least match my current pay or will I make less starting out with no seniority there? Is it up to the hiring manager or is starting pay the same if u are new to trucking or an old hand? What is the avg starting pay?
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  3. soremonkeybutt

    soremonkeybutt Light Load Member

    Sep 12, 2014
    even at the bottom pay scale you will probally make the same or more than you are currently making now I moved over to od 5 years ago seriously you cant go wrong and in this industry that is rare thing to say
    cherishangel Thanks this.
  4. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Well - the potential is,

    60cpm (or better, I forget what the solo rate is)
    3000 miles a week (on a good schedule run or running solo wild easily achieved)
    50 weeks (have 2 weeks off - you deserve it)

    Ta DAH! - - - $90,000

    Or relax a bit -

    Currently - your 61k - divided by 50 weeks is $1220, divided by 60cpm

    Tah DAH! Do 2033 miles a week and relax a bit more!

    Now. Big question - where do you live.
  5. cherishangel

    cherishangel Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2014
    Dallas, TX
    Dallas. and thanks for the break down! its appreciated. 60 cpm isn' the solo rate though? So I assume it's less then that? So is it better to wait til spring to hire on? seen some comments on here of bad winter slow down and even layoffs from it in ltl.
  6. NoobiDriver

    NoobiDriver Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    I'm thinking about them too. I just have to get a doubles endorsement. Only need one year's experience and I have that. I live in Fort Myers, Florida and I saw that they're hiring in that area. I wonder what starting pay is.
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