Can you make money teaming at CRST?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Florida Playboy, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Florida Playboy

    Florida Playboy Road Train Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    I am looking around for a job and noticed CRST is trolling craigslist like crazy looking for drivers. They rolled out a new pay scale and are offering sign-on bonuses.

    I was wondering if there are any teams on here that drive for them. Could you give me the details like the lanes, equipment, etc. The day one medical benefits really interest me.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    CRST Club Car

    Looking at the pay scale, you should be able to make real good money in the Club Car division. That division looks like easy money.

    The nation’s #1 team carrier, CRST, is teaming up with the World’s leader in Golf Car manufacturing, Club Car!

    CRST and Club Car are looking for Specialized Team Drivers to add to this growing Dedicated Fleet with an already strong reputation for specialization and professionalism.
    Drivers will make on average between $1100 and $1300 per week. This is based on a competitive rate per mile, and pay per stop.

    • $3000 Sign-On Bonus
      for Established Teams
    • $1000 Sign-On Bonus
      for Experienced Solos
    • Medical Benefits on Starting Day 1
    • 401k profit sharing program after 3 months of employment
    • Free life insurance after 6 months of employment
    • 1 week of paid vacation after their first year of employment
    • CDL-A and 1 Year Experience Required
      CRST will provide shirts to use as a uniform
    As a team driver, you will be delivering to golf courses, country clubs and dealerships throughout the 48 states and Canada.
    Home Time:
    You will be home weekly except during slower months of January, February, July and August.
    CRST Dedicated Services has truck driving jobs available nationwide at various times of the year. Call our recruiting staff now to see what we may have available for you!
  4. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Companies sure do like glamourtizing their ads don't they?Does'nt matter how attractive the pay is,the equipment ect,that won't stop drivers and students from quitting.Companies needs to find the problem to the high turnover rate and fix it rather then adding more to their ads.That won't make ppl stay if the treatment is bad and miles are still low.Not to mention the fireing without talking to drivers about it.
    bigjoel and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  5. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Quick and honest - no. I've talked to some making a third of what we do. There are far better team companies out there. Craig's list postings reflect desperation.
    pattyj Thanks this.
  6. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    Companies don't give away free money without recouping it somehow. It's a desperate measure to attract drivers because they can't get them normally.

    A hire on bonus is a red flag in my book.

    What kind of medical benefits? A $5000 deductible you about have to die to break even. I'm just speculating but I bet I'm close. :)
    pattyj and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  7. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    I don't care how attractive the ads say,the website,there won't be dollar signs in these eyes.I'm going to wanna have to drive for them first and foremost,not get lured in by words on ads.Ads like this tells me they can't keep drivers.More and more companies are hiring drivers with less exp or has now turned into a training company because all or most the good drivers have left.
  8. rockstar_nj

    rockstar_nj Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Cape May Court House, NJ
    No, you're not Going to make money here. Were not paid like teams at better companies. your party is noticeably lower, and you're only paid half the miles. And when you have to stay your clock for a200 mile loaf instead of letting you get your reset, besides obviously costing money when you have to shut down again and wait for hours, that costs money out of your bonus that they just started.

    Unless you own your truck and already have someone drive with, your not gonna make money here. But then if you do have a tuck and Codriver, you'd probably go too one of the way better companies instead.

    CRST is really just for us new drivers to get experience. And get yelled at all the time because people see the trick and assume that whatever happened we our fault. Usually it was, but not all of us are bad drivers

    If you want a big company, I'm sure you have a list of better ones
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
  9. milesandmilesofroad

    milesandmilesofroad Light Load Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    What always amazes me is those on here who don't even drive for CRST, never drove for CRST and to their self indulgent thoughts, would never drive for CRST.

    They paint a picture of how much better it is where they are at, yet they leave out one important thing and that is that the company they are with NOW, won't hire a new driver or new team.

    CRST has been good to me for thirty years and good to a lot of other folks too. What else makes me laugh is that these drivers say we don't have good equipment here yet we run the very same tractor these ministers of misinformation drive and they say that where they are at, the equipment is really nice!!!.

    The one thing that separates me from most here is that I have thirty years under my belt here. I know more than many about this carrier and am in a great position to tell people.

    The OP asked if the money is good here teaming and while at one time it was not where it could have or should have been, it is better now.

    While I am a Owner Operator and my compensation is a bit different, I would recommend this company to anyone looking to get their start, in this industry.

    Alot is made about a 8 month commitment and how so and so wouldn't do it, well, you know what, 8 months goes by fast. 2013 is almost over and if you think about it, it seems like it just started.

    When you finish your 8 months and decide to move on, you can say to a new company that you spent 8 months at CRST, finished your commitment and are looking to move on and that will go to tell a new employer that you can do what you say and say what you do.

    I am a old guy at 65 and I believe as I always have that a mans word is important and it's important to honor what you say.
    Hazz2, ttwjr32, Chinatown and 3 others Thank this.
  10. milesandmilesofroad

    milesandmilesofroad Light Load Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Rock star while your on the topic of miles, tell it like it is newbie. A team operation is a business unit, no matter who owns the truck. Each man or each woman pulls their weight and contributes to the overall earnings of the truck and are paid just as if you were partners in a business venture. Splitting the miles is no different than a 50/50 Split.
  11. milesandmilesofroad

    milesandmilesofroad Light Load Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Look bottom line, CRST is not the god of this industry. Every company has its issues and it's share of less than honorable people, but they also have a good bunch of people too.
    Hazz2 Thanks this.
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