information on knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by crst trucker 06, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    BTW: What's great about being with an 'old salt' trainer is the stories that you get to hear.

    One thing that he made sure that we didnt do was get a load going up north (was in Nov, and we ran the southern U.S.). He said that "he only chained to drive out of snow, NOT into it! "We would be at a truck stop and would see a rig loaded up with dirty slush, and really 'snow' filthy, and he would always say "Where he just came from..we're NOT going!"

    But he did it all and was 62 YO at the time and next to retirement.

    Another story was about 'the old days,' when they had to pickup & deliver crops out of the field w/o reefers. He had an open cooler next to him full of ice water, and would drive the loads straight thru no matter how long it took (no logs), sloshing water on his face with his free hand the whole time to stay awake! Sometimes driving 24+hrs non-stop with a pee bottle.
    Dna Mach Thanks this.
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  3. RizenPhoenix

    RizenPhoenix Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Squire runs training trucks as solo's.

    Hey Honey bunny, they are looking for a non-smoking female to be a temp trainer for just my wife. You interested? She's already been through 5 weeks over the road training at Central so she's not straight out of the license mill. If you are ask Ron about it.
  4. KingObeat

    KingObeat Light Load Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Well, Knight said I couldn't work for them because I take medication for depression. :sad: Major bummer.
  5. Gretchencazares

    Gretchencazares Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Crestline, ca
    Is that with all companies? There is such a sigma regarding depression. I didn't think I could drive be because od my it just knight? Most illness' when treated are controlled with medication, like high blood press and diabetes... This includes depression and sleep apnea ect
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
  6. Gretchencazares

    Gretchencazares Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Crestline, ca
    The knight yard in denver is brand new. We, I'm the co-driver, like it there. It is clean and has showers ect. The guys in the shop are great at getting you back on the road. We recommend knight.
  7. Gretchencazares

    Gretchencazares Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Crestline, ca
    I hear a lot of complaining and unhappy drivers, I really hate it and try to avoid it. I'm the "co-driver" We hardly sit. We have mostly do drop and pre loads. Empty and loaded miles are paid. But then we are dry not refer. There is a big difference. Also company drivers vs owner lease operators are different. We drive an average of 2-3000 miles a week. I only know what I know if we have issues we are learning to not just sit by and complain. If we want to run and we haven't got a trip yet, we call. if a "higher up" than your dm gets wind things aren't right, they make it right, and I have heard the same from others. There is a big revamp going on in knight, Colorado was the first I believe, the results are looking good. I do agree it's hard to gt thru the bull with everyone complaining and changing company's as often as they change their car insurance, no loyalty. We are making it work, I from what we've seen and heard I think it could be. Lol the thing I miss the most is our dog!
  8. Gretchencazares

    Gretchencazares Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Crestline, ca
    WHat kind of troubles do you have? Why do you want to leave a company you love?
  9. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I'd say most complaints against Knight are valid. You'll come back soon and re-read what you wrote and just shake your head. So if your left sitting all you do is just climb the ladder? Really tell us more about how we want free handouts. Funny thing is most people end up leaving Knight and basically increase their earnings significantly. You can't argue with that.

    Knights not upgrading anything, their polishing a lousy stinking turd is all their doing. This whole profession would be better if Knight would stop lowering standards to the point their forced to open a training company because no one in their right mind is stupid enough to work for them.
  10. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I'd say most complaints against Knight are valid. You'll come back soon and re-read what you wrote and just shake your head. So if your left sitting all you do is just climb the ladder? Really tell us more about how all we want are free handouts were nit willing to work hard for. Funny thing is most people end up leaving Knight and basically increase their earnings significantly. You can't argue with that.

    Knights not upgrading anything, their polishing a lousy stinking turd is all their doing. This whole profession would be better if Knight would stop lowering standards to the point their forced to open a training company because no one in their right mind is stupid enough to work for them.
  11. frog2011

    frog2011 Light Load Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    ive been hearing a lot about how knight doesnt pay anything but loaded miles. im thinking of going with them cause ive heard good things about them but then i started at CRE so just about anything is better than them. i also believe its all personal preferences too and as a newbie i have no room to !@#$% at least for right now
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