3rd lane violation

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by LTeller, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. LTeller

    LTeller Bobtail Member

    Dec 21, 2014
    I received a citation while driving on hwy 5 northbound.for out of lane .The CHP pulled me over about 1-1/2 miles north of florin rd.there are 4 lanes after florin rd . just as you pass the bridge there is a sign to the right that states trucks use right 3 lanes. I was in the number 2 lane when pulled over when the officer told me I was not allowed to travel in that lane . I tried to tell him that the sign had stated that trucks were to use right 3 lanes but all that did was piss him off and I then was threatened with a speeding ticket. I live in oregon but after talking to several other drivers who know this area said I should fight it . I have a perfect driving record and do not feel it was justified in recieving a ticket for something I feel I did not do.
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  3. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    You're lucky he didn't knock off your plate and elbow you in the stomach like in convoy.

    Tis a trap son.
    Nuttin you can do about it.

    If the mile marker he wrote down matches what you claim. Easy win.
    "semi" retired Thanks this.
  4. Knucklehead619

    Knucklehead619 Medium Load Member

    Mar 11, 2014
    Flyover Country
    CHP wants you in the right lane at all times. I'd have to look it up to verify but I believe there's a "right lane only unless passing" law for CMVs in CA. That being said, fight ANY ticket you get from CHP... I've had 3 from them in the last 10 or so years, went to court to fight all 3 and all were dismissed when the officer failed to show for the court date.
  5. bigdogpile

    bigdogpile Road Train Member

    May 16, 2010
    fontana ca
    I know that area well, and you are allowed in the # 3 lane there so just take your case to court and you WILL win..that officer was just being a d76k ..
    Pinqui Thanks this.
  6. double yellow

    double yellow Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    State of Jefferson
    Cliffs: Unless otherwise posted, you must be in the right lane on a 2 or 3 lane highway (unless passing -- in which case you can be 1 lane over), or right 2 lanes on a 4+ lane highway. I5 through Sacramento is such an exception with signs posted:

    NB i5 just north of Florin:


    NB i5 just south of us50

    otherhalftw and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  7. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    heck, this past week, i've been in lane 4 with chp just passing me by. i must be doing something wrong with all you folks getting 3rd lane violations.
  8. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Hi LTeller, 1st, welcome aboard, 2nd, clearly sounds like baloney, and it's a shame you have to take time to fight this, but sadly, this is what makes the world go around now. Just as a note, don't EVER argue with a cop. It's guaranteed to get you in more trouble. Don't say anything except whatever the cop asks you, take the ticket, and roll away. I'm sure in these cash strapped cities, the cops are instructed to hand out tickets for anything, hoping you won't take it to court, and it generates millions in funds for the city. Take it to court,like others say, and if the mile marker of the citation matches the road, you'll win. Just a pain in the butt, but that's where we are now, good luck.
  9. gpsman

    gpsman Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    "Out of lane" is technically a "lane violation", but is not "using the wrong lane".

    And you kinda forgot to mention if you were, in fact, speeding. CHP is kinda known for writing truckers for lesser infractions, and ignoring others, then not showing up for court, giving the trucker a break, slight as it might seem.

    (And you kinda forgot to mention what lane you might have been in before the cop pulled you over.)
    otherhalftw and AXE Thank this.
  10. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    You can request a trial by written declaration, and they'll send you the forms. They also postpon the court date.

    Then, fill out the forms, and supply photographs , like DY has above, and yoou'll find, like KH619 said, that the officer will be too laazy to respond, or show up. Case dismissed.

    If yooure not comfortable with that process, hire a LOCAL attorney versed in truck tickets.

    I always fight tickets. It's the legal system, and you're entitled to. Yes, I said ENTITLED.

    I'm now ENTITLED to take a nap. I'm from that generation.
  11. Stew209

    Stew209 Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Out in the Sticks
    I run that area a lot and as soon as the freeway opens up to 4 lanes, I always stay in the 3rd lane over. The sign does say "Truck use the 3 right lanes" .
    I have never had an issue using that lane. I would fight it.
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