Local Truck Driving Jobs in Dayton, OH

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What is a local truck driver?
A local truck driver is a driver that drives routes that are local to where they live, typically within a 200-mile radius. Local trucking driving jobs consist of an 8–10-hour workday and allows the driver to be home every night. Local Truck drivers need to be able to navigate smaller routes within tighter road conditions as these drivers are not going to be usually using the highway and are expected to be on a tighter pickup and delivery schedule. Drivers who take a local truck driving job, will usually be assigned a routine route or routes that they will repeatedly drive.
How many hours can a local CDL driver drive?
Local truck driving jobs typically require 10-to-14-hour days, but the required hours will likely depend heavily on the company's needs. Most days start around 4:00 AM for local drivers and can end around 5 or 6. Fortunately, many companies offer overtime pay which can bring in larger paychecks.
How much do Truck Drivers make in Dayton, OH?
The average salary of a CDL truck driver in Dayton, OH is $81,910 per year or $1,575 per week. CDL truck drivers can make anywhere from $63,440 to $120,000 depending on where they are driving and how many hours per week they are driving.