The Good: |
The Bad: |
Not having to worry what you smell like by yourself |
Standing in line an hour for a shower in front of the whole world |
Not having your boss looking over your shoulder |
Having your boss constantly bugging you to call him |
Not having to listen to co-workers |
Loneliness |
Having lots of breaks |
Not getting paid for waiting hours |
Being able to eat whenever you want |
Eating by yourself in a truck stop |
Being able to travel and sight-see |
Longing for home |
Not having to get up all the time at the same time |
Being up ALL the time |
Having to drive 50 miles to find a restroom with diarrhea |
Not being able to use your own restroom in peace without kids trying to rip the stall down |
Getting up in the morning and having everybody looking in your windows |
Not being able to just go to bed when you want but having to look hours for a parking spot |
Having to walk a mile once finding the restroom with diarrhea |
The Good & Bad About Trucking
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Not enough pay for all the hours you put in, this includs ALL trucking companys. Its a rip off! truckers made the same amount of money back in the 70’s.
Not having 2 days off for every 5 you work like the rest of the working joes. We stay out 6 weeks at a time and have to battle to get a full 5 to 6 days off for home time!!!