So my boss gave me an ultimatum

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by TruckDriver01234, Jan 7, 2022.

  1. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    Any reason why you need to post dump? Don't know how to edit your original post? Or just enjoy trolling with useless information?

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  3. REALITY098765

    REALITY098765 Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    Some times the truth hurts

    I do know how to edit but you lose people in between when you do that.

    It's only useful if you read it but I know you won't because it doesn't fit your ''agenda''.
    Quackomatic 6000 Thanks this.
  4. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    You're rather confused. At least when it comes to me. I'm not taking a stand against the virus or the vaccine. It's a stand on choice and rights. You can choose to not eat GMO foods. You should also be able to choose if you want to get a vaccine. I personally chose to get it. Because I have high risk loved ones and adding any % was fine. Even if it literally is as good as a coin flip. But it was my choice. People and their doctors need to be making these decisions. Not politicians.
    Quackomatic 6000 and Opus Thank this.
  5. reeferwrencher

    reeferwrencher Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2018
    Why turn this one into a "pandemic"?
    xlsdraw and God prefers Diesels Thank this.
  6. REALITY098765

    REALITY098765 Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    IDK, maybe to mitigate the damage caused by human mistakes.
    Good ? though.
  7. REALITY098765

    REALITY098765 Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    No I can't, It's forced on me, and everybody else, that's my point.
  8. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    100% false.
    nredfor88 and God prefers Diesels Thank this.
  9. reeferwrencher

    reeferwrencher Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2018
    Well that's about as clear as mud.
  10. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    Pandemic rolled over the charter: How COVID-19 restrictions tested Canadians' rights | National Post

    It’s inarguable that some aspects of the pandemic response have infringed upon rights. But, because the charter allows for limitations on rights, that does not mean the policy or law or regulation is unconstitutional.

    “It’s really a question of proportionality: Is the rights-restricting policy or law doing more harm or more good on balance?” said Macfarlane.

    I'm about as pro vax as you can get but when you consider there's been no big outbreaks credited to truckers and once this current wave passes covid is almost certain to move from pandemic to endemic I have to wonder why now. The diminishing returns of 'convincing' a few more to get jabbed vs. the unintended consequences seems like more harm than good on balance.

    We'd be better off helping the poor countries get vaxxed than getting a couple more Canucks jabbed.

    Interesting times.
    Flint1 Thanks this.
  11. God prefers Diesels

    God prefers Diesels Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2020
    South Texas
    If you're unvaxxed, you can catch Corona, and you can spread Corona, effectively "killing grandma".
    If you're vaxxed, you can catch Corona, and you can spread Corona, effectively "killing grandma".
    The only difference the data is showing, is the vax can lower your chances of being seriously ill, or getting killed.

    Well, I'm 40. I'm not in an at-risk demographic. So explain to me why I should get the vax. Seriously. Right now, I'm doing 5 mph on a straight road with no traffic, and I'm wearing a seatbelt. What you're asking me to do is now drop it down to 1 mph. I was already not at risk, so why should I try to be even safer?

    Forget all the politics and arguing and mandates, yadda yadda. That's my line of thinking. Why should I get it, if it's not going to change anything for me? And yes, I know getting it could kill me. There is a small chance, and I'm aware of that. But it's risk assessment. There's also a small chance that I could slip getting in my truck, and hit my head on the pavement, but I'm not going to install a lift with rails and a safety harness just to get in my truck, if you catch my drift.
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