FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. zodiacflyer

    zodiacflyer Heavy Load Member

    Aug 25, 2014
    Mine allows me to set it to only while using.... only thing is, it seems like it's up in the background all the time. Really the only reason it requires location is so you can't use it while you're driving. My biggest complaint is that the thing likes to lock up on me because it thinks I am moving, when I am just trying to scan BOLs.
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  3. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    That’s what mine allowed me to do too but with just a bit of flexibility. Now it requires “Always On” to do anything.

    I get not being able to use it while driving but if we don’t use CoPilot then why must it track us 24/7?

    It did this one other time and it got switched back. Hoping the same happens this time as well.
  4. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Interesting day yesterday coming through the gorge, saw a huge black bear just hanging out next to the interstate, a truck rolled over on the East bound side at the six yardstick, and then when I get into Tennessee the mountain was on fire. DEF6EF9A-8C12-485C-922A-B591A3B1FDCB.jpeg B9271D19-3600-4249-AD5A-A1BD58316EF4.jpeg
  5. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Today in Mt. Vernon, Illinois traffic was stopped due to construction, my gps warned me about 4 miles prior, but there were plenty of signs stating the two left lanes were closed. As I come up on the stopped traffic running my 4 ways to alert the other knuckle heads, these two trucks coming flying by me, I thought for sure these morons were about to plow into stopped traffic. One yanked it on the shoulder and the other dude stood on his brakes, the trailer broke loose, and I’m just waiting for the catastrophe. He stopped just in the nick of time, but it was a scary scenario. Pull your freaking heads out of your rectum and pay attention to what’s going on around you for gods sake.

    Earlier I stopped at the Loves to get fuel, this POS parked on the fuel island, grabs his shower bag and goes in and takes a shower. The lack of common courtesy out here anymore is mind boggling.
    cdavis188, rokue, wulfman75 and 6 others Thank this.
  6. BigR

    BigR Road Train Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Shawnee, OK
    Mine does that all the time too. #### thing thanks I'm driving half the time when I am stopped. Really frustrating. I hate that it locks you out when driving. Or when it thinks you're driving!
  7. trucknguy

    trucknguy Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    West coast
    I set mine to always ask and it even lets u move and use
    MidWest_MacDaddy Thanks this.
  8. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    I think its time the fuel stops have a wrecker on standby and when idiots do that kind of crap, tow the truck away to impound and charge them
    Full rate to get it back..
    cdavis188, dwells40, BigR and 3 others Thank this.
  9. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Not thrilled.

    I use the TRANSFLO app on my iPhone and iPad. I use this app to submit paperwork and communicate with those on the other end. (Especially when I’m out if the truck) Now I guess, because copilot is being turned on, (something I don’t need and won’t use) that I have to allow tracking of my personal tech OR delete the App from my tech and return to using the truck tech for these things.

    Going to suck to have to limit my communications to only when I’m in the Truck. (And stopped too)

  10. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Ya, mine was much more flexible prior to this change.
  11. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    I’m sorry, I don’t see what the big deal is with having the app always on, and your devices being “tracked.” Your phone is basically a gps tracking device. Big brother always knows your location! The Omnitracs is a gps tracking device, the stuff doesn’t bother me,

    I’ve been doing this long enough, that when Qualcomm/Omnitracs first debuted in the industry, drivers actually quit over it. You would sit around the liars counter, and hear the old hands say “they ain’t never putting one of those in my truck, #### government knowing my every move.”
    cdavis188, ncmickey, BigR and 4 others Thank this.
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