Automatic trucks

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by krisjack, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. Redgreen01

    Redgreen01 Bobtail Member

    Jul 21, 2010
    times are a changen with the technology growing sometime in the there will be compete electric trucks own the road they have hybrids now that sweet smell of diesel is going out and more trucks are going to have automatics, just look at pick-ups most don't even offer a manual anymore only dodge but how long will thaty last.
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  3. buddybaker

    buddybaker Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    8 track, blue ray,, which are you:biggrin_25523:
  4. BJnobear

    BJnobear Heavy Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    PCB, FL

    If I ever got assigned an Auto and it was not an Ultra, I would be pissed. That is like getting a new airplane without the wings!
  5. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co

    I just want to remind you, your a wannabe, I'm not, I've got 13.5 yrs exp. with 1.3 million miles exp. and 1.1 million of those miles in two different autoshift trucks. The first truck I was given the keys to on Jan. 31st, 2000 and I drove it til Sept. 30th, 2008. It had 1250 miles on it when they gave me the keys and 978,400 on it when I gave up the keys. My current autoshift had 600 miles on it when they gave me the keys Oct. 1st 2008, and currently has 192,600 miles on it. Both trucks were/are equipped with Eaton/Fuller 10 spd autoshifts. Guess what sonny boy, your WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. Now get your ### to school and learn something.

    Oh, and for those who say they suck on snow/ice, 80% of my running is the Rocky Mtn. west (Colorado, Wyo., NM, Montana, Idaho, Utah not to mention KS, NE, SD, ND, OK, Tx, Or, Wa.), I've run everyone of those states in the winter, ON SNOW, ICE, WINDS, ETC... Now is there anything else anyone would like to tell me about how bad an autoshift sucks! Also, it's rare that I'm loaded at anything less than 65,000 lbs, so don't try and tell me they don't shift correctly. Whenever I'm in the mtn's, if I'm empty, I let the computer handle it, if I'm loaded I keep it in manual mode. Also, the instruction manuals and instruction stickers (for those of you that can read) that the truck is equipped with, tell you to use the manual mode when crossing railroad tracks and descending grades. It comes down to exp. and ability, I'll pit my autoshift against a manual any day. Are their days when it can be tempermental, #### right, but just like my wife, I sweet talk it, and it smooths out nicely.

    As for stalling out or locking up, yep it happens. Guess what, you stop, set your brakes (put your hazards on if on the road), shut the truck off, wait upto 10 minutes, restart the truck, generally it's ready to go. In this new truck I've only had to do that twice. In the 1st and 2nd generation trucks, those built between '99 and '04 there was a real problem with the X/Y shift motors failing, it was a result of the "lowest bidder process" that Eaton/Fuller used, and the manufacturer was using substandard parts and materials. The problem has been fixed since '04, there are some trucks out there with the old shift motors in them, but they are phazing those out slowly as they need to be replaced. Between '00 and '04 my 1st truck had the shift motors replaced 4 times, the 5th set lasted til June of '08, when they replaced. My current truck still has the same set of shift motors. The clutch on the 1st truck was replaced at 678,000 miles, and actually it didn't need replaced, the clutch brake had destroyed itself, the shop said the clutch itself would probably have lasted another 100,000 + miles, but the boss didn't want to take a chance. Eaton/Fuller has test trucks and regular in-service autoshift trucks that have gone 1+ milllion miles without the clutch being replaced, and a few test trucks that have hit 2 million miles.

    Now, are we done with this discussion?:biggrin_25516:

    Oh and I've driven manual trans trucks, and I can hop in one and scoot on down the road as well. That said, I'll stick with my autoshift. But than again, some of those whining about them remind me of one of my co-workers he cries about autoshifts all the time. He drove one for 18 mos and hated it, then the company bought him this '04 Frieghshaker Columbia with an Eaton/Fuller 10-spd manual. Two years ago, at around 400K miles, the tranny had to be rebuilt, they found 2 chipped gears, and two gears that showed signs of overheating. He has 20+ yrs exp., I suppose someone will blame that 100% on the parts and 0% on the driver.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  6. buddybaker

    buddybaker Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Thanks for the reply STRIKER, I agree with you, it's the person doing the thinking "Auto Mode/Man", just like everything else you do in a Truck, you decide how you are going to drive. :biggrin_25514:
  7. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I have noticed on here how some drivers are for and some are against automatic trucks. Too me is is a personal preference. Doesn't matter to me why a person likes them or doesn't like them. I have driven a couple of them. I know how to shift. My last truck was an 18 speed (my favorite). What is funny is how some people attack others for driving them. True; all drivers should know how to operate a manual truck; however what does it matter if some like them and some don't? Too me the funny part is the ones that start attacking the ones who have them.

    This is a text book case of small man syndrome. Or if you will; little richard syndrome. To compensate their short comings.... they need a big stick to fondle and play with going down the road... beings their mind is just as small then they have to figure out a way to try insult and tear down someone who drives a automatic, so they will be a big man in their mind as well...:biggrin_25524::biggrin_2559:

    You can usually spot these drivers with the statements they are quick to make.... A big truck driver needs to have a stick or it ain't big truck; truck driving or some other ignorant statement somewhere along those lines. I would venture to say that many of them have never even driven an automatic truck..:biggrin_2559: They just have this gift for being ignorant....:biggrin_25523: Who gives a flip what someone else drives? If your that worried about them maybe you need to start paying their bills for them.....:biggrin_25522:
    Big Duker, lil may and Buffalo Chip Thank this.
  8. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    I have one question,if you were the one buying a truck, would you buy one to drive, or not. I'm not telling you new or used,just wondering which you would shell out the greenbacks for.

    I have had the opportunity to try and help someone troubleshoot them, as well as the opportunity to drive one, actually 2,but the tans wasn't the reason I had to have another truck to finish a run.

    I have driven an Eaton-Fuller Ultra for just over a year, doing livehaul(not recommended by the manufacturer) and now OTR. The relief ride had a Freedomline, which mechanics have been telling me is even worse.If I were buying a truck, it would be a 18 speed manual, with no automatic stuff. next choice would be a 13 and then a 9.

    The shifting with autoshift is still done by the machine, even in manual mode, the only thing you can prevent is upshifting, and when you switch modes, you get a big delay before the change takes place, so there you are pegged out at full rpm crawling along because you forgot to put it back in drive,then it shifts 2 or 3 gears at once and bogs for another short period of time. Parking and backing and just getting in gear to move it has to be accomplished by two computers controlling a clutch and engine and transmission, no wonder it sometime takes 3 tries to get it into gear from neutral.

    BTW notarps4me, the women we had hauling refused to drive autoshifts, I didn't refuse, but I have complained plenty along the way.
  9. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    The issue on here tho is the ones who rag on the ones that do drive them. Again who cares what someone else drives? Yet some have to make derogatory statements about people who drive them. Those are the ones that have the little richard complex.....
    Gears and Big Duker Thank this.
  10. Rowdy Finn

    Rowdy Finn Bobtail Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    Eastern NC
    I've got a 2007 F350 4x4 with a 6 spd. on the floor. Love it.
  11. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    well to each his own...and not trying to offend anyone, and if thats all the school lets you drive, well then its not ur fault....but if ya cant shift it, you shouldnt be driving...and yes i am currently in an automatic AND HATE IT!!!!!!and yes it does limit your options of a carrier change...even if you like an automatic and would rather have one, still ought to know how to shift!!!! they say the appeal is to the women...well I AM A WOMAN!!!!!! and i dont think they belong in trucks!!...but hey like i said, to each his
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
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