CH Rates? Getting Any Better?

Discussion in 'CH Robinson' started by lazow1md, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. javelinjeff

    javelinjeff Medium Load Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Big Red,,you make some valid points,,,however no broker will show his percentage off the top,,,unlike any othe kind of broker who is required to disclose(realty,stock,insurance)..and these guys are not always passing along the fuel surcharge(i.e.-DOD loads) if you do not take his cut rate on monday,,you sit.he offers the same rate on tuesday,,you sit,,,,this goes on untill the repo man comes for the truck and the trailer,and the bank forcloses on the house..even though I refuse their low rate loads,,we also HAVE to keep the trucks rolling.many of us out here are not fortunate enough to have paid off homes and trucks,,,and we need to know how much this freight is actually paying before accepting any rate.this has become a middleman monopoly with these brokers,as i have asked shippers for loads and they say they are under contract with a broker.unless I have 20 or more trucks,,,most shippers prefer to remain under contract with these brokers,which is understandable...all anybody really wants is to know how much these guys are taking off the top.there is a profit formula for any business,,,but sometimes these guys are like drug dealers,,luring you out with a good rate,then taking all the profit you made with their "backhaul" rate....just my 38 cents worth
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  3. Big Red

    Big Red Lonestar

    Nov 11, 2007
    Jeff, My point is simply this.......If you can't haul it for that rate.....let it sit.

    The freight has to get moved by somebody....quit cutting your own throat by accepting low ball rates.

    Sometimes you have to take a little bit of the bad to get back to the good, if in a bad freight area....cut the hardest deal you can in that situation, remember that the broker needs to move that load as bad as you need to make money on it. Negotiate.....Negotiate.....Negotiate.

    The way I see it is simply this......If you accept the low rate and you lose's a self inflicted wound. Blame the man in the mirror...not the broker.
  4. FlyinJ_unk

    FlyinJ_unk Bobtail Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    Fresno, CA
    I can't complain about chrw. Got those produce loads like 10-4 over.

  5. phroziac

    phroziac Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gary, IN
    Werner stil pulls for them, so i know thats a no. :p
  6. fidelamaya26

    fidelamaya26 Bobtail Member

    Feb 5, 2010
    Yea loads From California to Texas (Dallas/Ft. Worth are) used to pay 3000 and 2750 back. Now They wanna pay 1000 and even as low as 950. With fuel prices down and they still wont go up. People doing loads that cheap is whats causing them to lower their rates. If things continue like that their Rates could go even lower this year
  7. Jayshawn89

    Jayshawn89 Light Load Member

    Oct 12, 2009

    my company still pulls for them and i have never seen the loads that low i have never seen anything below 2900. they have a set rate per mile. then there is the fuel surcharge based on the price of fuel and total payout has always been 3600. the only thing i have questions about is the fuel surcharge is that rate can change but. but the fuel surcharge hasnt changed it'll say 600 no mater what. but the payout is ALWAYS $3600. cant speak for everyone else but for us 3600 has never changed and that bad because it proves that they determin what they wanna pay you but if you cant make that run back from california for 3600 something is wrong
  8. Millisjcw

    Millisjcw Light Load Member

    May 27, 2010
    My friend uses them from time to time, only to get closer to another city so he doesnt have to deadhead 3-400miles.....other than that rates are still cheap, i seen some decent payin loads but not great
  9. fidelamaya26

    fidelamaya26 Bobtail Member

    Feb 5, 2010
    Are U Serious? 3600 are u dreaming, i called about a rate a few days ago 950 from Dallas, TX- San Jose, CA 1500Miles. I said no and 15Minutes later the load was gone. People are desperate and thats why they cover them.
  10. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    Brokers are legally required to provide copies of the paperwork on the loads that a driver pulls for them, including their agreement with the shipper. You can request that information from them. I know, as I was looking at becoming a broker a few years ago. Didn't have the $$$ to do it right, so didn't go there. It's on FMCSA's website.
  11. Millisjcw

    Millisjcw Light Load Member

    May 27, 2010

    its pretty much hit & miss with getting good rates from c.h....i called about a load formy friend, he was in gary, indiana...and was trying to get to detroit so he can pick up a load from another broker going down into i called about a load from chicago to detroit and it paid $700....u can negoiate with them, i remember i got 200 more bucks for a load, its not much but better than nothing...but with all being said c.h. does have cheap rates and we only use them for short runs to get somewhere else so we dont have to deadhead 4-500 buddy pulls reefer and it pays wayyyyyyyy better than dry frieght
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