Safety means nothing to CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CRE Truth, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    She wasn't on the lease, and evidently, that makes all the difference in the world. I have no idea why our money level was so low, but I have plenty of ugly settlements to show for it.

    But you and yours only take home 800-1000 a week? Is that together? That's only 100-300 more than I'm talking about.
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  3. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Miscommunication doesn't happen if you read and comprehend. You're ranting about miscommunication, and you didn't understand one simple sentence. Perhaps concentrate on the elements of the debate, and not trying to attack my ability to communicate. It's not something I have a problem with, and most others here understand my posts and PMs just fine.
  4. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    I don't get what you mean about her not being on the lease. Are you saying your name was the only one on the contract? If so, that's how it is with us. My wife's name is the only name on there. They would only let one name be on there but we still get paid as if it were a company team truck.
    Yeah. On a normal, 4500 work week, our paycheck averages between 800 to a 1000 take home.

    Um, I thought somewhere, on one of these threads you said you only brought home 300 to 400...... Maybe I misunderstood you. But if thats the numbers, that's almost double the net income.
  5. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    300-400 each - 700 average or so. And that's horrible for 4500 miles. That's 16 cpm, roughly. Most company driver teams do between 40-44 cpm. Why are we still arguing about this? Doesn't everyone agree that getting less than half of what a typical company driver team (in other companies) gets is horrible... yet I'm slammed for not encouraging other folks to jump in with CRE?

    Please understand this clearly - with Southern Cal Transport, we made 41 cpm (split)... so that same 4500 miles would pay $1845. And we usually did 5500-6000 miles... we'd still be there if the company hadn't become unstable, bought and sold, and lost several major contracts...

    So, now why (again) and I getting crap about having a problem with making ONE THIRD of what we made at another company.... and I know companies that pay several cents better than Socal...?
  6. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    So, your combined, weekly net income was around 700 bucks on a 4500 mile week? Hmmm. We make a little more than that on those miles but we knew that's about what we were gonna be makin beforehand. In other words, they never told us we'd be makin more than what we actually pull in so I dont know what to tell ya on that. I know it ain't much but you gotta keep in mind, this is a starter company that pays starter wages and again, we knew that before we signed the lease which is the reason why when we're done with this lease, we probly won't sign another one, or even stay with England because since we'll have almost four years of solid experience, we wanna get paid experienced wages.

    But on a final note, even though I'm not makin around what I was makin working in the gas patch busting knuckles on compressors, my wifes income is far more than what she was bringing in at home depot on eleven bucks an hour.
  7. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Yes, you're right on the income. And it's 1/3-1/2 what an experienced team should be and could be making.

    Now, do you understand why I discourage people from CRE? You're making less than half what you should be!

    Of course, if you're brand new to the industry, starting from scratch, newlicense and all, I could understand doing 6 months at CRE, since their training program is decent... but after that? No way.
  8. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    This thread is spiraling. Pay, although a big reason to not go with england isnt a saefty issue. Nor is slamming anyone that speaks being helpful to the thread. Cre sucks on so many points but there has to be a thread for that elsewhere.

    I would love to hear what others have to say on safety.

    Like how cre graduates get under two hours of behind the wheel time. Or how you finish school with two hours drive time and your first trainer points down the road and goes to sleep on your first day of phase one. Or how your training time is reduced by 6 weeks if you sign a lease (in turn removing thier acountability completely). Or how they avoid responsibility for most acidents and deaths under the csa 2010 via pushing all employees to lease and be ic's straight out of school (not part of our fleet althogh we trained them and employ them). Or how you are eligable to become a trainer before you finish training.

    There are so many safety issues I couldnt begin to name them all, and I know im not the only one seeing them. The major issue I had was when they got me and wife caught up in a blatantly unsafe situation and tried to bully us into falling in line. The way they handled it was horrid.

    The company I just started with has printed material that clearly encourages and protects people that come forth over safety issues. They do the same for rude employees and bullying practices. Im realy happy to be away from cre and into caring hands now. My experience with cre helps me apreciate them even more now that ive seen the darkest side of the industry.
  9. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    So you tell us how it should be done. You seem to be capable of finding what is wrong with how they train, please, by all means tell us how you would train new drivers.

    The darkest side of the industry? You are going to tell me, with 19 years experience, the darkest side of the industry? I have not been in the industry for 10 years, but I would really like to hear your "darkest side".
    AchioteCoyote Thanks this.
  10. BTC1380

    BTC1380 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    Decature, GA
    Dear driver how may I contact you so you can email me the recordings you have? I am trying to get started in the trucking industry and I recently applied at C.R. England and wanted to know if they were a good company to work for
  11. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    They are all about 6 one way half a dozen another. CR England treated me good, but I was experienced when I went there.
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