Superior Carriers 2011

Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by wsyrob, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    I believe I would have dropped my trailer and bob tailed someplace for something to eat. That's what line 5 is for on the E log. You are having a tough week. Hope this week is a little better.

    I did a little Google satellite mapping of my load this week to Long Island. It doesn't look too bad once I get there. The Waste Water plant sits behind a public park. There is a loop road through the park with the gate to the plant off of that. I could probably camp there if I had to and use a grill and picnic table. Neighborhood looks ok too. Some of the houses next door have swimming pools. You don't see that much in the slums where we usually unload.
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  3. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    Son bring ur swim trunks maybe they let u sunbath and take a swim lol or maybe ur ice skates i forgot what time of year it is. Yea i in markham takeing a 34 restart oh boy, i goin to have a much better week thats a guarantee, get some r&r just chill still got a couple of weeks before i head to the house. Drivers take care drive safe and God Bless America !!!!!! :biggrin_255:
  4. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Got unloaded on Long Island no problem. This plant wasn't too bad to get to. No narrow streets with cars parked all over.

    They tank washed me to Keasby NJ. I still had 5 hours to drive so I called Paulsboro and was informed that they were "laying me over" in Keasbey and to call them in the morning. They had no idea what I will be doing tomorrow.

    I refuse to sleep at that tank wash after awakening a year or so ago with burning eyes and lungs from being down wind of something they were cleaning. I bobtailed 40 miles to the Boardentown Petro.
  5. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    So we are still using keasby tw i talked to Mcpeek the other day he said we were'nt using that wash anymore. That's one place i don't go to been there once and they can kiss my u know what if they ever try to send me there again, what a waste land that is. I don't blame you bud i'd do the same thing. Somebody has there facts mixed up i'll ask Jack next time i talk to him bout that. Man i was lost for 4 hours trying to find that crap hole, from 9 pm to 1 am i finally had a local tow truck flag me down and ask me if i was lost lol. He took me right to the front door no charge tried to pay him he wouldn't take the money, oh yea don't think i could find again anyway if they tried to send me there anyway lol. Well drivers be safe take care and God Bless America !!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    i found that place before dark, but i got lost coming out, i took the right fork in the road and not the left.
  7. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem

    I did the same thing the first couple of times (slow learner). Its pretty much a U turn on Smith street around overpass supports that are one way. There is a sign pointing that way for the Garden State Parkway(truck restricted road) and I thought it was an on ramp. Wound up downtown looking for some place to turn around. Fortunately I had gotten lots of practice on tight streets in Brooklyn that morning. :biggrin_25523:
  8. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    i like paulsboro better just for the chinese place there in town.
  9. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    Yea one of the three times i passed it i did that too, it was just after xmas last year in jan. they still had all the xmas decorations hanging from the poles and lites and lines. Needless to say i had a pretty decorated trailer by the time i got out of there lol and tractor, ya know when i was goin back the other way through all the lites and all another superior driver passed me had done the same thing i did. We met later his tractor and trailer didn't look quite as pretty as mine lol i guess i got first pickens at all the lites and garland lol, anyway that's not a place i ever want to see again, and i think that little town would be very thankful if i didn't come back also. Ya'll take care be safe and God Bless America !!!!! :biggrin_25526:
  10. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    Well i'm in memphis again tryed to get that cali load again not so lucky this time. got to pick up off exit 56 on I 40 then heading to Rhode Island oh boy i don't think i've ever been there before can't quite remember goin there. I like new places to see not so sure i want to be heading that way this time of year, i hear there getting quite the storm up that way tonite and tomarrow oh boy can't wait lol. Man i hate ice and really cold and windy conditions. Ya'll take care and be safe out there.
  11. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    I am in Petersburg Va. Ran down 81 this morning then across 64. Roads are clear. You won't have any problems up I-81.

    I am unloading now finishing up a piddeling 1500 mile week in the Northeast. You can't make any money with 300-400 mile runs set up with 15 hour breaks. No layover hours. It took 5 days of this to make as much money as the dedicated load I did last week Thurs, Fri and Saturday.

    At least I will be home for the weekend to get some Christmas shopping done and get to take my son to the Panther Game on Sunday.
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