Jury Duty

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by Ducks, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Shockey, the comments in your explanation are what went through my mind and led me to initially ask this question. Serving jury duty (or making yourself available to serve) seems to be a logistical nightmare for an OTR driver.

    Also, do most drivers who live alone have someone check their mail regularly? If not, I would imagine it would be held at the post office... and hence the possibility exists that the jury summons would not be collected in time to report -- which also would create problems upon the driver's return home.

    I guess there's really no easy answer here, eh...
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  3. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Well, there IS an answer, Ducks.
    "Easy" answer?
    I dunno.

    But if the law breakers would STOP breaking the law, there would be no need for Jury Services.

    What are the chances of that happening any time soon?

    Trucker E.morri$ Thanks this.
  4. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Maybe if we culled the glory-seeking, money-hungry lawyers from the pool, too...
  5. Pur48Ted

    Pur48Ted Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2006
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I got called for jury duty one time. I called and explained that with my job, I needed at LEAST two weeks notice and I couldn't serve on any jury for longer than one day or my job would be in jepordy. I followed the phone call up with a certified letter. About two weeks later, I got a letter back saying they were removing my name from the jury pool.
  6. leannamarie

    leannamarie "California Girl"

    I do worry about the justice system with the jury service that we have now. The jury pool winds up heavy with the people that we might least want sitting in judgement of us. Intelligent folks figure out how to beat the system and get out of it. The working class can't afford to miss a day of work to serve. Who does that leave us with?
  7. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Sounds like you live in a state, county, city that makes exceptions in special circumstances.
    But keep in mind where I live,........................
    Riverside County, California.
    The southern extension of the Land O' Fruits & Nutz.
    I'm in the latter bin.

    I was actually informed that I would, in essence, have to APPEAR to explain why I COULDN'T appear.
    Or reschedule to a later time, but I couldn't tell the court when I would be available. I guess they like surprises.

    Even if I received the summons when I was home, I'd need to guarantee I would be back in about three weeks to respond to the summons. Staying out 6 to 9 weeks at a time, that's a tad unpredictable.
    Sit or split?

    And I can imagine an Owner/Op dreaming about $$$ flying out the window. Maybe special customers left hanging.
    Hard to concentrate on who-done-what when you're goin' broke deciding.

    I've heard it suggested that there be "Professional Jurors."
    But I'm not sure I'm in favor of that either.

    Pass the chocolate!
    All this thinkin' is making me crave chocolate.
    Who has chocolate?

    Does the former Rip Griffin's still sell fudge?
    Chocolate fudge?
    By the pound?
    Truck load?

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