TQL - "What kind of a rate would you need to make that work?"

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by DocG, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. DocG

    DocG Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Seriously, I think all people at TQL read off of the same script. They post a load with reference cities that are pretty far off, ask for your MC#, check out your stats, give you the load info and then spring the old "What kind of a rate would you need to make that work?" line. I know the theory behind it, they are reading from the oldest salesman's book in the world. They think that by you giving your rate first it will magically be below what they are willing to pay in a load and therefore they can make money without having to haggle. No matter what I quote them after they ask me that question they always say something like "Oooh, that's a lot more than I have in the load. I could do this much money" and then quote you some horribly lower number. My question is this: if they knew they could pay that amount WHY NOT JUST GIVE THAT AMOUNT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND STOP WASTING MY TIME?!?! I hate them.

    First off, I call TQL as a LAST RESORT when all others options are exhausted. They have stuck it to me on many occasions so I don't call them unless I absolutely have to.

    Second, when I do have to call TQL I've already got a rate in mind that I am looking for. I will then add $0.60-$0.80 per mile MORE to the rate I need because I know that they will give me a considerably lower number than normal.

    Third, I love seeing that 513 area code number calling me back because they realize that they are gouging too much out of the load and resort to calling me back to try to get my rate down from the quote I gave them earlier. I hold firm and they tell me "I will call you back". Half of the time they won't, half of the time they will. And when they do call me back and give me my rate I want to say "You should've just done that in the first place so we all could've moved on with our lives".

    Did I mention that I hate TQL? :biggrin_2551:
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  3. cominghomesc

    cominghomesc Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2010
    I love TQL and all threads about them:biggrin_25519:
    KB3MMX and englewoodcowboy Thank this.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    They actually had a public relations lady who must have done a google search and discovered another thread here bashing their unethical practices. She made a big show going on and on about how TQL would never condone this behavior and she would get to the bottom of it. She must have been a new hire or something cause she disappeared after a couple of posts. I'm sure the bosses at TQL put her right back in her place and set her right. You just had to know those posts were nothing more than empty words.
  5. KG-TQLSupport

    KG-TQLSupport Bobtail Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Hi. PR lady here. I will absolutely investigate any and all specific instances of unethical behavior by our brokers. You just have to provide me with specific information - load numbers, PO numbers, names, times of calls, etc. There are thousands of transactions that take place at TQL every day. Not every one will go right. We understand this and I am truly sorry for your frustration. But there are also thousands that do go well and many brokers who have outstanding relationships with their carriers. Please message me with any specific complaints and I will respond immediately.
    jimf922, Chirt, botoler and 2 others Thank this.
  6. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I have no complaints anymore because I quit bothering with TQL back in Jan or Feb. As for the carriers that have good relationships with some of the better TQL agents - I don't doubt that, there are members here who will say as much. They don't need any extra competition from me good for them, have a nice day.
    izifaddag and NURSE1 Thank this.
  7. DocG

    DocG Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    I'd give you info on the most recent load that TQL jacked me on where my driver sat for 15 hours to get loaded with no detention but I have already gone round and round with managers. Been there, done that, time to move on.
    izifaddag and NURSE1 Thank this.
  8. Stump

    Stump Heavy Load Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Modesto CA
    I've had goodluck with TQL in the Northwest. That said, they played a little game with me last week. Got a load from them, got the conformation e-mailed to me, deadheaded 150 miles for them, then they called back and said my insurence and MC number was having a issueand they can't give me the load.

    No problem with my carrier profile, they just found someone cheaper after i deadhead and got the conformation from the jerks. I did not change a thing on my carrier profile. 3 days latter, had a truck up north that needed loaded, found a load from them, got the ok. then backed out an hour latter for a better paying one. I guess i can play there games too.
    izifaddag, Dr Demented and NURSE1 Thank this.
  9. ShortBusKid

    ShortBusKid Heavy Load Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    I hate to say it Stump but I've had the same experience with TQL and I'd swear it was because they found someone cheaper. My new deal is that I get all the load info up front and call the shipper.

    That being said - I still haul for them and get some decent rates.
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  10. BoyWander

    BoyWander Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2011
    I was curious as to what determines a truck "Being officially dispatched" on a load - as far as if they do bail on you for a cheaper truck, what do you need to get the TONU fee?
  11. 48stater

    48stater Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    No one at TQL knows what TONU means, so none of that applies in this thread. As far as getting it from another broker, any honest one will shoot you $150 minimum if the truck has headed towards the pickup. By "headed towards", I don't mean you just started the truck and put it in gear, I mean you moved down the road a at least a few miles.

    The attitude at TQL seems to be they don't pay accessorials. Anything that goes wrong, detention, overweight, etc. is either an act of God or the drivers fault. Force majeure has a different connotation to TQL than how the term is normally understood.
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