O/O's What are your thoughts? Would you use it? How much would you pay?

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by starsonwindow, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. starsonwindow

    starsonwindow Medium Load Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Phoenix, Arizona
    I am willing to work hard, Someone said to learn what the ordeal out there is, I may not had every situation in my very primary years of driving but I have dealt with enough to know what it is like and how a driver has to deal wirth it, With that said I can certainly get my MC and authority, I know it will be hard work but I have worked hard and I seem to work harder if I know it is mine, I have owned a business in the past, I have been where the beginning is, if I have to go back there then fine, I know my way out I've done it before. Thank You all for the constructive criticism, I can and will figure it out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
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  3. sjmay

    sjmay Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    You put in all the carrier's information, as a dispatcher, you don't want any money coming to you, no matter what. You can call to question about a claim (like I did all day today) or call about a short pay, or where the payment is etc, but everything financial is in the carrier's name.

    As far as getting paid, no, I won't wait 60 days to get paid. If I am doing my job right, I won't need to wait 60 days, since most if not all brokers offer quick pay, and most O/O use quick pay, there is no need to wait 60 days, and if they don't use quick pay, then they have enough reserve to pay in a timely fashion.

    Depending on the carrier I am more lenient, and as long as there is communication, I don't worry about not getting paid.
  4. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    If you can't tell when someone is stating general fact of life, rather than making personal attacks, then it's not the fault of the person making the post.
  5. starsonwindow

    starsonwindow Medium Load Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Phoenix, Arizona

    ~~~Thank You~~~
  6. Saddletramp1200

    Saddletramp1200 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2011
    Houston Texas,USA
    Son if you get your pants up about what I said, you might want to rethink your idea. A trucker will eat you alive. A broker needs to be hard as we are. I drive, you tell me how we can both make money. You get your cut, I get mine, simple as that.
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  7. KeepOnRollin

    KeepOnRollin Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2013
    San Diego
    It seems there has to be some sort of license for this type of business structure, otherwise... isn't that essentially double brokering if you take a cut off the load? I'm curious to how this works as well. I made the mistake of doing some free dispatching as a favor in the past, naturally that "one time request" turned into EVERY LOAD and I can't work at that level for free. Also, not sure how or even IF I could charge for that service...
    Milo161 Thanks this.
  8. rank

    rank Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    50 miles north of Rochester, NY
    Whaaaaatever man. I think you've had enough to drink.

    You asked for input right? I gave good advice. No way in h-e-double hockey stick is any carrier in their right mind giving you their passwords. If that makes me skeptical or negative, then so be it.

    I call it prudent.
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