Central Refrigerated Truck Stop II

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by celticwolf, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    GRRR! Doing a 'favor' for our DM... Red tagged trailer at our 99, can you take it Henderson and bring back an MT. Sure my husband says... The only MTs at Henderson are RED TAGGED!! So now we are waiting for the local driver to 'find' us one... It will only take about an hour... Sigh... This is cutting into my adult beverage time at home!!
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  3. vikingswen

    vikingswen Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    In the Stratosphere
    If it takes really long I will catch you guys when I come through on Saturday :biggrin_25525:
  4. smadronia

    smadronia Heavy Load Member

    May 26, 2007
    Good luck with that. I once stumbled across a lost trailer, totally by accident. Central never paid the lost trailer fee. Claimed it wasn't lost, then it wasn't lost, but the receiver knocked a door off (which they hadn't), and then since I was misinformed, they'd give me $125... I never bothered to turn in any more found trailers. Now I get sent to find trailers, but I don't get any extra pay for it.
  5. smadronia

    smadronia Heavy Load Member

    May 26, 2007
    I used to hate picking up trailers at Henderson. They're either all loaded, or all red tagged, and people are fighting over any empties they find.
    Lady K Thanks this.
  6. Buckeye91

    Buckeye91 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Midwest, USA
    So question for everyone. does central require you to take any breaks during a 10 hr driving shift. Specifically for trainees. I was trying to take 2 at about every 3 1/2 hours. But every time I stop my trainer goes. What are you doing?! Well duh. I'd like to stretch and take a leak. So since then I've been doing it just once 5 hours in. funny part is he stops probably 4 times a day. Idk. to make matters even more of a pain. I'll have my 200 hours up on my day 28 which is a Wednesday. And he's saying we aren't going to go to wvc till Monday. Its still 13 days away. So Idk how he'd know. but kind of annoys me. Its just me making more money for him.
  7. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Right now Central doesn't 'require' breaks... However with the new HOS rules coming out that might change really soon... And yeah it's a pain if your hours are up before you get back to WVC, but that can just be freight won't get you there sooner... Get use to that (unfortunately)... Once you are on your own, you can stop to stretch as often as you want. Just make sure you take those stops into account when you trip plan!!
  8. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    I'd report that to his DM when you make your weekly call to them. And I'd do it right in front if your trainer. I understand we have this idea of putting on the big boy pants and just soldering on, but it's OK to take breaks.

    About day five on week one my trainer asked why I wasn't stopping. I told him that day I wanted to see how far I could drive in one sitting, just to see. He said that's fine but cautioned me to limit that kind of activity. I stop about every three hours to use the restroom at least. Plus I am always itching to stretch after that length anyway.

  9. Treputt

    Treputt Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2013
    Sacramento, CA
    Need to stop? Then stop. If your trainer has a problem with that (and the stops aren't excessive, and don't put you behind schedule), then ask your trainer if he's against you stopping to avoid getting drowsy. Wait for his answer. Contact his DM and/or safety if you're not satisfied he's not looking out for both of you, and not just treating you as a money-maker. The trainer/trainee relationship is a two way street. Some trainers forget that.
  10. jrock82086

    jrock82086 Bobtail Member

    Jun 18, 2013
    Headed to slc for start of class anyone have any advice? It would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance.
  11. Ice Train

    Ice Train Medium Load Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Harkers Island NC
    he shouldn't have an issue with you stopping occasionally but to much becomes a PITA. It cost both of you time and ultimately him money when that left door is open and the wheels aint rollin. Unfortunately, you making him money is pay back for his or her knowledge and knowledge ain't cheap. If you're not learning anything then yes report him, remember I told you that night "don't sale yourself short". Remember?? You're paying good money and sacrificing your own privacy,time,sleep and pride to make a career change. Keep your head up and eyes on the goal and you'll be fine. Most trainers take students in on tues or wed because they are trading you for another. Why would he want to take you in on mon and sit and wait till wed to get another student? I know this is just prolonging things a bit but then you are the student and I and you ,whether you'll admit it or not, know that a little more practice never hurts anybody.
    passion4polishing and Buckeye91 Thank this.
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