Coming to orientation Aug 13th...

Discussion in 'Watkins & Shepard' started by SpiritWolf, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. sal

    sal Medium Load Member

    Aug 18, 2007
    sacramento Ca
    Hang in there , it'll kick in pretty soon. Give it another month, but keep complaining
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  3. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    North Highlands CA
    grrr... it wont let me go back and clean up that post ;-/

    Eh, I complain, but only when its worth it. And 98% of the time, it aint worth it. Besides, 99% of the time the company bends over backwards to accommodate driver "needs". (not necessarily "wants")
    I can't reasonably expect them to be perfect every time, sometimes the ball gets dropped.
    Besides getting a phone call from safety to congratulate me on a perfect Montana inspection kinda raised my spirits a bit. ;-) lol.
    In other news, hanging out at home this weekend after busting my butt all week to get home by friday... and somehow ended up arriving a day early. So.. im getting an extra day with the family (Thanks JC).
    Got a TON of paperwork to fill out in my quest to buy my own truck, and a dentist appointment. goody.

    Ok. June I ran with my 15 year old niece all month, and July I had my 15 year old son. Now, I get to pick up my other niece (17yr) and run through the end of August. So....I ran 10 months alone, then had a deluge of company for the summer. Lol. To be honest, I was kinda dreading it, but..... Now I know I'm going to miss the company when school season rolls around again. Thank you to those at terminals who helped me provide entertainment to my OVERLY active 15yr niece when we were broken down in June.. lol. I think she tried to kill me with her over activeness. .
    My son mostly slept through breakdowns and 34hrs. He kinda reminded me of a cat. Self reliant, slept alot, randomly woke me up in the middle of the night when hungry, ect...
    Now to start another month with a teenage female... Ah heck....what did I do to deserve this??? lol.

    ::shrug:: as for miles, ended the month at 10,300 due to the last 1.5 weeks of perfect scheduling/dispatching. So... current plans have me sticking with W/S when my new truck is acquired.
    jomar68 Thanks this.
  4. luvtotruck

    luvtotruck Road Train Member

    Jul 30, 2013
    Phoenix Arizona
    Very Good! You are almost to your year mark, I was there when Dick was still around! And his name he lived up to! Kirby or something like that was the assistant and then I don't know what happened! Tell me what is happening around there now, How did that law suit go? I remember hearing about that one up in Great Falls, the engine on the W/S jumped out of the rig and landed on the road, He T Boned someone, I'm not sure how many deaths. The Driver walked away. WOW that was a long time ago. Good Luck Driver Stay Safe.
  5. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    North Highlands CA
    ::::sigh::::: sitting at the loves in cheyenne wy.......wake up, do my pre-trip, and find someone has cut 3 feet of hose, and the blue glad hand off my tractor. wonderfull way to start the day. im just hoping thats all they did to my truck. i have gone over it with a fine tooth comb, and dont see anything else...
    of course it figures that im delivering to a place with appointment windows of 30 minutes........ so, i aint gonna make it.
    now just sitting and waiting for a repair truck.
  6. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    North Highlands CA
    side note. sorry for miss spelling, lack of capitalization, ect....its a pain to post from my tablet.
  7. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    North Highlands CA
    hmmmmm........ this just got more interesting. turns out the other air line was sliced as well..........and.......whoever did it.......left a volvo key.......marked 2070........that fits my truck, stuck into the grating on the step by the air lines.......
    ::::shrug:::::: nice.. safety said this is the second set of airlines cut in the last week....
    so, keep an eye out for vandalism.
  8. runawayload

    runawayload Light Load Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    That sucks man. Do you have a strap or rope to thread through your handles so the doors can't be opened? I do that in some locations but never would have considered Cheyenne one of them.
    DoneYourWay Thanks this.
  9. runawayload

    runawayload Light Load Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Also all of our keys not from new trucks are freightliner blanks. At least every key I have for my truck are.
  10. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    North Highlands CA
    i havent tied my doors in the past, but will be now. and all of my keys have been volvo stamped. both my 2 original, and my newly arrived one.
  11. Krodg_NC

    Krodg_NC Bobtail Member

    Aug 12, 2013
    I just wanted to say thanks for all the info everyone has written. I'm starting CDL school this coming Monday and I am trying to do as much research on different companies as possible.
    I was curious as to how much handling of the freight you have to do?
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