Taking a BIG step... But I'm unsure. Help!

Discussion in 'Roehl' started by KingTrucker, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. KingTrucker

    KingTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    Wassup ladies and gents. I am, (I guess) an experienced driver thinking of leaving my current company to come over to Roehl. I've done a lot of reading on this company and I think the earning potential would work for me if what I've read so far is true. My current company, I have been with for almost 6 months now. I am a van driver at the moment but started out as a flatbed driver. Went over to dry van division because my current company has a horrible pay scale and I wanted to make the best of my situation financially for my family. Also I wasn't confident enough in my ability to quickly secure loads as a flatbedder. (I am very meticulous and detail oriented, to the point where it slows me down a bit). A habit I'll have to break. If what I read so far is correct, I like Roehl's pay scale for its flatbed division. I want to join and get back familiar with the things I learned before becoming a steering wheel holder. I am very nervous and unsure about coming back to flatbedding, after doing dry van for so long now. However, I am taking this step to get back familiar with and even better at securing any kind of load, because my brother-in-law is about to help me purchase my own truck. He suggested that i find a good company to work for while getting back in tune with this side of the industry. He's got a ton of military contracts that him and a buddy of his want to share with me. Hauling everything from Hum V's to drop tanks for fighter planes. Its not so much the tarping and strapping I'm worried about... But the chaining. Different things require much more attention than others. I want to be good at securing just about anything. Being a flatbedder, you have way more lives in your hands. Im also looking foward to getting back in shape. Basically my questions are...?

    Am I gonna be forced to get an Intertrashional, (INTERNATIONAL) in the National Flatbed Division?
    What can I expect as far as CPM is concerned if I have 6 months OTR experience already?
    Honestly, what kind of miles can I expect weekly in the National Flatbed Division?
    How often does Roehl Flatbed Division go into the northeast?
    Are there load planners working on weekends?
    Lastly, (BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY) does the office crew on nights and weekends treat the drivers with respect?

    Any information that current Roehl drivers could give, would be greatly appreciated! Also, I have a Youtube channel of my trucking adventures so far if any of you would like to check it out. Just search KingTrucker86 on Youtube. THANKS AGAIN DRIVERS!

    P.S- Keep the greasy side down and in between the white lines!
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  3. Treefork

    Treefork Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Northeast Indiana
    Not sure why this particular things is the most important to you, but the short answer is, no, not really.

    Weekend and nights are mainly phone answerers and seat warmers. I've often joked that the cleaning crews are the ones that answer at night, though that's probably insulting to the cleaning crew as they would likely try to help you. The best answer you can hope to get from night dispatch is "Call your FM in the morning."
    coopnp and jeepnut_nh Thank this.
  4. cc tanker

    cc tanker Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    6 months experienced driver? If I were you I would postpone your thoughts and stay where your at till you learn the business a little better.. seen many guys come and go cause they have no clue what they are getting into as far as lease purchase Id run fast the other way
  5. KingTrucker

    KingTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    If you were me, you would know how to read and understand that I said nothing about leasing anything from any company. I didn't ask for your opinion on my plans. Just about Roehl flatbed division.
  6. KingTrucker

    KingTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    I agree with you completely. I'm not sure why companies dont have staff that are knowledgeable of what going on out here on the weekends, like the regular 9 to 5 staff.
  7. KingTrucker

    KingTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    Is there anyone who can answer or respond to what I have asked? I'm not looking for your opinions on my plans. Just a heads up on what to expect from the particular division I am looking to join. The pay, equipment, different loads that I can expect to secure. I've read different threads, but I would like updated and more current information about whats going on. I would like if the information and or advice given be from current Roehl drivers who have something positive to say. Once again, keep your personal opinions to yourself. Just state facts.
  8. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Someone will chime in. I'd help but drive van, so I don't know the workings on the skate side.
  9. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    I can help with one thing. Whatever truck you get assigned that's what you get. Really good chance it's a prostar but could be a freightliner or kenworth. They are getting some new 680's in.
    technoroom Thanks this.
  10. KingTrucker

    KingTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    Just wondering... In your opinion, which division can you make at least $650-$800 a week at Roehl?
  11. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Any of them really. When I was national I did most of the time, some slow weeks of course, it's expected. Again like any company, quite a bit depends on dispatcher. But if your a runner, don't slack, hang out etc... I would say to make the most consistently, flats probably best option. Also means if things are slow you can pull anything else in a pinch. I'm admittedly lazy, so I'm happy closing doors and bumping docks.
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