PLEASE HELP - My automatic transmission truck wont go into gear

Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by sprechnd, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. sprechnd

    sprechnd Bobtail Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    This has happened a few times. When I release the brakes and go into drive it doesn't "get" into gear. How do I do a full transmission ecu reset? Where is the ECM fuse located on 2010 Peterbilt 386 and should I disconnect it or something to reset? Thanks so much for any help
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  3. Red Rocket 1964

    Red Rocket 1964 Light Load Member

    Jan 31, 2013
    if yours is like my ultrashift, it won't shift into gear unless the brake is applied.
    pearcetrucking Thanks this.
  4. EHB

    EHB Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2011

    Turn off the truck. wait 5 mins. Try it again. Check transmission fluid.
  5. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    No help on autos but the fuse panel is behind the glove box if it's like a 387. Empty it out and squeeze the plastic sides in and it will drop. Then you will see the fuse panel.
  6. EHB

    EHB Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Never liked them Automatic Transmission at all.
    It may save some people fuel.
    To much Electronics in everthing now a days.
    And causing problems in things that never had problems before.

    But it just does not fell the same as driving a Standard Transmission.

    Never had too many problems with Standard Transmission.
    (unless the clutch was shot)
    kuzima93 and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
  7. boneebone

    boneebone Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2009
    Auto-tragic Transmissions are nice until they start acting up, ........I'll stick with a Manual transmission any day before I'll own a Auto truck.
    RockinChair, kuzima93 and jason6541 Thank this.
  8. Jumbo

    Jumbo Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    If you have the know how just unhook the negative battery cables, leave it sit for 10 minutes then hook them back up.
    Alotajs Thanks this.
  9. sprechnd

    sprechnd Bobtail Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Thanks for the responses guys. I've tried unhooking those blue and green fuse things in the compartment under the driver side door where the batteries are. One says "DE" and the others say "15" and it says engine fuse on it. I figured those would be the ones. I also tried doing the transmission reset where you turn it off and on quick 10 times. When this happened before it started working after like an hour the first few times. The last time it happened I stopped at a stop sign at an intersection and it happened and didn't work again until 4 hours later as the wrecker was on its way with cops right behind me telling me to get off their road. Luckily it wasn't a busy intersection, and luckily it happened at a rest area right now. It's been over 8 hours and nothing has worked. My company told me its probably the XY shifter, but whatever it is looks I'm screwed and will have to get it towed to a dealer. What a pain in the ###. I've only been driving a year and I've only had an automatic with my company, so I'm really not liking automatics at this point
  10. sprechnd

    sprechnd Bobtail Member

    Jun 21, 2012

    Thanks I wish I had the know how for that but I don't. Anyway there seems to be an issue with the XY shifter or something deeper because it's had the "F" fault signal blinking off an on where the number of the gear you're in is for a while and when I turn the truck on it doesn't do the whole routine where you hear the brakes release a few times. Something is messed up
  11. RSQ20

    RSQ20 Medium Load Member

    What does the Indicator show?? if "-", then there is an issue with the main power to the TCU..

    There must be battery voltage on terminals A&B.. The TCU is bolted to the side of the tranny....

    .... Philip
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