Why not more double trailer truck?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by lukedc, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. lukedc

    lukedc Bobtail Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Hi friends,

    I am going to go to CDL training and become a truck driver but I just had a question about double trailer trucks. (The semi-trucks that have two trailers to transport more goods at a cheaper price).

    Why aren't their more of them? I hardly ever see them and I have not come across any company that advertises that it does that. What is that? I have read about truck driver shortage and such so how come their are hardly any double trailer trucks?

    Thank you so much
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  3. ew2108

    ew2108 Road Train Member

    May 31, 2011
    Baltimore, Md
    They are mostly used for line haul/ltl fedex, ups and companies like that run them everywhere. You really cant transport more goods because those trailers are something like 28-30ft
  4. Bandaid

    Bandaid Light Load Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Union, Mo
    Driver, your forgetting turnpike doubles, rocky mountain doubles, and b - train doubles.

    Now to answer the op.... I can tell you there isn't a way in hell I'm pulling doubles. I've seen too many doubles flipped over, or scorpion tail a car next to them (rear trailer randomly whips to one side and slaps a car beside it like a scorpion tail) and to me, the risk isn't worth it as I run light (gross weight with load and full 120 gallon tanks 48000 max) and like to have more focus on everything going on around me and not worrying about what the second trailer will do.... also just because you have more trailer doesn't mean you can actually load/haul more product
  5. ew2108

    ew2108 Road Train Member

    May 31, 2011
    Baltimore, Md
    I mean your right i didnt list those but those arent all that common atleast not as far as i know they are only run in certain areas, I live in the northeast and they are non existent up here
    Bandaid Thanks this.
  6. mnmover

    mnmover Road Train Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    Lichfield MN
    The turnpike doubles are on the Mass Pike and NY Thruway. Plus Indiana Toll Road and Ohio Turnpike. The doubles don't have much of an advantage over a 53 foot trailer, only 4 feet of floor space. I love to see drivers complain about doubles, that means they are not competing for my line of work. The ltl companies use them as they can deliver with the trailer and that means saving money by not rehandling freight.
  7. Bandaid

    Bandaid Light Load Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Union, Mo
    I was just messing with you... sorry for any irritation... There just wasn't much to say after your post, so I thought I could have a Lil fun

    But yes those are not common. And i agree with ew's first post.

    And mover... you can have all the double loads you can handle... I'll keep to flatbed
    ew2108 Thanks this.
  8. ew2108

    ew2108 Road Train Member

    May 31, 2011
    Baltimore, Md
    oh no no no its all good. I agree mover can keep those doubles although i have the endorsement
  9. lukedc

    lukedc Bobtail Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Oh ok thank you everyone. So it mostly to do with drivers not wanting them and load. I thought that it would save a lot of money guess not.
  10. Bandaid

    Bandaid Light Load Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Union, Mo
    Honestly, it does save money as mover pointed out in ltl services. Think, you can carry 2 trailers, say one has freight to Maine, and new york and one to Florida and Georgia from denver. The driver picks up these loaded in Denver (loads were brought in by local drivers) at his terminal and he is told to deliver the Florida trailer in Saint louis, and grab another northeast bound trailer and drop those in n jersey. While there is a driver in stl headed to Florida that just dropped the northeast bound trailer. It is far more efficient than unloading and reloading a 53 ft ltl trailer and half loading it due to lack of freight to destination area.
  11. Oi!

    Oi! Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    I love my wiggle wagon. Learning to hook up a set without getting out of the truck is fun and makes you look like a supertrucker if you do it with no pull ups.
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