UPS freight O/O

Discussion in 'UPS/UPSF' started by bordomzero, May 30, 2010.

  1. Lyle

    Lyle Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    No specific color, I've seen all colors here. No age limit you just want go past Phoenix I've herd if you can't go to California. Insurance is less than 300 a month, 2500 escrow taken out at 5cpm or more if you chose. UPS provides plates permits and pays the fuel tax for you no charge back on the fuel tax. They also pay all tolls and scales. You just pay for fuel and insurance and 2290. Pre pass/ezpass is a few dollars a month. No trailer rental or fee's and breakdown takes care of any trailer repair of coarse if your truck breaks down well that's on you. Happy to help out.
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  3. mxpx148

    mxpx148 Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    NEPA, PA
    What is the current cpm?
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  4. 2704ac

    2704ac Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Ocala, Florida
    What is the escrow for they use paper log so why hold escrow
  5. KB3MMX

    KB3MMX Road Train Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    Orrstown, PA
  6. Lyle

    Lyle Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    1.02 cpm plus the current fsc. No Ideal but they hold 2k, you can keep it going and use it for tires, repaires, maintenance. I guess the the escrow is for if you buy tires off the ups discount. Or quit after you fill up and buy tires. Don't really know
    2704ac Thanks this.
  7. Blue4ever

    Blue4ever Light Load Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Chucktown, SC
    Forced dispatch? How much Northeast?
  8. Lyle

    Lyle Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    No force dispatch, and lots of northeast. Harrisburg PA is a big terminal lots of frieght in and out of there.
    Blue4ever Thanks this.
  9. Deputy Chief

    Deputy Chief Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2010
    Hey Lyle,
    How are things going, are you still with UPSF?
    Is their a weight limit on tractor?
    Are you still getting good miles?
    I live just north of Philadelphia, and was thinking of signing on. Do you get through the Bensalem terminal? If you don't mind me asking, Can you breakdown your last years income and miles run? I'm very interested. Thanks in advance!
  10. Lyle

    Lyle Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    Hello Deputy Cheif, yes I'm still leased on to UPSF. Wieght limit I'm not sure, there are guys here with old Western Stars, 379 Pete's and some w9. Miles are decent I stayed out December and ran my tail off. January has been so so. The winter storm shut everything down. It's getting going again. I go to Harrisburg alot, I have not been to the Bensalem terminal yet. I'll find my last statement for 2015 and get the numbers for you. They do keep us running, keep in mind during the week you mostly do 500 to 650 miles a day then on the weekend you most of the time get a 1000 plus. I rolled out of Houston today headed for Harrisburg 1456 miles. Lots of East coast, it's not bad. What I like is mostly terminal to terminal, you do some relays but most of them are relays at terminals. You got to watch the weights on the trailers, you would think 34k of frieght would be good, but this Harrisburg load was 35100 on the trailer tandems and only 24k on the drives. So be ready to scale they do reimburse for that. Now it can get aggravating sometimes with sitting and waiting for the terminal to cut the load loose so you can roll. But by Sunday it all seems to work out. But I'll get the numbers from my settlement sheet for you.
    Deputy Chief Thanks this.
  11. mxpx148

    mxpx148 Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    NEPA, PA
    What is the current compensation and what all does ups cover(tolls, base plates, insurance, etc.)? Is it feasible at the current rates to make a good living with a new(er) truck payment of $120-$140k, or only if you own your truck outright?
    Blue4ever Thanks this.
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