OD Yard Jockeys

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by Seebs, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    many times there will be no advertising of dock workers. as in one LTL job i had, it was all internal hiring from recommendations of other workers. by doing it this way, there are no long lines of applicants. this too is why many jobs now, you apply online. so get up, go in person and apply for the yard job.
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    VIDEODROME Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    angola, in
    So what's so bad about the yard jockey job? Working in the rain or snow?

    I'm currently getting experience as a yard jockey right now, but the yards are a disaster with massive potholes or craters. I could see eventually trying to take my experience and get work in a real facility with actual pavement and hopefully they at least use road salt if needed.

    At least even in my current job, I have a lot of autonomy and sometimes even get done early and just chill out in the guard shack.
    buddyd157 Thanks this.
  4. FreightlinerGuy

    FreightlinerGuy Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Great Lakes, USA
    Being a yard jockey at an LTL is probably a much faster pace than at a large truckload place. Hard on the knees putting that chalk infront of the tire(s) and getting up/down to put the airlines and electrical on.
  5. Seebs

    Seebs Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    Appreciate all the replies. The end goal would be getting into p&d or an ltl position but I have been doing yard work for almost 6 years now and it's something I really enjoy. Thinking the pay would be better at od which is why I was looking.
  6. Texnmidwest

    Texnmidwest Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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