Average pay structure for brokers

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by humco, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. PPDCT

    PPDCT Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    ...Oof. There's a lot to unpack here. Do those other brokers know you're a broker? What's the story with why you're double brokering, and not going after direct customers?
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
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  3. humco

    humco Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    I've made several hundred calls to obtain direct customers, they just haven't panned out. I've got a degree in physics/mathematics, have done well to sell myself and the handful of regulars I dispatch, but haven't had success with direct customers. I don't have a moral problem with double brokering, if it weren't for me these loads wouldn't be posted at all. Ideally, Kelloggs would speak directly to the truck driver and everything would load and unload and meet delivery appointments smoothly, but in reality, Kelloggs can't field hundreds of calls from dozens of illegal drivers and high ball offers. I come to them with a truck who agrees with the rate and I manage the load in transit, while they focus on making cereal. It's double brokered because I don't have the kelloggs account, and my customer (the broker with the account) is well aware that I'm working his freight. I have other customers that demand I play dispatcher and only book company vehicles, I do that too.
  4. humco

    humco Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    Which is why I mentioned networking with people here on another post, because I'm a workhorse but needing more legitimate freight. I get that we aren't allowed to do this. I wouldn't expect specific advice, that isn't why I made this post, I just know that my company doesn't train salesmen, doesn't have dedicated departments to assist me, and I feel that with all this pressure to perform with no support, I'm still getting the ##### end of the stick when it comes to pay. I feel like this job, the best job I've technically ever had, is technically... the lowest of the entry level careers. Not all brokerages, just mine. That's why I really just meant to ask about other peoples pay, not trying to break the rules or advertise on here, just looking for an idea of what the hells going on in an industry that fundamentally operates on dishonesty (all sales does this, things cost more than they cost to make, I get this). I don't mind the dishonesty inherent in "sales", just figured on this forum I could get a straight answer. You've all been very generous with me.
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
  5. humco

    humco Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    I mean.. I assume this is standard, but we're not allowed to discuss pay with fellow employees in my office. The anonymity here is why I made this post.
    baha Thanks this.
  6. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Big 3pl’s are perfectly legitimate customers. As long as they are tendering the freight to you knowing what comes next these are real customers.

    The main thing that determines your worth in this business is your operational skill and your freight.

    You’ve been at this more than a year. You can bail whenever you want.
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  7. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Where do I find someone that will gross 4700 for the week for less than 1K? I'd be paying 28-3200.
    spyder7723, PPDCT and boredsocial Thank this.
  8. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    I thought the same thing lol.
    spyder7723 and PPDCT Thank this.
  9. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I need to start double brokering to supplement my income.
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  10. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY

    EDIT: All kidding aside dude you'd be a fantastic business development guy for a trucking company. As good as you do with your one truck you could probably do as well for 5 or more trucks if you'd stop holding the steering wheel. But I know you're hooked on the road. Just don't tell anyone nobody ever told you the money was back in the office. I did.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  11. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    If the OP is working with actual contacts at these other brokerages who are giving him regular freight he can make money on they are serious customers. If they are people internal to his own brokerage who are assigning him freight to work then he has nothing and his pay plan is close to fair. It's about whether or not the OP has a demonstrated track record of creating gross profit from scratch.

    If he's just taking other people at the brokerages freight and getting their loads covered for his 400+12% he's not even getting screwed.
    boss832, spyder7723 and wichris Thank this.
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