CB Channels used in Canada

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by ParkRanger, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Mule Bleue

    Mule Bleue Light Load Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    St-Lin Laurentides,Qc
    Easy 19 is mainly use for english drivers coast to coast, 12 is mainly use by french drivers west of Quebec, east of Quebec it's 10 that is use by french dirvers:biggrin_255:
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  3. Licensed to kill

    Licensed to kill Heavy Load Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Actually, there isn't a 'rift' between french and english Canadians. There's a 'rift' between the hard nosed Quebecois that, like previously mentioned, think they are better than everyone else (often separatists) and the rest of Canada. It's unfair to paint all Quebecers with that brush and certainly not all french Canadians. I live in a french community in Northern Alberta and the people here generally despise Quebecers because the arrogant ones cast a shadow on all french Canadians. Just like ignorant arrogant Americans give ALL Americans a bad name, ignorant arrogant Quebecois give all quebecers and even all french Canadians a bad rap even though they are a minority.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    12 is mainly use by french drivers west of Quebec, east of Quebec it's 10 that is use by french dirvers :biggrin_2559: Only problem is that with their JACKED UP / TWEEKED radios that they CROSS CHANNEL everyone else for 10 miles around when they are talking to the freind 57 feet ahead of them.
  5. Mule Bleue

    Mule Bleue Light Load Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    St-Lin Laurentides,Qc
    Well isn't the same when you see 2 yrc trains an that they have "heater" for their cb just to make sure that his friend 57' away will ear him!! Does that remind something? :biggrin_25510:

    I don't know anyone in my community that have their cb boosted. Today there's almost no use anymore for it. Most of the drivers are using cell phone or what we have here kown as "10-4 or Mike " option on cell phone. You can talk with you friends as long they have the same option, you can talk with them at the other end of the continent as same if they where 57' away :biggrin_2551:

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Well isn't the same when you see 2 yrc trains an that they have "heater" for their cb just to make sure that his friend 57' away will ear him!! Does that remind something? :biggrin_25510:

    What are you TALKING about ? where did TRAINS come up in any of the posts on this subject.

    Your Telus MIKE phones have been around for past 11 years , nothing new there , just now they have better coverage areas
  7. Mule Bleue

    Mule Bleue Light Load Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    St-Lin Laurentides,Qc
    Ok may be I didn't express my self correctly, what I mean by yrc train is: Yellow roadway with 2 pup trailers, or abf , ups etc. Very often you see those drivers with powerfull boosted cb just like if they would talk to some one on the moon, but he is talking to his friend that is in back door :biggrin_25513:.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Ok got you now.

    Anyway the point I was trying to get across is head towards Montreal on a Sunday afternoon / evening and you meet a stream of Westbound trucks , SGT , ROBERT , TRANSFORCE ( various divisions ) , CAT , TRANS WEST and even if you are on CH 19 and they are on CH 13 they overpower every channel.
  9. Mule Bleue

    Mule Bleue Light Load Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    St-Lin Laurentides,Qc
    Yeah I know, some peoples think that once they are out there the whole world belong to them !
  10. Prairie Boy

    Prairie Boy Road Train Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Edmonton, AB
    Comment ca va aujourdui??? Lucien
  11. Mule Bleue

    Mule Bleue Light Load Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    St-Lin Laurentides,Qc
    Bonjour Lucien, ca va bien , beau soleil mais froid. Et toi?
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