Tax deductions for company OTR truck drivers?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Rayzala, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Rayzala

    Rayzala Bobtail Member

    May 18, 2018
    I was reading up on the CRA about something unrelated when I stumbled on this post about meal and lodging expenses for long haul drivers.

    Meal expenses of long-haul truck drivers -

    I thought that only owner ops could deduct costs like this and whenever I talk to company OTR drivers they seem to have no idea about this.
    It's straight off the government of Canada website and specifies "You are a long-haul truck driver if you are an employee whose main duty of employment is transporting goods by way of driving a long-haul truck" They use the word employee so they are not talking about self-employed owner ops.

    I've been driving local so this is something I never looked into, after coming back after a 2 month lay off my company is falling apart. So I'm looking to go OTR and do West-Coast with another company.

    If what this is saying is true 'meal and beverage expenses are deductible at 80%.' This could have a big impact on my income and would change the way I'd operate so I want to know in advance if any of you are doing this?
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  3. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    When I worked at challenger they told us we could do this. It was in the tune of $25 a day in deductions I believe but I can't remember 100% since it's been a year and a half. It's still a $600 a month deduction.
  4. liner

    liner Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2008
    $51 per day

    Canadian long-haul truck drivers are allowed to claim up to $51 per day. That works out to three meals a day at $17. You are allowed to claim one meal after every four hours after the departure time, to a maximum of three meals per day.

    You can claim 80% of $51 per day.
  5. uncleal13

    uncleal13 Road Train Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Humboldt, Sk
    TL2 been using it for years.
    Use to be you could use it if you stayed over night on the road away from home. Now you can use it if you travel over 150 mile radius from your home terminal daily, even if you get home every night.
    BigHossVolvo and Canadianhauler21 Thank this.
  6. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Yep. Been that way for years. I claim only two a day, cbsa expects me to eat a meal at the start or end of the shift. But I don’t do otr, you guys are ok to claim three.
    Canadianhauler21 Thanks this.
  7. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    If you run the states, make sure you claim it in US dollars.
    BigHossVolvo Thanks this.
  8. Rayzala

    Rayzala Bobtail Member

    May 18, 2018
    Thanks for the replies, it seems like a bunch of people are missing out on this because every OTR driver I talk to around here says something like 'oh that doesn't seem right'.

    One more question; do these meals have to be bought from a franchise?Like do I have to go to a place that cooks me the meals like a Tim Hortons or can I go to a grocery store/wal-mart and buy $17 worth of food (like produce/meat - not pre packaged stuff) and beverages and cook it up myself?
  9. REALITY098765

    REALITY098765 Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    | Liberty Tax Canada®

    But your link explains it also.

    Simplified method, no receipts required but you might have to provide proof you are entitled to the deduction. Usually a log book is proof.
  10. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Simplified is much easier, you will get more back if you go detailed, but you need receipts. Much more work.
    Ol'Shusquatch Thanks this.
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