Gemini Motor Transport (Love's)

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by KaoMinerva, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    I go to union pay scale soon. At THAT point, the money chase will resume.

    The calm before the storm. Lol
    Banker and Redtwin Thank this.
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  3. dboy817

    dboy817 Light Load Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Finding something that you enjoy doing is the hardest part about this career. When you enjoy who you work for whether that be yourself or a company the money comes in later down the road. I'm 35, been around these trucks since I was 5. When I take money out the picture as I'm driving I enjoy this job a lot more because I get a sense of brotherly pride that comes back from when trucking was a brotherhood. It's not quite like the good ole days from when I was a kid.
    Best of Luck with your new endeavor!!
  4. Redtwin

    Redtwin Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    PBC, FL
    Almost anything is better if you take money out of the picture. I know I would enjoy living in my house a lot more if I didn't have to pay a mortgage on it but for some reason the bank just can't see the light and keeps coming after me every month.

    I think almost everyone would agree that food tastes better when it's free, but if you have to pay for it, that money thing keeps popping up ruining everything.
  5. Exit310

    Exit310 Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2011
    Do Gemni Fuel Drivers make good money? I`m making 62-65k a year pulling doubles for a foodservice company.
  6. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
  7. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Where have you been bro? Haven't spoken with you guys in a long LONG while
  8. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    I quit $100,000 and some change home every day job at Buster in February of 2013 with 10 years of seniority. It wasn’t so much of the corporate BS as it was the desire to work days at some point in my lifetime, which wasn’t possible had I stayed. I did start looking for an exit sooner because of a few small incidents with their lack of respect, but I got deeper in their pocket after each incident so it was not really a big issue for me. Every company has some level of corporate BS even if you are an owner operator leased to a carrier, but it isn’t always bad. In my case it took about 5 years to get my salary back and then exceeded it shortly thereafter. It never was about the money as much as it was about schedule, respect and job satisfaction. The money came later and I do like that part also.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
    Redtwin Thanks this.
  9. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    Between working, investing, and building Ihavent had much time for TTR.
  10. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    I understand. Stay safe out there
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